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Serious Mahathir Not Happy Over UAE Normalising Ties with Israel!


Malaysia’s Mahathir: UAE-Israel deal divides Muslim world into ‘warring factions’ | South China Morning Post
7:00pm, 14 Aug, 2020

Topic | Malaysia
Amy Chew
Updated: 12:54am, 15 Aug, 2020
Malaysia’s former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad on Friday threw cold water on the landmark accord reached by the United Arab Emirates and Israel, warning it was a step backwards for peace and would divide the Muslim world into “warring factions”.
He was joined in his criticism of the United States-brokered agreement – which will see Israel suspend a controversial plan to annex parts of the occupied West Bank in return for full diplomatic ties with the UAE – by Indonesia’s largest Muslim organisation, Nahdlatul Ulama, which said the deal could trigger terror attacks in the Southeast Asian nation and the Middle East.
In a diplomatic win for Donald Trump, Israel and UAE normalise relations
Mahathir, a long-time defender of the Palestinians, who are locked in a decades-old conflict with Israelis, told This Week in Asia the agreement would “divide the Muslim world into warring factions and in this, the Israelis will add fuel to the fire”.
“They will increase the ability of the contestants to fight each other and there will be no peace even between Muslim countries,” said Mahathir, 95, who had two stints as the premier of the Muslim-majority nation, his most recent one ending earlier this year.
“It bolsters the stand taken by Israel that Palestine belongs to Israel. Of course there will be a reaction from the Palestinians and those who are sympathetic towards the Palestinians. This will mean prolonging the war in the Middle East,” he said.
Neither the Indonesian nor the Malaysian government have officially responded to the UAE-Israel accord.
Palestinian protesters burn the flag of the United Arab Emirates in a protest against the Gulf state’s agreement to establish diplomatic ties with Israel. Photo: EPA
The agreement saw Israel pledge to suspend its annexation of Palestinian land, although Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stressed that did not mean it was abandoning plans to annex the Jordan Valley and Jewish settlements across the occupied West Bank.
The Palestinians, Turkey and Iran have decried it as a “betrayal”, while the UAE defended it as an initiative that gave more time for a peace agreement to be reached.
Hamas, the militant group that runs the Gaza Strip, called the deal “a stab in the back of the Palestinian people and a desperate attempt to negatively affect the resistance path aiming to defeat the Israeli occupation and restore Palestinian rights”.
In Indonesia, Nahdlatul Ulama – which claims more than 60 million followers – warned that Islamic radical groups “clearly hate this agreement”.
“[These groups] may be provoked to launch terror attacks in Muslim countries, especially the Middle East,” said secretary general Yahya Staquf, a Muslim cleric.
In March 1979, Egypt’s then president Anwar Sadat signed a peace treaty with Israel after fighting four wars with its neighbour, with terms including the normalisation of relations and the full withdrawal of Israeli troops and civilians from the Sinai Peninsula, which had been captured from Egypt in 1967.
In October 1981, Islamic extremists, angered by the treaty, assassinated Sadat at a military victory parade in Cairo.
Staquf said the UAE appeared to be “sufficiently protected” from terror attacks, more so if it had the security backing of the US and Israel.
Muslim cleric Yahya Staquf is secretary general of Indonesia’s Nahladtul Ulama, which claims 60 million followers. Photo: Handout
“Indonesia should always be on the alert because such groups are still here,” said the Muslim cleric and scholar. An advocate of interfaith coexistence, he visited Israel in 2018 to meet with religious leaders there, drawing heavy criticism at home for the trip.
Staquf said the Indonesian government held the view that “the phenomenon of the Israeli state is a phenomenon of colonialism”, and the majority of the people, whether they followed Islam or otherwise, shared the same view.
More than 90 per cent of Indonesia’s population of 270 million identifies as Muslim, making it the world’s most populous Muslim nation.
Only three members – Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei – of the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) bloc do not have formal diplomatic relations with Israel, though analysts have pointed out that ties are not as strained as previously thought.
Retired Singaporean diplomat Bilahari Kausikan said the city state would likely welcome the “farsighted decision” by the UAE, which becomes the first Gulf state to normalise ties with Israel – one of Singapore’s oldest and most important military partners.
Following Singapore’s split from Malaysia in 1965, Israel helped it build up its defence forces, a role larger powers including India and Egypt chose not to play. The presence of Israelis in Singapore was largely hidden from the public, with the island nation referring to the advisers as “Mexicans” to avoid the anger of its Muslim-majority neighbours.
Bilahari – who was the Singaporean Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ most senior civil servant before he retired – pointed out that Muslim nations such as Egypt and Jordan had maintained diplomatic relations with Israel for some time.
“In fact, most of the Gulf states have been quietly developing unofficial relations with Israel. Since Israel is now accepted by much of the Middle East, why should Southeast Asia not accept Israel?”
He said he hoped the UAE’s recognition of Israel would lead the three Asean members who did not have formal ties with Israel to reconsider their decision, while acknowledging they would “make their own sovereign decisions”.
On the UAE-Israel accord, which US President Donald Trump has claimed as a foreign policy win, Bilahari said it demonstrated that the US was still “the most influential external power in the Middle East and indeed in other regions as well”, and that talk Washington was retreating from the region was not true.
“China, the EU or Russia could not have brokered this deal between Israel and the UAE,” he said. “Only the US could do it.”
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says the deal means the plan to annex the West Bank has been suspended, not abandoned. Photo: AFP
John Langmore, professorial fellow from the University of Melbourne’s school of social and political sciences, was less convinced.
“It doesn’t sound like a deal at all since both sides are saying that it isn’t settled,” he said. “Israel is saying that the settlements will go ahead anyway; and the Emirates that the negotiations aren’t completed. It sounds more like spin in Trump’s election campaign than a decision.”
Mustafa Izzuddin, senior international affairs analyst at management consultancy firm Solaris Strategies Singapore, said Malaysia and Indonesia looked at the Palestinian cause as one of “Muslim brotherhood”.
“They will find this deal makes it more difficult now for the Palestinians to have their own state,” he said, adding that Putrajaya and Jakarta would have to balance their economic ties to the UAE with their support for the Palestinian cause.
The Trump administration announces the UAE-Israel deal on August 13. Photo: AFP
He added that the UAE’s link to the US was important in protecting it geopolitically, “particularly with Iran in the neighbourhood”.
“The UAE is one of the smaller countries in the Middle East; they are geopolitically vulnerable so they have to have strong alliances,” he said, adding that Abu Dhabi also wanted the technological benefits from joint ventures with Israeli companies.
In Japan, the government welcomed the UAE-Israel agreement as the first step towards easing tensions and stabilising the region.
“The Middle East peace issue should be resolved by negotiations between parties concerned and not through violence or unilateral acts,” said press secretary Tomoyuki Yoshida, who added that Tokyo appreciated Washington’s efforts in brokering the deal.
He reiterated Japan’s stance “to continue to support a two-state solution whereby Israel and a future independent Palestinian state live side by side in peace and security”.
Additional reporting by Kok Xinghui

syed putra

Dr m filled with hate and division. Why didn't he go do the bypass in the US where CIA can assasinate him during surgery.
But on the other hand, palestinians are like prisoners in their homeland. Cannot fly out freely, or trade with other nations unless israel say so. It earns nothing as businesses cannot thrive in this situation causing unemployment and hardship
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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Dr m filled with hate and division.

That's because he's trying his best to be a pious moslem. I haven't met a pious moslem who's filled with love for people who don't share his religion. Pious moslems usually hate non-believers and wish nothing but curses, jihad and death upon them.

A Singaporean

That's because he's trying his best to be a pious moslem. I haven't met a pious moslem who's filled with love for people who don't share his religion. Pious moslems usually hate non-believers and wish nothing but curses, jihad and death upon them.
Dr M is
Dr m filled with hate and division. Why didn't he go do the bypass in the US where CIA can assasinate him during surgery.
But on the other hand, palestinians are like prisoners in their homeland. Cannot fly out freely, or trade with other nations unless israel say so. It earns nothing as businesses cannot thrive in this situation causing unemployment and hardship
He is a practising Muslim and a wise man. Respect.

syed putra

At least malays are not considered useless to be killed in tens of millions like the chinese under mao.

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
Mahathir should go question his Arab brothers why they cannot unite and give Israel a final push into the Red Sea. They had Israel by the balls the last time they were at war but somehow lost the plot. If the entire Middle East gang up on Israel they stand no chance.
The shites and Wahabis got to stand united. This shows Muslim pigs are no different to Chinese dogs. Cannot unite. look at bersatu.


Dr m filled with hate and division. Why didn't he go do the bypass in the US where CIA can assasinate him during surgery.
But on the other hand, palestinians are like prisoners in their homeland. Cannot fly out freely, or trade with other nations unless israel say so. It earns nothing as businesses cannot thrive in this situation causing unemployment and hardship

where do you see hate and divisiveness from him?

he's being very diplomatic.

it's the two stinky bastards and bitch amy chew and kok xinghui who reporting nonsense. kuffar dogs.

stinkypura for siding with zionists for sending troops to iraq and afghanistan to support yankees will have its comeuppance. stinkypura is small fry after all. the real target, the top dog, is yankees.

That has to be eliminated. since europeans and japs toe yankee line, they too have to face the music.

erdogan dr m imran khan iran indonesia qatar can begin by visiting kuril islands, thus effectively recognizing them as inseparable parts of the Russian Federation. Any Jap protests would be meaningless, null and void.

there are many ways to skin a cat.

ban on stinky citizens (except melayu) from visiting malaysia must be imposed.

once malaysia and indonesia impose a ban on stinky sh*ttyzens from visiting MY/ID, stinky will be shown its place.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
stinkypura for siding with zionists for sending troops to iraq and afghanistan to support yankees will have its comeuppance. stinkypura is small fry after all. the real target, the top dog, is yankees.

moslems in afghanistan receiving their comeuppance from embracing islam and abandoning Buddhism. The afghans will live and die by the sword, just like what islam preached.

syed putra

moslems in afghanistan receiving their comeuppance from embracing islam and abandoning Buddhism. The afghans will live and die by the sword, just like what islam preached.
Islamic faith us akin to budhism. No killing, no religion.


moslems in afghanistan receiving their comeuppance from embracing islam and abandoning Buddhism. The afghans will live and die by the sword, just like what islam preached.


Not Moslems, u bloody chink.

Afghanistan is the graveyard of empires.

Soviet Union. kaput.

British Empire. also lost in Afghanistan.

Now Yankees which had earlier branded the Taliban as terrorist and vowed never to talk to terrorists, held face to face meetings with Taliban in Qatar

Your clock, meanwhile, is ticking. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

Stinkypura will have its comeuppance. A small fry but it will be 'fried'.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
There should be an IQ contest between the Israelis and the Arab world.

The nation that scores highest is the winner and gets to dictate terms.


Mahathir should go question his Arab brothers why they cannot unite and give Israel a final push into the Red Sea. They had Israel by the balls the last time they were at war but somehow lost the plot. If the entire Middle East gang up on Israel they stand no chance.
The shites and Wahabis got to stand united. This shows Muslim pigs are no different to Chinese dogs. Cannot unite. look at bersatu.

Too few in numbers. Biggest limitation.

The biggest countries in the Middle East like Egypt Iran or Turkey have abt 80-90 million people. Peanuts.

In every continent (except Australia/Oceania), there are countries with more people.

South America - Brazil - 200 million
North America- Yankees-Mexico - 320 million - 110 million
Europe - Russia - 144 million.
Asia - the biggest of them all - got tiong ceca indonesia paki bangla indon japs - 1.4 billion 1.3 billion 270 million 220 million 170 million 125 million approx.

To expect teeny tiny countries like Syria Libya Iraq Yemen to put up a fight against Yankees and their anglo-american colonial outpost in palestine would be too much.

All the Arab countries are ruled by dictators installed by yankees, so that they secure zionists' existence.

Egypt held elections for first time in its history.

got looted of its first ever democratic president by saudi uae backed by yankees and zionists.

we see that now with uae openly embracing zionists.

next in line is saudi.

iran's accusations all along were right.

that al saud dynasty, uae regimes, are yankee-zionist puppet, vassal states.

that behind the scenes are aligned with zionists, only now are they coming out in the open about it.

it makes it easier for the Muslim public, to come to terms with Iran's agenda.

Other countries like Turkey and Azerbaijan also recognize zionists, let's not forget that. Azerbaijan maintain extremely close defence ties with Zionists too.

So Iran would be proven right once again if Iran says Turkey and Azerbaijan, just like GCC dictators, are poodles of the yankee-zionist axis of devils.


There should be an IQ contest between the Israelis and the Arab world.

The nation that scores highest is the winner and gets to dictate terms.

stinkies supposedly possess the highest average IQ in the world.

while CECA one of the lowest

yet stinkies can't compete with CECA on home turf.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Afghanistan is the graveyard of empires.

Soviet Union. kaput.

British Empire. also lost in Afghanistan.

Afghanistan wasn't the graveyard for the Mongol empire or the Timurid empire.

The Soviets and British got stuck in Afghanistan because they played too nice with the afghans. Should have slaughtered the afghan males and sold off their women and kids as slaves. Happy playing hide and seek with such opponents.