Reverse take over of Gov?Don't force Hezbollah to take over Lebanon and later, Israel and Syria.
If I am not mistaken, Shiites are 43% of Lebanese population. That makes them the biggest bloc. Meanwhile, next door Syria, the new gomen are executing entire family of minority alawites a branch of Shiites and they used to rule Syria under Assad. I am sure Iran and Hezbollah will not allow this to continue.Reverse take over of Gov?
I believe Israel is happy with their occupation of southern syria. It encompasses 20% of Syrian territory plus lots of water source. Better deal than Gaza unless you take into account the gas field which Lies offshore. With that, plus Golan heights, Israel just got much bigger than both west Bank and Gaza put together.Only retards here believe in the ceasefire. Never trust US/zionazie. They will break the truce and blame Hamas. Zionazies are known to be liars, cheaters, robbers, murderers.
I believe Israel is happy with their occupation of southern syria. It encompasses 20% of Syrian territory plus lots of water source. Better deal than Gaza unless you take into account the gas field which Lies offshore. With that, plus Golan heights, Israel just got much bigger than both west Bank and Gaza put together.
Those Syrian villagers trying get home are shot at meaning their properties, have been seized in a typical Zionist style.
I believe Israel is happy with their occupation of southern syria. It encompasses 20% of Syrian territory plus lots of water source. Better deal than Gaza unless you take into account the gas field which Lies offshore. With that, plus Golan heights, Israel just got much bigger than both west Bank and Gaza put together.
Those Syrian villagers trying get home are shot at meaning their properties, have been seized in a typical Zionist style.
Sinkies have to learnt to be grateful to Jews that helped Sg remain independent and peaceful. Please do not sow discord with countries that helped us when others wont.Only retards here believe in the ceasefire. Never trust US/zionazie. They will break the truce and blame Hamas. Zionazies are known to be liars, cheaters, robbers, murderers.
since 1947,whenever any arab country attacked Israel, Israel's territory will expand. I think the best planner is yahwah, not allah lah.
@Likemeat you pray pray to allah 5 times per day is wasting your time, he is a lousy planner and he won't answer your prayers.
Sinkies have to learnt to be grateful to Jews that helped Sg remain independent and peaceful. Please do not sow discord with countries that helped us when others wont.
"The Singapore Army, the most powerful armed force in Southeast Asia, was originally set up by Israelis, Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported.
After Singapore became independent from Malaysia in 1965, Lee Kuan Yew, the first Prime Minister and founding father of modern Singapore, immediately asked Israel to help build up Singapore's military. Prior to that, Lee contacted India and Egypt, but both rejected Lee's requests.
After Singapore became independent, the British army decided to withdraw all its troops from Singapore. Its security situation was challenging, hence the first generation of leaders, with Lee as the core, attached great importance to developing national defense.
In December 1965, a military delegation led by Israeli then Colonel Yaakov Elazari secretly arrived in Singapore to begin work on the completion of the local military structure. Since that day, military ties between Israel and Singapore have strengthened, making the latter one of Israel's biggest clients of foreign arms sales."
We hope Brunei and Johor Sultan can continue to be BFF too. Only Indo & CCP are real threats to us & bolehland as well.In that case peasant govt shld be beholden to zionazie and reject two-state solutions.
U see how merciful and compassionate Allah is. HE could have taken your life right this very moment. But no. Just like israhell, HES giving u guys extended time only. U jolly well know all will perish is this temporary world. When u breathe your last breath, when the angel of death come charging towards u and pull out your pathetic soul, by then too late to repent or ask forgiveness. By them Muslims will have the last laugh. So carry on mocking and ridicule the Prophet, pbuh. The clock is ticking. End of time is approaching...
ok, you and allah both win.
We have many kaafirs much better in term of character and morality than your perfect role model.![]()
You can't score point by debating here, you have to chop off my head to score point. Eating pork is more sinful than killing and raping infidels.I am not here to score point. Unlike some boomers here. Dont talk abt others. Talk abt urself. Look at ur morality, character, spreading lies etc. Mocking ridiculing other believers/religion.
You can't score point by debating here, you have to chop off my head to score point. Eating pork is more sinful than killing and raping infidels.
I post factual deeds done by muslims. No blasphemy law in this forum that forbids me from posting or others from responding to my posts which are real and true happenings.
Your perfect role model commands you to kill your family member whoever keluar islam.
Ok, Allah is the best planner.![]()