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Serious IT Programmer Hacked Into PAP NCS And Deleted Servers After He Was Fired For Being A Lousy Programmer! Guess Race!


Alfrescian (Inf)

once on Feb 23, 2023.
I personally dealt with CECA, who deleted the company's data upon his resignation. On my first day of work to replace the CECA, I informed my employer what has happened, only to be met with irresponsible reply that it wasn't the company's fault and it was my job to make it right. The following day, I did not show up for work because my initial impression of the local boss really sucks to high heaven.
Wow sure or not? Really got dragon got tiger when u said you didn’t show up the following day. Hah
Wjy should I show up for work, to clean up the mess left by CECA and the boss atitude is "you die your business"? If he has bothered to report the incident to police, I would have shown him some respect but he gave me the KNNBCCB attitude. It is wise for me to show him my middle finger and seek opportunity elsewhere. I am not the typical sinkies you seen in PAPPY neighbourhood.


back in 2004, I was hired in citibank tampines as a temp worker. fucking VP is a CECA. i am expected to clear up a lot of BACKDATED (like 6-9mths back) shit , as low hourly temp staff rate. Expected to work till wee hours of the morning. A few local temp staff were in that dept clearing the same shit.
A meeting room was set aside for the whole piles of backdated workload.

They were talking among themselves...after clearing up all the backlogged and backdated shit, they intend to talk to the VP and negotiate for permanent conversion.. he told them he will fight for them AFTER they have clean up all the backlogged and backdated shit.

you all believed him?? where did all that backlogged come from? outsourced to india?? fucking cecas in india make a huge mess, and they bring all of it back to SG and hire sinkies as cheap temp staff clean up workers. after all that clean all, simply reship all the neat stuff back to india... it took me quite a few years to figure this out. KNNCB.

banks, MNCs, govt stat boards,. they hire highly-paid CECAs to create the mess, then the CECA leave with all the money and bonuses and you get hired as a cheap-rated contract staff to clean up the mess, after which the CECAs come back and gets re-hired and enjoy the clean slate that you have created for them on a red carpet.

past few days, I have seen middle age women driving cabs (total newbie, can't read the GPS properly, suspect even charged me the incorrect amount) and doing grab delivery on bicycles (totally exhausted and venting it on her 5yo kid in the lift.
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