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Lee Wei Ling: Don't worship my limpeh, can?



Lee Kuan Yew would have cringed at the hero worship just one year after his death
The response of Singaporeans during the seven days of national mourning when my father, Lee Kuan Yew, died last March was unanticipated – even by Singaporeans themselves, not to mention foreign observers. As his daughter, I too was astounded by the intensity of Singaporeans' feelings towards my father.

In that collective mourning, we learnt something new about ourselves; and the rest of the world also learnt something new about us.
We came together in a moment of sorrow. We waited patiently under harsh weather conditions to bid farewell to a man who had been the leader of the nation’s founding fathers – one who had given his deepest thoughts and all his exertions towards taking forward the welfare of his countrymen.
Those who mourned remembered this. Despite stressful weather conditions, everyone was patient, tolerant, even positively kind and generous to each other. One SPH reporter described it as a miracle. I thought the same.

The lesson we learnt about ourselves gave us self-confidence and gained us the respect of other countries. As Lee Kuan Yew's daughter, I found tremendous comfort to know that my father's efforts were recognized by Singaporeans.

But I also knew that my fellow Singaporeans and I must now prepare for life after Lee Kuan Yew.
Life seemed to return to normal for Singapore over the past year. Personally, it was a different story for me. That I don't express my emotion in public does not mean I am not hurting inside. The wound has only recently healed, and not even completely. So I declined to comment for publications marking the first anniversary of my father's death.

What made me write this article was a front page report in The Straits Times (Mar 21). It carried a photo of an outline of Papa's face made with 4,877 erasers that form an installation which is 2.3 m wide and 3.1 m tall, titled Our Father, Our Country, Our Flag.
That was the work of 110 Singaporeans aged 17 to 35 using erasers with the Singapore flag on it.

It was a well-meaning effort but it made me wince. Here is why:
The photo brought back memories of my first visit to China with my father in 1976.
It was the end of the Cultural Revolution and I have vivid memories of our delegation being greeted by young children lining the streets chanting loudly: "WELCOME, WELCOME, A VERY WARM WELCOME."

It was very contrived and my father was not impressed. We are Singaporeans, not prone to excessive, unnatural displays of emotion.
Papa merely waved at the children, as he would have done in Singapore. I refused to even do that. I stared straight ahead, feeling very sad for the people of the "Middle Kingdom" that was still run like a kingdom.

Our Chinese hosts noticed our responses. The Singapore delegation did not come as though we were returning to our ancestral country, nor as representatives of a vessel state. When we bade the PRC delegation farewell at the China Hong Kong boundary, the PRC chief protocol officer said to Lee Khoon Choy, "Your PM is a tough man." We didn't think he meant only physically tough. They could not melt us with their over exuberant display of goodwill. We continued to behave as Singaporeans as opposed to PRC Chinese.

I acknowledge the outline of Papa's face made with erasers as a sincere gesture. But in looking at acts of commemoration in general, I would ask how the time, effort and resources used to prepare these would benefit Singapore and Singaporeans.

I also question the need for a commemoration so soon after Papa deaths, when last year’s event still hang heavy on the hearts and minds of some people. Allow me to compare how two other world leaders who were adored or apparently adored were commemorated by their government and/or people. Firstly when Chairman Mao died on 9 September 1976, the country was in shock. This was partly the result of the keenly felt loss of a semi-divine leader, but also caused by the enormous uncertainty about what the future held in stock for China and its people. The power struggle between Jiang Qing and the Gang of Four on the one hand, and Mao's designated successor Hua Guofeng on the other, which had been smoldering for some time caused grave anxiety for many people in China. However, on 6 October 1976, within a month after Mao's death, Hua had the Gang of Four arrested. Two days after the arrest of the Gang, the highest organs of the party and the state decided that a Memorial Hall would be built as a permanent tribute to the founder of the People's Republic. On 24 November 1976, the foundation stone for the gigantic building, located to the south of the Monument to the People's Heroes on Tiananmen Square was put in place. The construction went on day and night, and the building was finished on 29 August 1977. On that same day, Mao's body, which had been embalmed and placed in a crystal sarcophagus, was moved to the Hall. On 9 September 1977, a ceremony was held to commemorate the anniversary of Mao's death and the completion of the Hall.

The anniversary of the funeral of Winston Churchill took place 50 years after the actual funeral on 30 January 1965, which brought the capital to a standstill and took place a week after his death aged 90 on 24 January, is being marked by scores of events, including a service and wreath laying at the Houses of Parliament, a memorial service at Westminster Abbey, and the rebroadcast by BBC Parliament of the original live coverage. In a tribute to his most famous predecessor, the prime minister, David Cameron, said: “Half a century after his death, Winston Churchill’s legacy continues to inspire not only the nation whose liberty he saved, but the entire world. His words and his actions reverberate through our national life today.”

Compare the actual time from death to the first commemoration, and the different activities involved in the commemoration in the twi leaders above. Which one would Papa wish commemoration to resemble. Also bear in mind, that unlike almost all leaders, Papa was dead set against a personality cult and any hint of cronyism. If he was forced to choose one form of commemoration, Papa would have objected the less if the commemoration resembled that held for Winston Churchill. Do note that Churchill unlike Papa cherished glory and a place in the history of his county. Compare what Churchill’s commemoration which was conducted 50 years after his death with the activities that have been taking place in Singapore that will continue for an entire week. I think Papa would have objected if he were able to convey his view.

Perhaps we should allow some space for sentiment for those who feel last year’s events that took place immediately after Papa’s death were not enough to honour Papa.

Papa's focus never wavered. What he did was all for the welfare of the nation and its people. Yes, it is good that we remember history. But it would be even better if we honour Lee Kuan Yew by working for the well-being of Singapore and Singaporeans.

Any veneration could have the opposite effect and lead future generations of Singaporeans to think that my father's actions were motivated by his desire for fame, or creation of a dynasty. He strove hard and determinedly in life to advance Singapore, and not for his place in history, or leaving a great legacy. He is a rare politician and leader, who did what he had to do with no thought to any gain for himself.
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Like North Korea, PAP needs to promote an idol, a mascot, a demigod for Sinkies to worship and obey. Without LKY worshipping, PAP would lose a lot of votes and lose control. That's why PAP has been exaggerating LKY into a larger than life demigod and brainwashing Sinkies to bow and worship, even kindergarten kids and primary school kids.


My eye rolling moment came when FAP posted of an image of sun rays shining through Singaporean clouds and you have rabid fans thinking it is LKY's spirit.


It is not the Lee Family that godified lky. It is the pap machinery that need to milk lky for political purpose. They may well loathe him in private, but he is still a useful tool. How to tighten a screw without a screw driver ?


This is once a year besterest opportunity for the porlumpars to out-do each other to attract the eyeballs of the PAP. Maybe can get a PPM, or more personal business.

And now the daughter ask them not to worship her father? Obviously the PM-son thinks is all right to continue to squeeze the moisture from papa's ash for whatever mileage left! That's why till now no words from him.

They about to replace Raffles' statue with LKY's. The Merlion will remain as no one knows what the heck that thing is.

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
Honestly I think everyone want to live life normally after his death but it's the PAP machine that prevent us that. All the remembrance events are mooted and funded not by voters but by the propaganda machinery. So what is she talking about ?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Honestly I think everyone want to live life normally after his death but it's the PAP machine that prevent us that. All the remembrance events are mooted and funded not by voters but by the propaganda machinery. So what is she talking about ?

Can they get over this...GO BUILT A MAUSOLEUM at the mouth of the Singapore River & remove that ghastly looking MERLION....after all he worked hard to clean up the waterways & the River was once the life & we built this country from...

Get this done with....built one & let those who are 'three-legged', have a 24 hours /364 days place they can go & go stand in awe & sing praises & those arriving to Singapore, MUST PAY HOMAGE to that MAUSOLEUM....like I did ages ago visiting TAIWAN on tour...a must tribute to CKS....

But then again....will it just end at the MAUSOLEUM? for this people?.....they would want his face on currency notes, on postage stamps on.....:rolleyes:


Many sinkies are easily impressionable and manipulated and some suffer from a delusional sense of grandeur. :wink:


Alfrescian (Inf)
And the 70% supports it...give it time and soon LKY can be declared as God,,,

Honestly I think everyone want to live life normally after his death but it's the PAP machine that prevent us that. All the remembrance events are mooted and funded not by voters but by the propaganda machinery. So what is she talking about ?


Uncle has already stated in another post that the eldest son is encouraging such sentiments and going way overboard.

I was pretty sure LKY's daughter do not share in manner in which he and his followers are "honouring" LKY. If he feels that he need to depend on Singaporean's regard for his father in order to gain respect for himself, he should resign and leave the PM job to others more capable.


Papa's focus never wavered. What he did was all for the welfare of the nation and its people. Yes, it is good that we remember history. But it would be even better if we honour Lee Kuan Yew by working for the well-being of Singapore and Singaporeans.

It would be great if she could also tell us how she is working for the well being of Singapore and Singaporeans. :wink:


Alfrescian (Inf)
If LKY is prone to cringing at the hero worship,we can counterbalance that by amending the laws in parliament to allow sinkies to celebrate the old fart's death and pop a few champagnes and jam to roots reggae and sing the witch is dead,ding dong the witch is dead,we should allow freedom of speech and be allowed to curse and critique the old fart freely on youtube and the internet.

otherwise please dont talk about idol worship because thats apparently what u want after all.



Alfrescian (Inf)
the only regret in my and every sinkies life is the old fart didnt die ten years earlier so that might at least hasten the democracy process along and arse loong's demise along with it.



Lee Kuan Yew would have cringed at the hero worship just one year after his death
The response of Singaporeans during the seven days of national mourning when my father, Lee Kuan Yew, died last March was unanticipated – even by Singaporeans themselves, not to mention foreign observers. As his daughter, I too was astounded by the intensity of Singaporeans' feelings towards my father.

In that collective mourning, we learnt something new about ourselves; and the rest of the world also learnt something new about us.
We came together in a moment of sorrow. We waited patiently under harsh weather conditions to bid farewell to a man who had been the leader of the nation’s founding fathers – one who had given his deepest thoughts and all his exertions towards taking forward the welfare of his countrymen.
Those who mourned remembered this. Despite stressful weather conditions, everyone was patient, tolerant, even positively kind and generous to each other. One SPH reporter described it as a miracle. I thought the same.

The lesson we learnt about ourselves gave us self-confidence and gained us the respect of other countries. As Lee Kuan Yew's daughter, I found tremendous comfort to know that my father's efforts were recognized by Singaporeans.

But I also knew that my fellow Singaporeans and I must now prepare for life after Lee Kuan Yew.
Life seemed to return to normal for Singapore over the past year. Personally, it was a different story for me. That I don't express my emotion in public does not mean I am not hurting inside. The wound has only recently healed, and not even completely. So I declined to comment for publications marking the first anniversary of my father's death.

What made me write this article was a front page report in The Straits Times (Mar 21). It carried a photo of an outline of Papa's face made with 4,877 erasers that form an installation which is 2.3 m wide and 3.1 m tall, titled Our Father, Our Country, Our Flag.
That was the work of 110 Singaporeans aged 17 to 35 using erasers with the Singapore flag on it.

It was a well-meaning effort but it made me wince. Here is why:
The photo brought back memories of my first visit to China with my father in 1976.
It was the end of the Cultural Revolution and I have vivid memories of our delegation being greeted by young children lining the streets chanting loudly: "WELCOME, WELCOME, A VERY WARM WELCOME."

It was very contrived and my father was not impressed. We are Singaporeans, not prone to excessive, unnatural displays of emotion.
Papa merely waved at the children, as he would have done in Singapore. I refused to even do that. I stared straight ahead, feeling very sad for the people of the "Middle Kingdom" that was still run like a kingdom.

Our Chinese hosts noticed our responses. The Singapore delegation did not come as though we were returning to our ancestral country, nor as representatives of a vessel state. When we bade the PRC delegation farewell at the China Hong Kong boundary, the PRC chief protocol officer said to Lee Khoon Choy, "Your PM is a tough man." We didn't think he meant only physically tough. They could not melt us with their over exuberant display of goodwill. We continued to behave as Singaporeans as opposed to PRC Chinese.

I acknowledge the outline of Papa's face made with erasers as a sincere gesture. But in looking at acts of commemoration in general, I would ask how the time, effort and resources used to prepare these would benefit Singapore and Singaporeans.

I also question the need for a commemoration so soon after Papa deaths, when last year’s event still hang heavy on the hearts and minds of some people. Allow me to compare how two other world leaders who were adored or apparently adored were commemorated by their government and/or people. Firstly when Chairman Mao died on 9 September 1976, the country was in shock. This was partly the result of the keenly felt loss of a semi-divine leader, but also caused by the enormous uncertainty about what the future held in stock for China and its people. The power struggle between Jiang Qing and the Gang of Four on the one hand, and Mao's designated successor Hua Guofeng on the other, which had been smoldering for some time caused grave anxiety for many people in China. However, on 6 October 1976, within a month after Mao's death, Hua had the Gang of Four arrested. Two days after the arrest of the Gang, the highest organs of the party and the state decided that a Memorial Hall would be built as a permanent tribute to the founder of the People's Republic. On 24 November 1976, the foundation stone for the gigantic building, located to the south of the Monument to the People's Heroes on Tiananmen Square was put in place. The construction went on day and night, and the building was finished on 29 August 1977. On that same day, Mao's body, which had been embalmed and placed in a crystal sarcophagus, was moved to the Hall. On 9 September 1977, a ceremony was held to commemorate the anniversary of Mao's death and the completion of the Hall.

The anniversary of the funeral of Winston Churchill took place 50 years after the actual funeral on 30 January 1965, which brought the capital to a standstill and took place a week after his death aged 90 on 24 January, is being marked by scores of events, including a service and wreath laying at the Houses of Parliament, a memorial service at Westminster Abbey, and the rebroadcast by BBC Parliament of the original live coverage. In a tribute to his most famous predecessor, the prime minister, David Cameron, said: “Half a century after his death, Winston Churchill’s legacy continues to inspire not only the nation whose liberty he saved, but the entire world. His words and his actions reverberate through our national life today.”

Compare the actual time from death to the first commemoration, and the different activities involved in the commemoration in the twi leaders above. Which one would Papa wish commemoration to resemble. Also bear in mind, that unlike almost all leaders, Papa was dead set against a personality cult and any hint of cronyism. If he was forced to choose one form of commemoration, Papa would have objected the less if the commemoration resembled that held for Winston Churchill. Do note that Churchill unlike Papa cherished glory and a place in the history of his county. Compare what Churchill’s commemoration which was conducted 50 years after his death with the activities that have been taking place in Singapore that will continue for an entire week. I think Papa would have objected if he were able to convey his view.

Perhaps we should allow some space for sentiment for those who feel last year’s events that took place immediately after Papa’s death were not enough to honour Papa.

Papa's focus never wavered. What he did was all for the welfare of the nation and its people. Yes, it is good that we remember history. But it would be even better if we honour Lee Kuan Yew by working for the well-being of Singapore and Singaporeans.

Any veneration could have the opposite effect and lead future generations of Singaporeans to think that my father's actions were motivated by his desire for fame, or creation of a dynasty. He strove hard and determinedly in life to advance Singapore, and not for his place in history, or leaving a great legacy. He is a rare politician and leader, who did what he had to do with no thought to any gain for himself.

So what will you say if you mati and your brother gives you a state funeral led by Chan Chun Sing?


Alfrescian (Inf)
sum folks like dat tomy n dat zeroo depend on tis 4 a living ... she's now trying 2 break their rice bowls ...


Like North Korea, PAP needs to promote an idol, a mascot, a demigod for Sinkies to worship and obey. Without LKY worshipping, PAP would lose a lot of votes and lose control. That's why PAP has been exaggerating LKY into a larger than life demigod and brainwashing Sinkies to bow and worship, even kindergarten kids and primary school kids.[/QUOTE

this auntie is right........ fucking papigs so shameless in squeezing goodwill out of a dead man


Alfrescian (Inf)
It would be great if she could also tell us how she is working for the well being of Singapore and Singaporeans. :wink:

All the famiLEE members are working for your well-being.....she is a neurologist or a Neuro Surgeon? head of NNI...isn't sHE working for the well being of......



Looks like a rabid fan and newspaper editor of 154th ain't happy

The Straits Times’ Assistant Sports Editor, Chia Han Keong, is upset that Mr Lee Kuan Yew’s daughter, Ms Lee Wei Ling has written a post in her Facebook asking Singaporeans to stop hero-worshiping her father. He wrote in his Facebook, “Yah yah yah, one little chiding by the daughter, and now everyone regrets remembering LKY. Too late, mofos.”

A reader has also sent us a screencap of Mr Chia’s post on the topic. In the post he criticised Ms Lee for being a “sourpuss” and said that “if we hadn’t done this barrage of tributes, some political enemies might write bad things about us”. He asked Ms Lee to be glad that “we don’t spit on your dad’s grave.”


The Straits Times led the sycophantic hero-worship of Mr Lee Kuan Yew with an entire series of articles in their newspaper just one year after the former Prime Minister’s death.

The letter writer, Ms Poon asked if The Straits Times was threatening to spit on Mr Lee Kuan Yew’s grave. She added, “I am shocked and appalled by this man’s insensitivity, and expected much more from a distinguished newspaper.”

Mr Chia has been in the employ of the Singapore Press Holdings – the parent company of The Straits Times – since 2002.


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