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MAGA Dotard Trump now deeply Regreting Invasion of Iraq! IMH pse!



‘Big fat brick into hornet's nest’: Trump reportedly calls invasion of Iraq ‘worst decision ever’
Published time: 4 Mar, 2018 23:01 Edited time: 5 Mar, 2018 07:00
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FILE PHOTO: A U.S. soldier holds a machine gun in a U.S. helicopter flying over Samarra, Iraq © Thaier Al-Sudani / Reuters
  • 2677
US President Donald Trump has reportedly scorched former President George W. Bush's decision to invade Iraq, calling it “worst decision ever made” and compared the war to throwing a “big fat brick” into hornet’s nest.
TrendsDonald Trump
The remarks were made by Trump during a fundraiser at his Mar-a-Lago resort on Saturday, CNN reported, claiming it obtained a recording of the event. Trump reportedly turned on Bush over his decision on to invade Iraq in 2003.

Read more
‘Maybe we’ll give it a shot,’ Trump reportedly said of China's presumed 'lifelong presidency'
“Here we are, like the dummies of the world, because we had bad politicians running our country for a long time,” Trump said, adding that the Iraq invasion was “the single worst decision ever made,” amounting to “throwing a big fat brick into a hornet's nest.”

Trump also mocked the Intelligence Community for providing faulty “evidence” that was supposed to prove Baghdad possessed weapons of mass destruction (WMD).

“That was Bush. Another real genius. That was Bush,” Trump said. “That turned out to be wonderful intelligence. You know? Great intelligence agency there.”

Trump has repeatedly expressed distrust towards the US Intelligence Community, citing its faulty assessment of Saddam Hussein’s alleged WMD stockpile as one of the reasons. Last July, the US president said that the WMD flop “led to one big mess.”

Relations between Trump and the Bush family also appear to be quite strained, as he was never endorsed by any of the powerful Republicans during his presidential campaign. Moreover, George W. Bush has described the incumbent president as a “guy [who] doesn't know what it means to be president,” while his farther, former President George H.W. Bush simply called Trump “a blowhard.”


Alfrescian (Inf)
So thousands of innocent lives were taken due to Bush stupid idea. How come he go scot free? How come he was not sent to tribunal court and be tried for Mass slaughtering?


Americans voted a dickhead POTUS. He lied to to his people.

Destroy Saddam H and Gadaffi were to stop them to demand peg US$ to gold.

2 of them are not strong gunboats nations like China today. Easy to bully to the end.

US want cause trouble in SCS now to stop yuan peg to gold. Fucking angmoh are facing power Chinese gunboats and military which hv to think twice to war with China.

China and Russia peg their dollar to gold and fuck pommies can do nothing to stop today.

So thousands of innocent lives were taken due to Bush stupid idea. How come he go scot free? How come he was not sent to tribunal court and be tried for Mass slaughtering?
Last edited:


Houston we have a problem! Ah Tiongs are arming and training Niggers to fuck us!


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    该中心是2017年1月16日奠基建设,历时一年左右建设完毕。中国驻坦桑尼亚大使王可、坦桑尼亚国防部部长Venance Salvatory Mabeyo将军共同参加了仪式。
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全屏观看 2018.03.05 10:51:01
  • 5ADh-fxipenm9924900.jpg
  • 坦桑尼亚军队被称为除了肤色是黑色外,其余一切都向解放军看齐,因此有着“东非解放军”之称。
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全屏观看 2018.03.05 10:51:01
  • Ypgn-fxipenm9924940.jpg
  • 该国大量军官曾前往解放军的军事院所留学,都是从学走中国正步开始,一步步学会了现代化战争的作战方式
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全屏观看 2018.03.05 10:51:01
  • By4O-fxipenm9925002.jpg
  • 使其战斗力在东非可谓是首屈一指。中国还援建了坦桑尼亚军事学院为坦桑尼亚培养本土军官
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全屏观看 2018.03.05 10:51:01
  • DmHT-fxipenm9925035.jpg
  • 这次援建军事训练中心是推进坦桑尼亚军事训练正规化的重要举措,当然在这个中心里,可不是光教正步那么简单了!
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全屏观看 2018.03.05 10:51:01
  • Mmvx-fxipenm9927843.jpg
  • 目前,坦桑尼亚三军装备有大量中国武器装备。比如陆军装备有中国研制的VT3/59G主战坦克
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全屏观看 2018.03.05 10:51:01
  • BvvE-fxipenm9927865.jpg
  • 属于“远看炮塔吓死人,近看五对负重轮”的顶级59魔改。还装备有63A水陆两栖坦克
  • 亲传弟子可出师!中国援建坦桑尼亚军事训练中心成立
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    全屏观看 2018.03.05 10:51:01
    • 6F3g-fxipenm9927894.jpg
    • 07P式120毫米自行迫榴炮、FB-6A机动式近程防空系统和A100型300毫米远程多管火箭发射装置等。坦桑尼亚军队的VT3/59G主战坦克,是59式的超级魔改。
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    全屏观看 2018.03.05 10:51:01
    • 0MUC-fxipenm9929067.jpg
    • 坦桑尼亚军队的FB-6A机动式近程防空系统,采用东风猛士底盘。空军则装备有初教-6教练机、K-8基础教练机、歼-7G战斗机等。海军装备有037IS猎潜艇等。
    • 亲传弟子可出师!中国援建坦桑尼亚军事训练中心成立
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      全屏观看 2018.03.05 10:51:01
      • dHWv-fxipenm9929066.jpg
      • 这些中国的武器装备需要培训本土士兵进行操作,每次都到中国相关院校培训并不切实际,因此坦桑尼亚希望能够建立自己的军事训练中心,以自行培养军事人才。在中国顾问团手把手的教育下
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      全屏观看 2018.03.05 10:51:01
      • sgVe-fxipenm9929072.jpg
  • 亲传弟子可出师!中国援建坦桑尼亚军事训练中心成立
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    全屏观看 2018.03.05 10:51:01
    • KDAP-fxipenm9929795.jpg
    • 1978年10月,为了转移国内矛盾,乌干达总统阿明对坦桑尼亚宣战,并派兵占领了坦桑尼亚的卡盖拉区。随后,反应过来的坦桑尼亚军队举着小红旗,扛着56半,直接把乌干达军队打得落花流水。
    • 亲传弟子可出师!中国援建坦桑尼亚军事训练中心成立
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      全屏观看 2018.03.05 10:51:01
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Houston we have a problem! Ah Tiongs are arming and training Niggers to fuck us!


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全屏观看 2018.03.05 10:51:01
  • 0KLY-fxipenm9948349.jpg
  • 6
    该中心是2017年1月16日奠基建设,历时一年左右建设完毕。中国驻坦桑尼亚大使王可、坦桑尼亚国防部部长Venance Salvatory Mabeyo将军共同参加了仪式。
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全屏观看 2018.03.05 10:51:01
  • qR3i-fxipenm9924868.jpg
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全屏观看 2018.03.05 10:51:01
  • 5ADh-fxipenm9924900.jpg
  • 坦桑尼亚军队被称为除了肤色是黑色外,其余一切都向解放军看齐,因此有着“东非解放军”之称。
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全屏观看 2018.03.05 10:51:01
  • Ypgn-fxipenm9924940.jpg
  • 该国大量军官曾前往解放军的军事院所留学,都是从学走中国正步开始,一步步学会了现代化战争的作战方式
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全屏观看 2018.03.05 10:51:01
  • By4O-fxipenm9925002.jpg
  • 使其战斗力在东非可谓是首屈一指。中国还援建了坦桑尼亚军事学院为坦桑尼亚培养本土军官
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全屏观看 2018.03.05 10:51:01
  • DmHT-fxipenm9925035.jpg
  • 这次援建军事训练中心是推进坦桑尼亚军事训练正规化的重要举措,当然在这个中心里,可不是光教正步那么简单了!
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全屏观看 2018.03.05 10:51:01
  • Mmvx-fxipenm9927843.jpg
  • 目前,坦桑尼亚三军装备有大量中国武器装备。比如陆军装备有中国研制的VT3/59G主战坦克
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全屏观看 2018.03.05 10:51:01
  • BvvE-fxipenm9927865.jpg
  • 属于“远看炮塔吓死人,近看五对负重轮”的顶级59魔改。还装备有63A水陆两栖坦克
  • 亲传弟子可出师!中国援建坦桑尼亚军事训练中心成立
    支持 键翻阅图片 列表查看

    全屏观看 2018.03.05 10:51:01
    • 6F3g-fxipenm9927894.jpg
    • 07P式120毫米自行迫榴炮、FB-6A机动式近程防空系统和A100型300毫米远程多管火箭发射装置等。坦桑尼亚军队的VT3/59G主战坦克,是59式的超级魔改。
    支持 键翻阅图片 列表查看

    全屏观看 2018.03.05 10:51:01
    • 0MUC-fxipenm9929067.jpg
    • 坦桑尼亚军队的FB-6A机动式近程防空系统,采用东风猛士底盘。空军则装备有初教-6教练机、K-8基础教练机、歼-7G战斗机等。海军装备有037IS猎潜艇等。
    • 亲传弟子可出师!中国援建坦桑尼亚军事训练中心成立
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      全屏观看 2018.03.05 10:51:01
      • dHWv-fxipenm9929066.jpg
      • 这些中国的武器装备需要培训本土士兵进行操作,每次都到中国相关院校培训并不切实际,因此坦桑尼亚希望能够建立自己的军事训练中心,以自行培养军事人才。在中国顾问团手把手的教育下
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      全屏观看 2018.03.05 10:51:01
      • sgVe-fxipenm9929072.jpg
  • 亲传弟子可出师!中国援建坦桑尼亚军事训练中心成立
    支持 键翻阅图片 列表查看

    全屏观看 2018.03.05 10:51:01
    • KDAP-fxipenm9929795.jpg
    • 1978年10月,为了转移国内矛盾,乌干达总统阿明对坦桑尼亚宣战,并派兵占领了坦桑尼亚的卡盖拉区。随后,反应过来的坦桑尼亚军队举着小红旗,扛着56半,直接把乌干达军队打得落花流水。
    • 亲传弟子可出师!中国援建坦桑尼亚军事训练中心成立
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      全屏观看 2018.03.05 10:51:01
      • UvYk-fxipenm9929830.jpg


Ang Moh installed Flee-My-Ass slides on sinking aircraft carriers, PLA rocket army DF anti-carrier missiles free firing!


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全屏观看 2018.03.05 10:30:40
  • PHb2-fxipenm9792215.jpg
  • 3月2日,英国皇家海军伊丽莎白女王号航母进行了海上撤离系统(MES)测试。该系统将在危急时刻为所有舰员迅速撤离逃生提供最重要、最安全的保障。当然了,但愿这个救生滑梯永远没有被使用的机会。(烽火军事)
    • 6cU7-fxipenm9792227.jpg
    • FFFS-fxipenm9792262.jpg
    • WnuJ-fxipenm9792312.jpg
    • 海外网12月19日消息,当地时间18日,英国皇家海军新航母“伊丽莎白女王”号发生重大泄漏事故,造成海水倒灌,被迫返港维修,英国海军“震怒
      • HyeX-fxipenm9792348.jpg
      • 大家需要知道的是,这艘被称为英国皇家海军有史以来最大战舰的航母,正式服役才十几天,英国为了这艘航母可谓拼尽了全力。
      • 4XV2-fxipenm9792390.jpg
    • o_iK-fxipenm9792835.jpg

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‘Big fat brick into hornet's nest’: Trump reportedly calls invasion of Iraq ‘worst decision ever’
Published time: 4 Mar, 2018 23:01 Edited time: 5 Mar, 2018 07:00
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FILE PHOTO: A U.S. soldier holds a machine gun in a U.S. helicopter flying over Samarra, Iraq © Thaier Al-Sudani / Reuters
  • 2677
US President Donald Trump has reportedly scorched former President George W. Bush's decision to invade Iraq, calling it “worst decision ever made” and compared the war to throwing a “big fat brick” into hornet’s nest.
TrendsDonald Trump
The remarks were made by Trump during a fundraiser at his Mar-a-Lago resort on Saturday, CNN reported, claiming it obtained a recording of the event. Trump reportedly turned on Bush over his decision on to invade Iraq in 2003.

Read more
‘Maybe we’ll give it a shot,’ Trump reportedly said of China's presumed 'lifelong presidency'
“Here we are, like the dummies of the world, because we had bad politicians running our country for a long time,” Trump said, adding that the Iraq invasion was “the single worst decision ever made,” amounting to “throwing a big fat brick into a hornet's nest.”

Trump also mocked the Intelligence Community for providing faulty “evidence” that was supposed to prove Baghdad possessed weapons of mass destruction (WMD).

“That was Bush. Another real genius. That was Bush,” Trump said. “That turned out to be wonderful intelligence. You know? Great intelligence agency there.”

Trump has repeatedly expressed distrust towards the US Intelligence Community, citing its faulty assessment of Saddam Hussein’s alleged WMD stockpile as one of the reasons. Last July, the US president said that the WMD flop “led to one big mess.”

Relations between Trump and the Bush family also appear to be quite strained, as he was never endorsed by any of the powerful Republicans during his presidential campaign. Moreover, George W. Bush has described the incumbent president as a “guy [who] doesn't know what it means to be president,” while his farther, former President George H.W. Bush simply called Trump “a blowhard.”
He should disband the CIA and form the Ivanka intelligence agency.


Bush Jr wanted Sadaam Hussein dead because Sadaam had threatened the life of Bush Sr. in an assasination plot. Bush Jr's act of revenge cost Sadaam his life as well as thousands of Iraqi and American lives........


Bush Jr wanted Sadaam Hussein dead because Sadaam had threatened the life of Bush Sr. in an assasination plot. Bush Jr's act of revenge cost Sadaam his life as well as thousands of Iraqi and American lives........
and eternal war in the Middle East


The issue was not the invasion of Iraq. The invasion was successful..the problem was the yanks withdrew too quickly and failed to secure the country allowing the terrorists to rise. Of they controlled Iraq like they did in Japan after WW2. Take the role as an occupying power and not just regime change. Iraq would be different now


The issue was not the invasion of Iraq. The invasion was successful..the problem was the yanks withdrew too quickly and failed to secure the country allowing the terrorists to rise. Of they controlled Iraq like they did in Japan after WW2. Take the role as an occupying power and not just regime change. Iraq would be different now
they should have nuked it. No one will be alive--terrorist or Iraqi


Americans voted a dickhead POTUS. He lied to to his people.

Destroy Saddam H and Gadaffi were to stop them to demand peg US$ to gold.

get ready for the USD to depreciate by at least 50%
print, print, print, print...and to think we all worked hard for these printed papers

these printed money comes to other parts of the world and buy up other countries currencies, properties etc
in effect robbing honest man in the streets


Invasion of Iraq is good.
Now USA is bankrupt. China is on the rise. But thank God raising Donald Trump.