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Malaysian Custom corruption cost RM108 billion tax losses, seek Najib's help to cover


After their own corruption suspect is found dead at MACC, they seek a political route to get out of ultra serious Graft Scandal via Najib.:oIo::oIo::oIo::eek:


Peninsular Malaysia Customs Officers Union To Meet PM

PETALING JAYA, April 8 (Bernama) -- The Peninsular Malaysia Customs Officers Union (PMCOU) hope to meet Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak in efforts to discuss issues faced by the Customs Department.

PMCOU president Ibrahim Ahmad said the moral and credibility of Customs and officers has been affected by media reports in relation to corruption and money laundering charges involving RM108 billion.

"As the Prime Minister and Finance Minister, we hope Datuk Seri Najib can advise us on ways and means to restore the dignity and image of the Customs which was drastically affected by incorrect media reports," he told reporters after attending an emergency PMCOU meeting held at the Kelana Jaya Customs office and attended by officers from throughout the country.

Ibrahim said media reports claiming corruption and money laundering involving Customs officers amounting to RM108 billion was not logic since the agency had collected RM28.3 billion last year.

He added that during the emergency meeting Friday it was also decided that a meeting be held with the Commissioner of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) Datuk Seri Abu Kassim Mohamed to explain details of the investigations carried out by MACC.

"We want the MACC Commissioner to give assurance that officers under investigation will not be roughed up during interrogation. We also want the MACC to follow the proper procedures, be professional and responsible in handling their investigation," he said.

He added that the Union planned to meet Abu Kassim in his Putrajaya office on Tuesday.

On Wednesday, Selangor Customs deputy director Ahmad Sarbani Mohamed, 56, who was under investigation by MACC and detained during a major operation on April 1, was found dead at the Kuala Lumpur MACC office in Jalan Cochrane.

Ahmad Sarbani was among 62 Customs officers of various ranks detained by MACC during Ops 3B on April 1.

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Re: Malaysian Custom corruption cost RM108 billion tax losses, seek Najib's help to c

Ahmad Sarbani is dead.
Deadman tells no tales.
He's being scape-goated to take the fall for the higher ups.

He went back to his investigating officer to spill the beans and that was his folly. His IO is totally networked to this whole wayang outfit and when the IO reported back to his bosses that this Ahmad was going to sing, this Ahmad had to be eliminated.

Wonder if Ahmad had tucked away something inciminating prior to his unfortunate demise ?
Now the MACC is trying to convince the people that Ahmad took his own life.:mad:


Re: Malaysian Custom corruption cost RM108 billion tax losses, seek Najib's help to c

Ahmad Sarbani’s death: the lies and deceptions by the MACC (part 1)


Raja Petra Kamarudin

We from the civil society movements are extremely unhappy about the rampant corruption in Malaysia that threatens to reduce the country to the status of a failed state. But what can we do about it other than lament and reveal what we know? Not that anything is going to be done about what we reveal.

Hey, we even revealed that the Attorney-General is bonking one of his Directors. And know what? Not only has nothing been done about it but he is still bonking her until today in spite of everyone knowing about it.

“So why bother?” many may ask. Well, our job is just to reveal the truth whether anything is done about it or not. We even reveal the misconduct of the opposition although we get vilified and are called traitors and are accused of being bought off.

It is what we do -- never mind how unpopular that makes us. And if you don’t like it, tough! That’s your problem, not mine.

Talking about corruption, I still remember back in the 1980s when I spoke to the Deputy IGP, Tun Haniff Omar’s number two, about corruption in the police force and he said that if they want to eradicate corruption they would have to sack 97% of the police force.

I did not ask Tan Sri Amin whether he is in the 3% or the 97%.

I also remember back in the 1990s when the Director of ACA Terengganu named Zainal launched corruption investigations against senior government officers and Umno leaders. It appeared like 100% of these people, Menteri Besar Wan Mokhtar Ahmad included, were going to be sent to jail.

Wan Mokhtar called Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Zainal was transferred within 24 hours.

So, yes, there are some good and dedicated Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA, now called MACC) officers. But then if they were to do the job they have been entrusted to do they would suffer persecution, 24-hour transfers, sent into ‘cold storage’ and whatnot. So it is not worth doing your job. Better, as one Member of Parliament said: you ‘close one eye’.

Closing two eyes plus your mouth and ears as well may be even better. Then you would go far.

So whom do people turn to when they are unhappy and distrust the very institutions that are supposed to be the trustees of the public? To the police? Pleeeeeez! To the MACC? What? And get thrown out of the window?

Luckily lawyer Rosli Dahlan was detained overnight in the MACC lockup in Putrajaya, which is underground. If not he would have also been found dead on the ground floor.

Can you imagine the newspaper headlines the next day if Rosli had died?

“Lawyer Rosli Dahlan was found dead on the ground floor of the MACC headquarters in Putrajaya. Rosli was suspected to have jumped out of MACC’s underground lockup and landed on the ground floor.”

Yes, as in the movie 'Ghost Buster', whom do you call? The Police? MACC? No, you call the Ghost Busters! You contact Malaysia Today. You come to Malaysia Today to ask that the truth be told.

And so it is with regards to the MACC. Those in the Royal Malaysian Customs Department have no one to turn to. They don’t trust the PDRM. They don’t trust the MACC. But they trust Malaysia Today. So they have asked Malaysia Today to let truth be told. And that is what we are going to do.

So stay tuned and tomorrow we shall tell you part two of the story “Ahmad Sarbani’s death: the lies and deceptions by the MACC”, a story that will shock you.

Just when you thought it is safe to go into the water, as they said in the movie ‘Jaws’. That’s right, there are many sharks in Malaysia. But not all sharks swim in the water. Many sharks walk on two feet. And many sharks wear uniforms. And many sharks are under the protection of Umno.

In fact, many of these sharks are actually instruments of those who walk in the corridors of power. They are instruments to take down those critical of the government. They are tools used to silence dissent.

And what worries those who walk in the corridors of power is that many who work for the government no longer trust the government but trust Malaysia Today more. And that is why they come to Malaysia Today to tell their story. And this is why they want Malaysia Today to reveal what they told us.

Now, hold on for part two where we reveal what our Deep Throat in the Customs Department told us.


Re: Malaysian Custom corruption cost RM108 billion tax losses, seek Najib's help to c

Ahmad Sarbani’s death: the lies and deceptions by the MACC (part 2)

Raja Petra Kamarudin

Dato Seri Abu Kassim was the Deputy Chief Commissioner of the MACC when Teoh Beng Hock died in custody in 2009. When news first broke about what they are trying to mislead us and classify as ‘suicide’, the then Selangor MACC Director, Hishamudin Hashim, panicked and ran to Abu Kassim to get ‘further instructions’.

The Teoh Beng Hock Royal Commission of Inquiry (TBH RCI) has since found damning evidence of lies and manipulation of facts by the MACC to cover up what had transpired at that time -- including the revelation that MACC officers have the habit of watching pornography in the office.

To divert public attention from this damning evidence, on 1st April 2011, Abu Kassim, who by now was the MACC Chief Commissioner, launched a nationwide blitz against the Royal Malaysian Customs Department (Jabatan Kastam) by sensationalising the 'news' that Customs officers had colluded with hundreds of freight forwarders to fleece the government of RM108 billion in tax revenues.

Things went terribly wrong for the MACC when, on 6th April at about 11.00am, Customs Deputy Director Ahmad Sarbani Mohamed was found dead, thrown out of the third floor of the brand new MACC office building at Jalan Cochrane in Kuala Lumpur.

The MACC Director of Investigations, Datuk Mustafar Ali, gave an immediate press statement that evening that Ahmad Sarbani had come to the MACC office voluntarily and without an appointment.

Malaysia Today has now received a report from ‘Deep Throats’ within the MACC as well as within the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) that Datuk Mustafar’s statement was a lie and calculated to deny the fact that Ahmad Sarbani died in MACC’s custody, just like what happened to Teoh Beng Hock.

This is what Malaysia Today’s Deep Throat in the MACC said:

“The MACC’s leadership cannot be trusted. They lied and tried to cover up Teoh Beng Hock’s death. And now they are doing the same again in Ahmad Sarbani’s death.”

The MACC needed something sensational that can overshadow its battered reputation in the TBH RCI. They lied to Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak by saying that widespread corruption by the Royal Malaysian Customs had caused the government to suffer tax losses of RM108 billion.

That got Najib excited. You see, Malaysia is going broke and Najib needed that revenue very badly and he thought that this was one way for the country to ‘earn money’.

The Selangor part of the investigation is coordinated by its Director, Yusof Akope, and his deputy, Mohd Fauzi. The Senior Investigating Officer (S.I.O.) for this case is Abdul Ghani.

However, instead of conducting fair and unbiased investigations and telling the truth, these three concocted unverified intelligence to support the MACC HQ’s plan to make the allegations of the loss of RM108 billion believable.

They must have learned this from the CIA, which had fabricated false intelligence reports on weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in order to support President Bush’s plan to invade Saddam Hussein’s Iraq. Now the whole world knows that Saddam never had any WMDs. But the end had justified the means -- Saddam has been hung dead.

The Malaysian government-owned mainstream media was roped in to sensationalise the raids and arrests of 62 Customs officers in Penang, Johor, Selangor and Pahang by a special task force, which purportedly comprised the MACC, the Inland Revenue Board, Bank Negara and the Customs Department.

The subsequent reaction of the Customs Department D-G, Dato’ Mohamed Khalid Yusuf, who expressed shock and unhappiness over the exaggerated tax losses and the death is very telling. In fact, the top leadership of the Customs Department was actually in the dark over the MACC plans and did not know anything about what was going on -- contrary to what we were told.

The targets did not require much intelligence to identify. Going by the theory that the revenue losses were from import and export activities, they simply zoomed in on the custom entry points and presumed that all the officers in these divisions were corrupted.

That was how the MACC led these raids. There were no prior investigations. All the MACC had to work on are hunches. But they didn’t care because the objective was to divert public attention from the TBH RCI. That was what the disbanded APCO Public Relations firm had taught them -- it is all about managing public perception.

In the days that followed the sensational raids, the mainstream media kept playing up the story leaked by the MACC itself about one officer who purportedly had several million ringgit in his bank account while another had almost RM1 million. Two others were alleged to have more than RM500,000 each. Stories of the sweeping raids recovering gold bars and more than RM600,000 in cash stored in several bags were played up to the maximum.

With such strong ‘evidence’, you would imagine that these officers would have been charged by now. It has been two months since the raids and arrests, yet not one officer has been charged!

In the meantime, Yusof Akope, Mohd Fauzi and Abdul Ghani continued to smear the name of the dead Ahmad Sarbani as a very corrupted officer and painted him as the mastermind of the multi-billion ringgit Customs Department scam.

They told the Police I.O., ASP Zuhairi Mohamed, that Ahmad Sarbani jumped off the MACC building and committed suicide because he was afraid that the MACC investigations would show the billions of cash that he had stashed away. They even dubbed the case as the 3B case (RM3 billion).

See how fast it came down from RM108 billion to a mere RM3 billion!

They also told ASP Zuhairi and DSP Shafie that Ahmad Sarbani had admitted that he received bribes from Ah Seng of Top Mark Freightforwarding and Wan Zainal Abidin of Schenker Logistics.

The first thing that ASP Zuhairi did was to interview Ahmad Sarbani’s colleagues and he discovered a totally different picture of this much-maligned dead man. ASP Zuhairi obtained witness statements that Ahmad Sarbani was a responsible and hardworking officer who was ever so helpful to everyone who dealt with the Export & Import Section of Port Klang Customs Department.

ASP Zuhairi found out that stories of Ahmad Sarbani being stressed out were also untrue. On 4th April, during Zuhur prayers at the Customs surau in Port Klang, Ahmad Sarbani was seen hugging and consoling fellow officer Basharuddin who had just been released from MACC remand.

According to Basharuddin, Ahmad Sarbani had told him to have faith in God and not to be afraid, as the truth will prevail.

Apparently, Ahmad Sarbani was also an Imam Zuhur of that surau and was a pious Muslim. To ASP Zuhairi, all these are not consistent with the conduct of a stressed-out, corrupted officer who committed suicide.

And tomorrow we shall continue this story with part 3, so stay tuned.

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Re: Malaysian Custom corruption cost RM108 billion tax losses, seek Najib's help to c

Ahmad Sarbani’s death: the lies and deceptions by the MACC (part 3)

Raja Petra Kamarudin

We continue the story behind the mysterious death of Customs Deputy Director Ahmad Sarbani Mohamed. Ahmad Sarbani was the second person to 'commit suicide' while under the custody and while being interrogated by the MACC, the first being Teoh Beng Hock.

Although the government is trying to suggest that Beng Hock committed suicide, most Malaysians believe that this is not true and that Beng Hock was either murdered or was accidentally killed by the MACC officers who were forcibly trying to extract a confession from him.

Ahmad Sarbani’s death appears to meet this pattern and because of this Malaysians are even more convinced that he did not commit suicide. In fact, Ahmad Sarbani’s death reinforces the belief even more that Beng Hock did not also commit suicide.

Whatever the findings of the Royal Commission of Inquiry may be with regards to these two deaths, Malaysians have already decided that the two deaths are not suicides and that the government is trying to cover up this evil deed by fabricating reports and evidences.

However you look at it, these two incidences are going to have a negative impact on the government come the next general election.

Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) Investigating Officer (I.O.) ASP Zuhairi Mohamed did a thorough check on the late Customs Department Deputy Director Ahmad Sarbani Mohamed’s assets and found that there was no unusual or extraordinary wealth.

He had only three modest cars -- a Perodua Kancil, a second-hand Honda CRV and a Proton Persona -- and a Modenas Kriss bike, which he rode to the MACC office on that unfortunate morning of 6th April, the day of his death.

He owned an apartment in Bukit Tinggi, Klang (RM65,872), an apartment in Puncak Alam (RM68,988), a Semi-D cluster house in Saujana Impian in Sungai Buloh (RM230,000) and RM35,000 in savings in Amanah Saham Bumiputra.

All these were duly accounted for.

The only significant asset, which was the Semi-D house, was bought via a government loan drawn from his wife’s savings with the Employees Provident Fund (EPF), which she had withdrawn when she turned 50.

ASP Zuhairi then interviewed Wan Zainal Abidin and found out something more perplexing.

MACC Senior Investigating Officer (S.I.O.) Abdul Ghani had said that Ahmad Sarbani had implicated Wan Zainal and that he was the last person whom Ahmad Sarbani and Abdul Ghani had called just before his death.

This meant that Ahmad Sarbani was already in MACC’s custody when he died. And this shows that Dato’ Mustafar Ali had lied in his press statement.

In all, Wan Zainal gave three statements to ASP Zuhairi because AG Gani Patail was not satisfied when this man had steadfastly denied being involved in any bribery each and every time.

The reason for these three statements is because AG Gani Patail and Abu Kassim wanted the police to ‘wrap up’ this ‘suicide’ case by pointing to Wan Zainal as the cause of the fear and the resulting death of Ahmad Sarbani. They were bent of coming out with a verdict of 'suicide' so they needed the 'cause' but failed.

The mention of the AG’s name did not intimidate Wan Zainal who insisted to ASP Zuhairi that “saya takkan fitnahkan orang yang dah meninggal” (I will not defame a dead man) just for convenience. ASP Zuhairi also discovered that the background of Wan Zainal is not consistent with someone who would give bribes.

Wan Zainal is a God-fearing man and the Imam Jenazah of his surau. His salary and allowances are very modest. He voluntarily gave his last three years bank statements to DSP Shafie, which showed there was hardly any money for him to survive monthly, what more to bribe Ahmad Sarbani or any other Customs officer for that matter to the tune of billions of ringgit.

Wan Zainal also told ASP Zuhairi that on the eve of 4th April, he had met Ahmad Sarbani who apologised to him because he was forced by S.I.O. Abdul Ghani to implicate Wan Zainal. Since Wan Zainal worked for one of the largest forwarding companies in the country as well as globally it would be believable that this company would pay the biggest bribes to clear goods.

Upon realising that he had been tricked to implicate his innocent friends, Ahmad Sarbani told Wan Zainal that he would put things right.

On the morning of 6th April at about 9.50 am, S.I.O. Abdul Ghani had asked Ahmad Sarbani to summon Wan Zainal to the MACC office. By the time Wan Zainal arrived at around noon, Ahmad Sarbani had been killed.

At 2.00pm, S.I.O. Abdul Ghani met Wan Zainal and asked him to assist in giving a story to the police that would support the MACC’s spin that Ahmad Sarbani committed suicide because he was under pressure. Wan Zainal was also asked to coordinate the timing of certain calls and events to corroborate the MACC’s diary.

To absolve himself, S.I.O. Abdul Ghani also told a close friend that on the morning of 6th April, another MACC I.O. by the name of Shaikh had tried to upstage his leadership of the investigation by reporting to Mohd Fauzi that Ahmad Sarbani would not agree to be ‘cooperative’. This caused Mohd Fauzi to go ballistic who directed Shaikh and another officer, Kamal, to apply pressure on Ahmad Sarbani.

S.I.O. Abdul Ghani felt slighted that Shaikh was trying to gain prominence over him in this ‘big case’.

Abdul Ghani also confided that he saw Ahmad Sarbani with Shaikh and Kamal who were applying ‘pressure techniques’ and was making Ahmad Sarbani sign the acknowledgement form for the seizure of his telephone when Ahmad Sarbani was killed.

To pacify the Malaysian public, I.O. Shaikh and I.O. Kamal have been suspended indefinitely and this created a lot of enmity within the Selangor MACC, especially because S.I.O. Abdul Ghani was being protected by Yusof Akope and Mohd Fauzi.

Part 4 will follow tomorrow where we will reveal a massive cover-up and lying exercise aimed at hiding the fact that Ahmad Sarbani did not commit suicide but was murdered.



Re: Malaysian Custom corruption cost RM108 billion tax losses, seek Najib's help to c

The MACC I.O.s have since been directed to get the ‘cooperation’ of the Customs officers who have not been able to explain the money in their bank accounts. They were told that if they point their fingers at the late Ahmad Sarbani Mohamed, the MACC will ease up on them and will not prosecute them and may even turn them into ‘prosecution witnesses’.

Ahmad Sarbani’s death: the lies and deceptions by the MACC (part 4)


Raja Petra Kamarudin

This is the final episode of the late Customs Deputy Director Ahmad Sarbani Mohamed ‘suicide’ story. Note that what we have written in the four episodes of this story is based on the testimony of our Deep Throats in the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) and Malaysian Customs Department (Jabatan Kastam).

The Police and Customs officers no longer trust their own government. They would rather trust Malaysia Today in seeing justice done. And that is why they have requested Malaysia Today to reveal what really happened to Ahmad Sarbani.

To my friends in the Police Force who have taken great pains to keep me safe from harm, I thank you. Without you I would not have escaped…well, you know what. And to my friends in the Customs Department who are always in touch with me to ask about my health, I also thank you. I trust Malaysia Today has been of service to you by revealing the true story behind Ahmad Sarbani’s death.

Okay, let the story continue.

So far what our Deep Throats in the Police Force and the Customs Department have revealed is that Ahmad Sarbani did not kill himself. He did not ride his bike all the way to MACC’s office in Jalan Cockrane in Kuala Lumpur just to commit suicide by jumping out of the window like what they allege Teoh Beng Hock also did.

It appears like the Police investigating officer (I.O.) has also come to the conclusion that Ahmad Sarbani is not a corrupt Customs officer who became scared and committed suicide. And the Attorney-General is not happy with this conclusion. That is why this slime-ball and scumbag of an AG sent the Police investigation report back to the Police THREE TIMES.

The AG insists that by hook or by crook they must come out with a verdict of suicide. So, while the AG continues to bonk his Director, the Police have been instructed to ‘bonk’ the ‘witnesses’ and force them to implicate the deceased in corruption and conclude that he committed suicide because of it.

What puzzled PDRM I.O. ASP Zuhairi Mohamed was that the CCTV conveniently did not show any of these incidents -- suggesting that the attempt at a cover-up involved the MACC’s top leadership and that Dato’ Mustafar Ali had lied in his press statement.

What was more disturbing was that immediately after Wan Zainal gave his third and last statement to the police, Yusof Akope and Mohd Fauzi immediately directed S.I.O. Abdul Ghani to pick up Wan Zainal to be brought to the MACC’s office for interrogation.

The focus of the MACC interrogation was to find out what Wan Zainal had told ASP Zuhairi and what documents were given to the police. This showed an intention to circumvent the police investigation.

Wan Zainal was interrogated from 3.00pm to 11.00pm.

The MACC tried to intimidate Wan Zainal and two of his other colleagues, Maggie and Eddie, in marathon interrogation sessions in the weeks that followed. They were threatened that if they refuse to 'cooperate', the MACC will now target them and their companies in follow-up investigations on the corruption allegations. In other words, help the MACC fix up Ahmad Sarbani or else the MACC will fix them up instead.

Having failed to get the cooperation of these freight forwarders, Yusof Akope and Mohd Fauzi changed tactics.

The MACC I.O.s have since been directed to get the ‘cooperation’ of the Customs officers who have not been able to explain the money in their bank accounts. These Customs officers were told that if they point their fingers at the late Ahmad Sarbani Mohamed, the MACC will ease up on them and will not prosecute them and may even turn them into ‘prosecution witnesses’.

All they needed to do was to say that all the unexplained money in their bank accounts actually belongs to Ahmad Sarbani. Therefore, if they agree to fix up Ahmad Sarbani then the MACC will let them go free and may even allow them to keep the money in their bank accounts that they can't explain where it came from.

Killing an innocent man is one thing, but putting the blame on a dead man who cannot defend himself is just a bit too much and even corrupted government officers draw the line on this one. So they refused to accept the 'deal'.

That is how far the MACC top leadership is prepared to go to cover up their evil deeds. They need to explain how Ahmad Sarbani died and they want to convince us that he killed himself because he was corrupted and he was scared to face the music. The Malays call this kambing jaga sireh or, as the English say, the fox in charge of the hen house. The agency tasked with fighting corruption is rapidly turning into a most corrupt agency, prepared to commit murder even.

Since the suicide story would be plausible only if Ahmad Sarbani owned unusual and extraordinary wealth, they wanted the other Customs officers to say that all their unexplained wealth actually belongs to the deceased. And the MACC is prepared to give immunity to corrupt Customs officers if they agree to do this.

They need to nail Ahmad Sarbani real bad and they will go to great lengths in achieving this. And note that these are Muslims who pray five times a day, fast during the month of Ramadhan and go to Mekah, mind you! Yet they would not hesitate to do a deed most foul -- framing a dead man.

But the Police and Customs officers are fighting back. They are not going to allow the MACC to frame Ahmad Sarbani. They want the world to know he is clean and that he did not commit suicide. And they want us to know how the MACC is tying to suggest otherwise. And to do that they have enlisted the help of Malaysia Today.

In the next part, part 5, we will disclose who killed Ahmad Sarbani -- but only if we need to. We will hold back part 5 pending the official statement by the government as to how Ahmad Sarbani died. Since the AG has announced that there will be an Inquest, let us give the Police an opportunity to reveal the real evidence at this Inquest and let us hope that they get it right this time.

If the MACC, AG Gani Patail and the Police repeat what they did in trying to cover up Teoh Beng Hock’s death, then Malaysia Today will reveal the full investigation report on who killed Ahmad Sarbani. And if they want to call our bluff and play poker, thinking that we will not do it, then they do not know Malaysia Today well enough yet. We just love challenges and will rise to any challenge.

So don’t force us to do this. But we will if we have to just to clear the name of an innocent dead man who did not commit suicide but was murdered. So, till next time, part 5, if circumstances force us to come out with a part 5, take care and keep the fight for change going.
