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lynn (absolutely 100% not gin)


August 1, 2020

Naughty Expertise and Knotty Battles of Social Escort Sensual Lynn
*The interview was carried out on 7 September 2019.


The origins of Sensual Lynn

It was a Saturday morning when I knocked on 30-years-old social escort Lynn’s apartment door. Endowed with a petite but curvy frame, her nipples peeked through her singlet as she welcomed me into her home with a cordial smile.

I began the conversation by asking Lynn how her professional alias, Sensual Lynn, came about.

Lynn shared that an old client had once asked her,

“Do you know that you are very sensual?”

Unbeknownst to her back then, the sexually passionate and loving side of hers had shown through during their “intimate” session, leaving a lasting impression on him. The very same client even offered to help set up her current website.

More than just providing a sexual service

Well-known for her friendly and easygoing disposition, I was curious to know whether it was emotionally draining for Lynn whenever clients poured out their issues to her.

She firmly countered, “No, never. I’ll just absorb. I’m an Empath. Some just want a listening ear alongside a physical relief.”

“I always tell clients, I’m like water. Whatever container you are, I will try to best fit you and cater to what you are looking for.”

Lynn further enlightened on why some men sought out her services.

“Some are seasonal players hunting for ‘fresh meat’ to try on. A few come to heal their heartache but they are actually deluding themselves. Only time can heal one’s wound,” Lynn verbalised matter-of-factly.

Indeed, it will take more than a temporary one-night fantasy trip with Sensual Lynn to deal with the lasting emotional wounds of a real-life breakup.


The art of sensuality

Giving attention to the positive online reviews of her services, I enquired Lynn about how she maintains the tightness of her vagina and achieves her heavenly track record of giving out “great” oral pleasures.

Lynn suggested her exercise regime of butterfly kicks might have helped strengthen her vaginal muscles. With regards to going down on men, it has taken her countless years of practices with, and feedback from clients to prize her with a “silver tongue”.

Further enlightening on the vital role that fellatio (oral stimulation of a man’s penis) plays in sexual intimacy,

Lynn puts into perspective, “Clients tell me this is a key foreplay. Some men are turned off when their female partners refuse to give them a blowjob. It’s like as a girl, you may want men to suck your nipple, lick your vagina and finger you as foreplay.”

Without skipping a beat, I cheekily queried if the sexual satisfaction reaped during her “intimate” sessions with clients were a two-way street.

This was Lynn’s reply,

“I don’t care what look, age, size or shape my client is in. Some merely go through the motion or imitate what they see in blue films.”

“If I can feel his passion and love and he knows how to handle my body, that is when the connection builds up for my body to get turned on.”

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Thoughts towards serving married clients

Considering the level of intimate contact she shares with her clients, I wondered whether Lynn had ever unwittingly fallen in love or crossed her emotional boundaries with them?

She alluded to the fact that she might have lowered her emotional guard in the past but has since wised up, as such a situation could lead her to be taken advantage of by her clients. Furthermore, professional boundaries have to always be maintained in her line of work.

Lynn added she always remembers that other than cherishing the platonic bonds formed with regular clients, “this is ultimately still a transactional relationship” which she does to earn a livelihood.

“80% of my clients are married. It’s meaningless to fall in love when their main aim is to look for a good time. You are only going to get hurt. I will never be a third party,” Lynn reiterated.

Lynn went on, “Clients will ask whether I think they are a bad guy. I will question them back: ‘Do you need to eat (seek sexual relief)? If you cannot eat at home, you takeaway from outside (seek sexual relief through other means).’ Some may feedback to their wives about their sexual needs, but their needs still remain unmet at the end of the day.”

She commented candidly that the client just has to remember one important thing – “偷吃过后需要插嘴巴 (to wipe off evidence of carrying out the sexual deed when he returns home to his wife).”


The costs that come with being a social escort

Midway into the interview, Lynn eventually opened up about her past encounters with clients that had left a bad taste in her mouth…

“Some men are very cunning and treat you like shit. They think that just because they have paid you, they can do whatever they want to you. They fuck you so painfully hard or make nonsensical requests,” Lynn revealed in a bitter tone.

One incident involved an overweight client relentlessly pressing his whole weight onto Lynn’s small frame, even after she had heavily protested in pain.

Another episode concerned a client who dug up her personal Facebook account and threatened to upload her pictures (knowing that Lynn doesn’t reveal her whole face on her website).

“Some men just want the thrill of having power. I told him: ‘You want, by all means. I will call the police as you are invading my privacy.’ He did not do anything in the end,” Lynn said.

A third event had a client unexpectedly slapped her midway during sex. Shocked but not wanting to back down, Lynn returned the favour which only led to an exchange of harsh slaps between both parties.

Nevertheless, with a slight smug on her face, Lynn stated that even though there is no way to compete with a guy’s strength, she can always rely on other tricks up her sleeves…

Regarding the third event, she bellowed at the client: “You paying me does not make you a big shot, get off my pussy!”, before swiftly grabbing her phone to take his pictures and posting them online to shame him.

He later offered her compensation in return for his pictures to be taken down from the Internet. Needless to say, it was too late by then as the brouhaha had already flooded the Internet.

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Balancing between Doctor Lynn and Mistress Lynn

Continuing on, Lynn professed with a tinge of resentment underlying her tough facade,

“I show them Mistress Lynn (BDSM sensual dominatrix role) when they cross my boundaries or disrespect me. I crush their balls. I’ve been a dominatrix for more than one year. Men bow to me and worship my ass, feet and pussy. It makes me feel powerful. Some like being pegged. I enjoy caning them till they bleed [with consent].”
“Why do I have to suffer in the hands of men when during [my social escort] journey, I got bullied by them. So now it’s payback time.”

Lynn divulged that she also struggles at times with drawing a clear line between providing the girlfriend experience as Doctor Lynn and the dominatrix experience as Mistress Lynn.

“Nowadays, as I am easily triggered, I get the adrenaline rush to give clients pain when they piss me off, even as Doctor Lynn.”

It dawned upon me that Lynn’s accumulated pent-up grievances from her past might have inevitably impacted her to a larger extent than she actually realises.


What the future holds for Sensual Lynn

While juggling between promptly checking and replying to her clients’ texts on the phone and answering my questions, Lynn expressed a stable outlook towards her future.

In regards to the oral domain of serving men (giving blowjobs), her ambition is to provide sexual consultancy to women; emphasising that it will be a hands-on approach to teaching instead of her purely dishing out theoretical knowledge. She believes this will be a more effective way of learning for her students.

Questions on being a social escort

Sensing that I still had many more questions in my head, Lynn nudged me to throw them out to her.

I gladly followed up, querying whether she goes for health checks.

“As I’m the community for all, it’s my responsibility to go for checks to ensure that I do not pass anything down to my clients,” Lynn attested.

What about her Do’s and Don’ts?

Lynn affirmed that she serves all races, but will not allow the following services: anal, cum-on-face, raw and fingering.

Naturally, I was keen to find out what had made her take on this career path.

“Some do it because of financial needs. We need to pay for something. There are also tiny portions of girls from rich families who do it for fun to spite their family or to assert their financial independence. Every girl has their individual reasons,” explained Lynn.

From her general answer given, I took it as a subtle cue to not probe any further on the topic.

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How about the sweet gains from joining the social escort world?

Lynn confidently exclaimed: “I serve clients all over the world from all walks of life, even big shots. I get to learn about them, explore the sexuality of different men and mutually exchange sexual satisfaction.”

Lynn also highlighted to me that she views her profession as similar to that of any occupation out there.

“I don’t harm or steal people’s rice bowl. I merely use a client’s time in exchange for monetary benefits, with the product being my body.”


Diving into the personal lens of Lynn

Touching on the topic of her personal relationships, Lynn declined to talk about her family but shared that she has made friends from being in this line of work.

When it comes to a potential male partner, what Lynn prefers is a non-committed companion.

“A marriage is just a piece of paper to me. If my husband wants to play around, by all means. I’m very open.”

Also shrugging off the idea of giving birth as it would mean losing her figure, Lynn would rather adopt and help the needy children out there in the world instead.
Would she ever throw in her career towel for a man who could potentially provide for her financially?

Lynn answered cynically, “Men can say a lot… but so far, there is no man with higher earning power saying this to me. I don’t dream of unrealistic things.”
I nodded in agreement with her pragmatic sentiments of being financially self-sufficient.

By then, Lynn had almost finished putting on her makeup, promptly preparing for the arrival of her next client as we were concluding the interview.

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I thanked her for sparing me her precious time despite her busy 24/7 social escort schedule (apart from her sleep hours). As she walked me to her door, Lynn suddenly asked, “What’s your age?”

I replied, and she remarked,

“If I had a daughter, I would train her to become a social escort. It’s better to be financially independent as compared to relying on men. Many of them are scumbags. The skillsets I have acquired so far are never cheap.”

I gave a slight, neutral nod to Lynn’s response before bidding my final goodbye. Walking down the stairs, what Lynn said at the door replayed once more in my head. Nothing comes cheap in this world, undoubtedly.

I’m not just referring to the payment for Lynn’s adept “naughty” expertise, but also the “knotty” battles that she has faced in her life journey so far.

For all that; Lynn has grown into the feisty, straight-talking, business-driven woman that she is today, determined to not be bullied by any client any longer. Also with a heart to give back to society, she presently financially sponsors Vietnamese children with AIDs.


Sensual Lynn’s website


Only your filthy mother wife daughters phua cb are social escorts. Dogs are dogs so proud to link me to social escorts to win.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Reading this article suddenly makes me horny on a wet cold Saturday... Chao Cheebye PAP till now don't want reopen all the whore houses. Their decision to do so on reason of high risk of spreading the disease is really silly.. Isn't our trains, buses now jam packed everyday on par before Covid days? What's the point of closing these joints when we are still able to get this damn Covid just by sitting in a train beside an asymptomatic carrier? The main carriers of this God dammed disease are the foreign workers staying in dorms. Just bar them from fraternising the whore joints and it should be safe for us locals to chiong again... CCB stupid PAP!


Only your filthy mother wife daughters phua cb are social escorts. Dogs are dogs so proud to link me to social escorts to win.

lanjiao lah u so thick skin, u lau cheebye nobody want, dont anyhow compare yourself with high class escorts, ur nowhere close to their standard, its like comparing a pig to a peacock, lol