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laohero pma rider mati



PMA rider, 69, dies after colliding with motorcycle at Jurong West​

PMA rider, 69, dies after colliding with motorcycle at Jurong West
PHOTO: Supplied to Shin Min Daily News
PUBLISHED ONDecember 08, 2023 6:10 PMByLim Kewei
A 69-year-old man riding a personal mobility aid (PMA) died after he was hit by a motorcyclist in Jurong West on Thursday (Dec 7).
The fatal accident occurred along Jurong West Avenue 1 towards Corporation Road at about 8.35pm, reported Shin Min Daily News.
An eyewitness surnamed Xie told the Chinese daily that he was passing by the area when he saw the elderly man lying on the ground, and his wrecked PMA lying on the side of the road.
"The elderly man was likely riding his PMA across the road when he collided with a motorcycle," said the 75-year-old retiree.
"The seat and tyres of the PMA fell off, so the impact [of the collision] must have been quite strong."
Xie said that the young motorcyclist was also flung onto the road.
"He seemed to have injured his legs and neck, and kept groaning in pain."
Some passers-by stepped in to help direct traffic away from the elderly man and motorcyclist, Xie added.
A video he filmed showed three paramedics providing first aid to the elderly man, with one of them performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) on him.
When Shin Min reporters arrived at the scene, several police cars were present and police officers were collecting evidence.
PHOTO: Shin Min Daily News
The PMA was severely damaged, and parts of the mobility device were strewn around the road.
A bag filled with tissues and a shoe were also seen on the roadside.
A group of motorcyclists were also seen standing around the accident scene. One of them, who identified himself as Nick, said they were friends of the injured motorcyclist.
"He's already been taken to the hospital. His wife informed us about the accident, and we came over since we were nearby to see if we could help," said the 48-year-old.
In response to AsiaOne's queries, the police said that a 69-year-old male PMA rider was conveyed unconscious to hospital, where he subsequently died.
A 27-year-old male motorcyclist was conveyed conscious to hospital.
Police investigations are ongoing.
According to the Land Transport Authority, PMAs are allowed on footpaths and cycling paths, but not on roads. It is an offence to ride a device on a path or road which it is prohibited from.


According to the Land Transport Authority, PMAs are allowed on footpaths and cycling paths, but not on roads. It is an offence to ride a device on a path or road which it is prohibited from.
How do they get home if they are not allowed to be across the road? When we walk home we also will need to walk on footpath, crossing the road etc

The elderly man was likely riding his PMA across the road when he collided with a motorcycle," said the 75-year-old retiree.


How do they get home if they are not allowed to be across the road? When we walk home we also will need to walk on footpath, crossing the road etc
On the other hand, electric scooters are not allowed on void deck and footpaths but are allowed on the road. How do they get their scooters on the road if they cannot ride it on the void deck?


Oh dear, Ayam Ginyat on her silly bike going around to harass old men in Jurong East needs to be careful too. She might be run over by a car and tear her hymen. :eek:


lots of lazy mutts who can't afford a car, buy a PMA as a cheap consolation. makes me wonder what's the loophole they exploit. You see fully fit motherfuckers riding in and out of trains, and fucking everyone they deem to be in their way.


This PMA is a job ,cb some do big , n u see Malay especially carried passengers with it for shopping ,cb ,actually most can walk around some more


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
69 is an ideal age for cycling and road racing in particular. Why is this guy using a PMA at such a young age?



Singapore infrastructure as a whole is not wheel chair friendly….let alone PMA friendly.


sometimes i see these old boomers on the road with pma. they really bochup one