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M’sian Who Travelled Daily From M’sia To SG For Work Allegedly Dies Inside Toilet Due To Overwork



M’sian Who Travelled Daily From M’sia To SG For Work Allegedly Dies Inside Toilet Due To Overwork​

His colleague performed CPR but it proved to be futile.

MARCH 7, 2024

M'sian who travelled daily from m'sia to sg for work allegedly dies inside toilet due to overwork | weirdkaya
Cover image via Canva

With the declining Ringgit and tough economic times, more Malaysians are heading over the Causeway to work and provide a better life for their families.​

However, this aspiration to provide for one’s family can sometimes come at a deadly cost, like one Malaysian who allegedly collapsed and died inside the toilet.

M’sian allegedly dies inside toilet due to overwork​

According to China Press, this tragedy happened on a Malaysian who travelled between Malaysia and Singapore daily for work.
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Fb post about m'sian who allegedly died inside toilet due to overwork
Photo via China Press
Based on the post originally shared to the Facebook group 人在狮城漂 on Tuesday (Mar 5) but was later taken down, the OP wrote that he found his colleague passed out inside the company’s toilet.

He also saw that his colleague’s face and pupils had discoloured, suggesting signs of overwork.

However, since no one at the workplace knew how to administer cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), the OP had to surf the Internet on how to do so.
Person performing cpr
For illustration purposes only. Photo via Canva

After searching the Internet, the OP proceeded to administer CPR on his colleague in hopes of saving his life.
I kept pressing (against his chest) while yelling ‘Please don’t go to sleep. It’s going to be Raya soon so don’t go to sleep.’
Eventually, a supervisor took over and performed the CPR until the ambulance came as the OP got tired.

Unfortunately, the colleague didn’t survive and was pronounced dead shortly after.
Dead body
For illustration purposes only. Photo via Freepik

According to CNA, more than 300,000 Malaysians travel to Singapore via the Singapore-Johor Causeway, where they spend at least 1-2 hours travelling during the weekdays.

Sadly, there have been cases of Malaysians suffering health issues while working in Singapore or getting into road accidents while commuting between Malaysia and Singapore.


Alfrescian (Inf)
They should rent a place to stay in Singapore to save them the exhaustion of travelling long distance from Malaysia. Alternatively, the Ghost city, in JB, can provide Malaysian cheap rent since it is closer to Singapore.

Scrooball (clone)

They should rent a place to stay in Singapore to save them the exhaustion of travelling long distance from Malaysia. Alternatively, the Ghost city, in JB, can provide Malaysian cheap rent since it is closer to Singapore.
Here’s a crazy idea - work in some low paying job in Malaysia

syed putra

They should rent a place to stay in Singapore to save them the exhaustion of travelling long distance from Malaysia. Alternatively, the Ghost city, in JB, can provide Malaysian cheap rent since it is closer to Singapore.
More likely a heart attack.
This border problem due to Dr m and PAP reluctance to make border crossing easier.
Problem got better with badawi but now overwhelmed again. Until the RTS to woodlands start, commuters will just have to suffer.
The RTS may last just 5 years before it's congested.
So whatever comes next must be at planning stage by now.


More likely a heart attack.
This border problem due to Dr m and PAP reluctance to make border crossing easier.
Problem got better with badawi but now overwhelmed again. Until the RTS to woodlands start, commuters will just have to suffer.
The RTS may last just 5 years before it's congested.
So whatever comes next must be at planning stage by now.
The RTS can only ferry 10,000 passengers per hour (either way). The peak time is about 4 hours, between 5am and 9am, accounting for only 40,000 passengers to be commuting via the RTS. So, how to cater to the daily 300,000 who travel to Singapore?

syed putra

The RTS can only carry 10,000 passengers per hour (either way). The peak time is about 4 hours, between 5am and 9am, accounting for only 40,000 passengers to be handled by the RTS. So, how to cater to the daily 300,000 who travel to Singapore?
Who planned this idea?
What they need is a motorcycle only bridge like in Taiwan.


Who planned this idea?
What they need is a motorcycle only bridge like in Taiwan.
Who else but Malaysia lor. They wanted to save money and propose to build the 4-carriage and much slower LRT version instead of the faster 6-carriage MRT version.


The RTS can only ferry 10,000 passengers per hour (either way). The peak time is about 4 hours, between 5am and 9am, accounting for only 40,000 passengers to be commuting via the RTS. So, how to cater to the daily 300,000 who travel to Singapore?
RTS operated by SMRT, it will be lucky the train doesn't go into the water halfway with SMRT cheapo maintenance standard