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It’s Official! Daddy Lee to give ministerial statement on all the positions TCJ fucked CLH and whether it was raw! Plus more!


Look at Pinkie's hands shaking when replying to Pritam from 52:45. Can see he's trying very hard to put two palms together to hide or minimise it. Either it's aging, which I never noticed it before, or he's really stressed up & nervous. And look at him, he looks very mentally/physically drained


Look at Pinkie's hands shaking when replying to Pritam from 52:45. Can see he's trying very hard to put two palms together to hide or minimise it. Either it's aging, which I never noticed it before, or he's really stressed up & nervous. And look at him, he looks very mentally/physically drained
karma will get him one way or other. You can cover up, but death comes swiftly. He should always remember Adrian Tan
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Alfrescian (Inf)
LHL looked very tired and drawn.
Indranee, not much better. Dealing with Leong Mun Wai can be mind-numbing.
Vivian tries too hard. Like a drunk who will never admit he is drunken, VB keeps saying things like "members of the
house know me, how I operate" and carry on to say that he is a straight shooter. The looks of the MPs behind show
Shanmmuggam suddenly looks old and tired. He was not able to counter the accusations from Pritam and even when
he did, Pritam corrected him.
CCS for all this years (and calling Halimah Mdm President twice in parliament) is still a shaky insecure small boy. Had
to ownself correct ownself in his short responses.
Seah Kian Peng tried to yaya about giving leeway to Pritam but had no rebuttal to Pritam that he was only doing what
PAP members had done in the past.


Shan is tired now.
He should just tell the public he was harassed by a sinkie virgin slut everday and lost his mind.

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
LHL looked very tired and drawn.
Indranee, not much better. Dealing with Leong Mun Wai can be mind-numbing.
Vivian tries too hard. Like a drunk who will never admit he is drunken, VB keeps saying things like "members of the
house know me, how I operate" and carry on to say that he is a straight shooter. The looks of the MPs behind show
Shanmmuggam suddenly looks old and tired. He was not able to counter the accusations from Pritam and even when
he did, Pritam corrected him.
CCS for all this years (and calling Halimah Mdm President twice in parliament) is still a shaky insecure small boy. Had
to ownself correct ownself in his short responses.
Seah Kian Peng tried to yaya about giving leeway to Pritam but had no rebuttal to Pritam that he was only doing what
PAP members had done in the past.
Meanwhile OYK saying heng bo wa dai ji. HSK saying heng ah I siam earlier. Laolan Wong thinking what the fuck did I get myself into.


CCS is a farking joke. Anyhow hoot about if PM refused to concurr & President reject CPIB request, CPIB can still proceed to investigate then later have to correct himself and again after PM clarify, LOL.

This farker is still behaving like an insecure schoolboy and self-righteous military nut. Don't be surprise that he will be next one to be involved in a big scandal after TCJ, LOL.

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Look at Pinkie's hands shaking when replying to Pritam from 52:45. Can see he's trying very hard to put two palms together to hide or minimise it. Either it's aging, which I never noticed it before, or he's really stressed up & nervous. And look at him, he looks very mentally/physically drained
He is doing his very best for the country.


LHL looked very tired and drawn.
Indranee, not much better. Dealing with Leong Mun Wai can be mind-numbing.
Vivian tries too hard. Like a drunk who will never admit he is drunken, VB keeps saying things like "members of the
house know me, how I operate" and carry on to say that he is a straight shooter. The looks of the MPs behind show
Shanmmuggam suddenly looks old and tired. He was not able to counter the accusations from Pritam and even when
he did, Pritam corrected him.
CCS for all this years (and calling Halimah Mdm President twice in parliament) is still a shaky insecure small boy. Had
to ownself correct ownself in his short responses.
Seah Kian Peng tried to yaya about giving leeway to Pritam but had no rebuttal to Pritam that he was only doing what
PAP members had done in the past.
In short a house of cards on its way down. About fucking time


CCS is a farking joke. Anyhow hoot about if PM refused to concurr & President reject CPIB request, CPIB can still proceed to investigate then later have to correct himself and again after PM clarify, LOL.

This farker is still behaving like an insecure schoolboy and self-righteous military nut. Don't be surprise that he will be next one to be involved in a big scandal after TCJ, LOL.

Which gal other than his wife (presumably) would want to kum his lanjiao. If you were a gal, would you? Imagine doing it while staring at his casio watch. Why you take so long to cum?


He does not need to tell us what positions they used. All I am interested is how he "counselled them", as in the exact words he said to them.

For example,
"Please can you stop fucking each other." :mad::eek::roflmao:


He does not need to tell us what positions they used. All I am interested is how he "counselled them", as in the exact words he said to them.

For example,
"Please can you stop fucking each other." :mad::eek::roflmao:
Pinky : "For the last time,can u please stop farking each other...but u can suck each other.":laugh:
  • Haha
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