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Malay wants to be Prime Minister of Singapore


Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said it's possible for the country to have a minority race Prime Minister

"Can we one day have a non-Chinese, a Malay-Muslim Prime Minister? It's possible....34-year-old Member of Parliament Zaqy Mohamad was more optimistic..."I agree with PM that a candidate for prime minister has to be based on ability and acceptance by the majority of Singaporeans. I think today with the younger generation who've gone through post-independence Singapore, I think they are a lot more accepting and race-blind.... if someone comes forth with the right ability and proven track record, it could be a reality."


Can a Chinese be the Yang Dipertuan Agong of Singapore and Malaysia? And why not?:rolleyes:


If there's a malay PM, i think all new born and sg males will have to circumcise their 'birdie'. Which is good also, more hygienic


Chinese are always smarter and faster than Malays/Muslims...here's why :

1. Malays/Muslims are not 100 percent complete humans..they got no foreskins.

2. Malay/Muslim nutrition is also not as complete as the Chinese...they do not eat pork and many other good stuff banned by the Quran.

3. Too much sambal belachan dulls the brain...even the baba-peranakan Chinese knows that.

4. Malays/Muslims don't use toilet paper and eat with their hands. The shit in their fingernails gets into their brains.


Chinese are always smarter and faster than Malays/Muslims...here's why :

1. Malays/Muslims are not 100 percent complete humans..they got no foreskins.

2. Malay/Muslim nutrition is also not as complete as the Chinese...they do not eat pork and many other good stuff banned by the Quran.

3. Too much sambal belachan dulls the brain...even the baba-peranakan Chinese knows that.

4. Malays/Muslims don't use toilet paper and eat with their hands. The shit in their fingernails gets into their brains.

Wahahahahahahaha.. Nice one :biggrin:


If there's a malay PM, i think all new born and sg males will have to circumcise their 'birdie'. Which is good also, more hygienic

Attitude like this is the real drawback holding democracy.

If we look at our neighboring countries .They are miles ahead in democracy than us.

UMNO,though racially discriminative is more democratic in its choice of leaders.Tunku Abdul Rahman ,the founder of Malaysia was forced out of the party by Najib's father.And Mathatir himself stepped down willingly.Now Abdullah Badawi himself was made to resign forcefully.Can these ever happen in PAP?...PAP is in the firm grip of Familee and every other PAP comrade is nothing but a "Yes" man to Familee.

Than in Indonesia,Suharto like LKY ruled their countries with iron hand.Now Indonesia is arguably the most democratic nation in ASEAN.

Both countries are essentially Malays.Doesn't it tells you something?



Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said it's possible for the country to have a minority race Prime Minister

"Can we one day have a non-Chinese, a Malay-Muslim Prime Minister? It's possible....34-year-old Member of Parliament Zaqy Mohamad was more optimistic..."I agree with PM that a candidate for prime minister has to be based on ability and acceptance by the majority of Singaporeans. I think today with the younger generation who've gone through post-independence Singapore, I think they are a lot more accepting and race-blind.... if someone comes forth with the right ability and proven track record, it could be a reality."


Can a Chinese be the Yang Dipertuan Agong of Singapore and Malaysia? And why not?:rolleyes:

Just 3 words:



Alfrescian (Inf)
Why not, better than a baba who cannot speak proper CHinese and needs paid writers to write how good his fucked up chinese is.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said it's possible for the country to have a minority race Prime Minister

"Can we one day have a non-Chinese, a Malay-Muslim Prime Minister? It's possible....34-year-old Member of Parliament Zaqy Mohamad was more optimistic..."I agree with PM that a candidate for prime minister has to be based on ability and acceptance by the majority of Singaporeans. I think today with the younger generation who've gone through post-independence Singapore, I think they are a lot more accepting and race-blind.... if someone comes forth with the right ability and proven track record, it could be a reality."


Can a Chinese be the Yang Dipertuan Agong of Singapore and Malaysia? And why not?:rolleyes:

Why only Leeches or seat warmers can be Peesai's PeeAm? Why so?


There will be a day when we will have our own Obama as our new Prime Minister. The only catch is that when that day happens, the Lees cannot be there.

As long as Lee Hsien Loong continues to dominate even after his biggest mandate is gone, and passes on to his son, and thus his grandson, no malay, nor Indian would have a shot in being PM.

Will the Lees make such a political sacrifice? We will see, really. We have to see.


Our Malay Minister only looks after his Malay/Muslim citizens...... Izzit fair at all when he is paid by all? If ever a Malay becomes PM, what can other races expect?
I have my own conclusion drawn. YOU?


Wen Jiabao is cheaper and better as PM - & he is FT too! Why not since gahmen always welcome FT. Or izzit when their turf is threatened, they sing different tune?


Attitude like this is the real drawback holding democracy.

If we look at our neighboring countries .They are miles ahead in democracy than us.

UMNO,though racially discriminative is more democratic in its choice of leaders.Tunku Abdul Rahman ,the founder of Malaysia was forced out of the party by Najib's father.And Mathatir himself stepped down willingly.Now Abdullah Badawi himself was made to resign forcefully.Can these ever happen in PAP?...PAP is in the firm grip of Familee and every other PAP comrade is nothing but a "Yes" man to Familee.

Than in Indonesia,Suharto like LKY ruled their countries with iron hand.Now Indonesia is arguably the most democratic nation in ASEAN.

Both countries are essentially Malays.Doesn't it tells you something?

You gotting to be shitting me! The fucking melayu's are democratic? Dun you recall the May 13 riot where lots of Chinese got killed? Harun & Razak who got blood in their hands, not only got away scotfree but also flourished.The Medan riots too. What were Hindraf complaining if there were democracy in jobs, opportiunities, etc?? ..:oIo::mad::oIo:


You gotting to be shitting me! The fucking melayu's are democratic? Dun you recall the May 13 riot where lots of Chinese got killed? Harun & Razak who got blood in their hands, not only got away scotfree but also flourished.The Medan riots too. What were Hindraf complaining if there were democracy in jobs, opportiunities, etc?? ..:oIo::mad::oIo:
Phew! what an attitude you got there.

China has its Tibet.India has its Kashmir.Their killings fields.Not too long ago Australia was culling its native aborigines.And Obama would have to board his flights last after the whites if he was born in LKY era.Obama children would then must sit behind amongst blacks in school buses.

If you care to notice all these countries has one thing in common with sinkie land and boleh land.These are colonial hang-ups.The natives never invited anybody to occupy their lands.

But whatever shit the colonists left behind these countries are growing up now.But why you still need mai hum minister to tell you whether you can elect a black ,brown or yellow as your PM?

Can't you make that choice?