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law student will be sent back from uk to gaza. hamas, please welcome her back. thank you.



UK revokes visa of law student who addressed pro-Palestine protest​

Dana Abuqamar says her comments at a rally last year which raised suspicion were mischaracterised.


Dana Abuqamar, a 19-year-old Palestinian law student, says her visa has been revoked

[Screengrab/Al Jazeera]
By Al Jazeera Staff
Published On 10 May 202410 May 2024
The United Kingdom has revoked the visa of a Palestinian student after she participated in a pro-Palestine demonstration at her university.

Dana Abuqamar told Al Jazeera that the Home Office withdrew her visa casting her as a “national security” threat, following remarks she made at the protest last year.

“During this genocide, the UK Home Office decided to revoke my student visa following public statements supporting the Palestinian right to exercise under international law to resist oppression and break through the siege that was illegally placed on Gaza for over 16 years,” said Abuqamar, who leads the Friends of Palestine society at the University of Manchester.

“Freedom of expression is a fundamental human right, but it seems to not apply to ethnic minorities, particularly Muslims and Palestinians like myself.”

Last year, the 19-year-old law student revealed that she had lost 15 family members during Israel’s war on Gaza.

Abuqamar, who is in her final year of study, spoke of a sense of “pride” at a pro-Palestine event last year, following Hamas’s October 7 attacks in Israel.

“We are really full of joy at what happened,” she said.

However, she later told the BBC that her comments were misconstrued and that the deaths of any “innocent civilian should not be condoned, ever”.

Hamas, the group which governs Gaza, launched an unprecedented incursion into southern Israel on October 7. During that assault, 1,390 people were killed and hundreds were taken captive. It sharply escalated the historic Israel-Palestine conflict, setting off Israel’s latest and deadliest war on Gaza.

To date, about 35,000 Palestinians have been killed in the strip, much of which is reduced to rubble.

syed putra

Where is that freedom of speech the West do boastful about?
On YouTube, those Iraqi weapons inspectors from the US who told UN there was no weapons of mass destruction were silenced on the media. Now they are all pro Palestine as they know the US is up to no good.


I hope no one hires such a racist person as you. GO TO HELL

Eh newbie, this forum consists mainly of racists, sexists, misogynists, anti-Pappies and anti-social bunch of fuckers. If you are so easily offended, please go elsewhere. But please don't leave before you get acquainted with a certain character from Mayfair. Once you incur her wrath, you'll likely to stay on and want to join us to abuse her.
By the way, I don't need anyone to hire me cos I'm the boss. I hire and fire people.

syed putra

Eh newbie, this forum consists mainly of racists, sexists, misogynists, anti-Pappies and anti-social bunch of fuckers. If you are so easily offended, please go elsewhere. But please don't leave before you get acquainted with a certain character from Mayfair. Once you incur her wrath, you'll likely to stay on and want to join us to abuse her.
By the way, I don't need anyone to hire me cos I'm the boss. I hire and fire people.
I think there could be a law against online bullying.


Obviously many of you guys do not understand her position just like the Colonials who are so fearful themselves.
You will only understand when this happens to you and your family.
Leemember whatever you wish upon others will come back to you.

You must leemember how Old Fart Lee used to whack the shit of anyone who opposed him even by words.
Old Fart Lee used to have nightmares and could not sleep until he jailed others without trial
See the end leesult.
The children leant well and now whack each other right before your eyes until got exiled.
Told him to cum to my Village by Lake Victoria, Uganda.
But wanted to go to Blitunn


Obviously many of you guys do not understand her position just like the Colonials who are so fearful themselves.
You will only understand when this happens to you and your family.
Leemember whatever you wish upon others will come back to you.

You must leemember how Old Fart Lee used to whack the shit of anyone who opposed him even by words.
Old Fart Lee used to have nightmares and could not sleep until he jailed others without trial
See the end leesult.
The children leant well and now whack each other right before your eyes until got exiled.
Told him to cum to my Village by Lake Victoria, Uganda.
But wanted to go to Blitunn
Harry recruited Israelis aka Mexicans.

syed putra

Why bother to study English law when you practice Sharia law in Palestine ?
Palestine was destined to be a secular state. Hence reason why they want apartheid Israel to dissappear.
A secular palestine state will accept all Jews Christian and muslims as citizens from the river to the sea.


Palestine was destined to be a secular state. Hence reason why they want apartheid Israel to dissappear.
A secular palestine state will accept all Jews Christian and muslims as citizens from the river to the sea.
the crazy and evil islamists will bot let that happen