His speech was meaningful & eloquent. Did he write it himself or did a legal firm Senior Counsel wrote it for him?
As to his suggestions, to resolve the issue quickly - a bullet to the head would silence anyone. Dead men tell no tales, is he suggesting such?
PM past & present had never resort to such measures. Our infamous turncoats such as Tan Wah Piow, Francis Seow, & many others still lived, to spew their insane accusations even writing dense & rambling books to justify their treason, worse - living now from a country that once were our colonial masters whom disdain us & treated us as slaves when they brutally ruled over us, but our Govt either ignore them or sent POFMA edicts. Those traitors are not worth the effort to dirty one's hands. We have realities to deal with, a Govt to run & citizens lives to uplift than to entertain treasonous snakes.
Furthermore, they had been GRANTED fair trial & representation in our democracy Rule of Law Nation, & yet they fled & like cry babies, screaming persecution, like Lee Hsien Yang, whom ONLY need to attend a SPF interview to clear his name.... How else to make them answer to the third arm of Democracy - our Court?
The best answer to Mr Low is to show evidences that our Govt had done all they could under the law, & even morally, such as ex PM Lee's national apology to the nation for his private family squabbles, as well as National Heritage Board taking on the case for our Founding father's private property.
As to his questions on 'conflict of interest', it is NOT the interests that matters in law. It is the ABILITY to discern right & wrong, INTERPETING LEGISLATED laws of those whom had been put to the task to resolve issues that matters.
Singapore is a small nation, & ultimately each has a link to another. None is born out of a vacuum. If simply 'conflict of interest' is put to the test, then NO judge or committee members tasked to resolve issue would exists.