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Chitchat Issue of nurses wearing tudung discussed 6 months ago: Shanmugam


Alfrescian (Inf)
(Saw a comment online
People not hiring muslims.
Company dinner also fucked up
Demand one more fridge one more microwave.
One more prayer room, pray 5 tjmes a day.
Why hire?)

Multinationals do not find this to be a serious issue.

Most of my cheena friends have no problems hiring the right staffs regardless tudung or otherwise. They are not like some Islamophobia retards here. They can go employ ceca, pinoy or jiuhukia. :biggrin:


Any versesfm bible tat tally with verses in the Quran Muslims have no problem accepting it. :biggrin: Muhammad, pbuh, was an unlettered Prophet. Watever mentioned in the Quran was a revelation fm Allah azzawajal.
So, indirectly, your God agreed with what was written in the Bible and Torah.
And yet, why so much disdain and resentment for everyone that does not believe in the Koran, if your own God agreed with the truths in the Bible and Torah, then Christians n Jews are actually like yr brothers, not to be treated nor viewed as infidels, no?


Alfrescian (Inf)
So, indirectly, your God agreed with what was written in the Bible and Torah.
And yet, why so much disdain and resentment for everyone that does not believe in the Koran, if your own God agreed with the truths in the Bible and Torah, then Christians n Jews are actually like yr brothers, not to be treated nor viewed as infidels, no?

Only some r truth in the bible. Just like believe in Shema. But the moment u start worshippg Jesus, pbuh, as god, then the bible cant be words of God.


She expresses concern over President Halimah Yacob's silence on the issue

Pexels photo (Raka Miftah) for illustration only

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Singapore— The tudung issue is both a deeply personal as well as a national concern for educator Nur Friday, who spoke to historian PJ Thum and Wake Up Singapore’s Sean Francis Han.

In a conversation uploaded to New Naratif’s YouTube channel, the hosts talked to Ms Nur, who, as a Malay Muslim woman, represents the people most deeply affected by the issue, and whose voice in the debate has been curiously lacking.

To recap, during a Budget debate speech earlier this year, Workers’ Party MP Faisal Manap suggested that Muslim nurses be allowed to wear the tudung or headscarf as part of their uniform.

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This is not a new issue, but a recurrent concern that Mr Faisal has championed over the years.

Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office Maliki Osman joined Mr Masagos in highlighting that sensitive issues, such as the tudung, are discussed behind closed doors in Singapore to avoid serious ramifications.

On Mar 23, Home Affairs and Law Minister K Shanmugam clarified that the Government can “see good reasons why nurses should be allowed to wear the tudung if they choose to do so”. He added that the issue was discussed six months ago.

And on Mar 31, PM Lee also weighed in on the issue, saying that changes must be carefully considered.

A commitment to faith & a national issue
Ms Nur explained that, on her part, the choice to wear the tudung is a commitment to her faith. After a period of soul searching, she came to her decision as the tudung reminds her “that life on earth is not the final destination”.

Later in the interview, she underlined that wearing a tudung should be a personal choice for Muslim women, as not all should be expected to choose to do so.

Some may decide not to wear one at all, and either way, both decisions must be respected, she said.

But she also called for the voice of more Muslim women to be heard regarding the issue, saying that men’s voices have been front and centre—Messrs Faisal Manap, Masagos, and Maliki, and later on, Mr Shanmugam.

Muslim women are an important part of Singapore’s culture and history but don’t have a real platform. Neither have they been invited or encouraged to join the policy-making table, Ms Nur said.

Additionally, the fact that the Law and Home Affairs Minister has spoken has made it a national issue, which means “we can have the conversation now”, she said.

One voice she says she wished to hear is that of President Halimah Yacob who, as a Muslim woman, wears a tudung herself in her daily life.

Ms Nur, who has met the President in the course of her volunteer work, called her “an amazing woman”, but expressed concern over her current silence on the matter.


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syed putra

Wow Ah Nehs are the best after all. Much better than the Chinese
The very fact tat the companions and most of the Muslims had memorized the Quran already proved the Quran was "published" i.e. in the hearts/heads of the hafiz. :thumbsup: Books, writings can be destroyed. Now, u wanna destroy the Quran u need to exterminate all the Muslims (hafiz). Can u do it? U cant. Haha...tat itself is a living miracle
Nope.it proves nothing. If indeed these are what was recited by mahomet. We know moses was given only the ten commandments. Where did the torah came from?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Nope.it proves nothing. If indeed these are what was recited by mahomet. We know moses was given only the ten commandments. Where did the torah came from?

The very fact the Quran is intact past 1400years already proven its a miracle. No humans can ever protect a book for such a loooooong period. Look at all the scriptures around u. Torah, Bible, sanscrite, Vedas etc etc. How many times have they been revised? Countless. Whereas the Quran has never been alter, change, add or subtract past 1400 years. And why is it so? Cos ALLAH azzawajal will preserved it! ALLAHU AKBAR! U can reject, moan, shout, yell, scream, run amok 24/7 over the authenticity of the Quran. But its useless mate. U are merely a weakling, creation of the Creator i.e. Allah azzawajal. Read the following:

Indeed, it is We who sent down the Qur’an and indeed, We will be its guardian. [Al-Hijr 15:9]

Behold, it is We Ourselves who have bestowed from on high, step by step, this reminder? and, behold, it is We who shall truly guard it [from all corruption] :thumbsup:



The malays recite several time a day, to lead them to a straight path, but most dunno
what the straight path is.
A straight path involves ‘to do unto others as you would want them to do unto you.’
When u recite yr prayers in a foreign language, how to be close to God and feel God’s presence, and not do ungodly things on other fellow humans?
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The very fact the Quran is intact past 1400years already proven its a miracle. No humans can ever protect a book for such a loooooong period. Look at all the scriptures around u. Torah, Bible, sanscrite, Vedas etc etc. How many times have they been revised? Countless. Whereas the Quran has never been alter, change, add or subtract past 1400 years. And why is it so? Cos ALLAH azzawajal will preserved it! ALLAHU AKBAR! U can reject, moan, shout, yell, scream, run amok 24/7 over the authenticity of the Quran. But its useless mate. U are merely a weakling, creation of the Creator i.e. Allah azzawajal. Read the following:

Indeed, it is We who sent down the Qur’an and indeed, We will be its guardian. [Al-Hijr 15:9]

Behold, it is We Ourselves who have bestowed from on high, step by step, this reminder? and, behold, it is We who shall truly guard it [from all corruption] :thumbsup:

Ok, glorify the book, yet the moslem scholars oftentimes contradict each other in the interpretation of Koran itself.
This religion was very confusing to study bcoz a lot of the words/sentences(apart from the copied stories from Bible n Torah) can be interpreted in accordance to the interpreter’s whim.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Ok, glorify the book, yet the moslem scholars oftentimes contradict each other in the interpretation of Koran itself.
This religion was very confusing to study bcoz a lot of the words/sentences(apart from the copied stories from Bible n Torah) can be interpreted in accordance to the interpreter’s whim.

If u talk about scholars contradicting each other on the interpretation then i can guarantee u as far as the Quran, no problem. Cos we have the master copy of the Arabic Quran. And the master copy is available in the Masjid, homes, bookstalls etc etc. If no knowledge of Arabic language then u can do a simple translation via Hp. So simple. So no confusion tere. If u talk about confusion look no further. Look at the bible and the Torah. Especially the former. Tons and tons of different version. Tat i called confusion. Different churches read different bible version. I can go on and on abt bible contradictions. But like i said i dont wish to comment much abt the bible. :smile:


If u talk about scholars contradicting each other on the interpretation then i can guarantee u as far as the Quran, no problem. Cos we have the master copy of the Arabic Quran. And the master copy is available in the Masjid, homes, bookstalls etc etc. If no knowledge of Arabic language then u can do a simple translation via Hp. So simple. So no confusion tere. If u talk about confusion look no further. Look at the bible and the Torah. Especially the former. Tons and tons of different version. Tat i called confusion. Different churches read different bible version. I can go on and on abt bible contradictions. But like i said i dont wish to comment much abt the bible. :smile:
I can comment a lot about the Koran. But just this once, I let u win. ;-}


Alfrescian (Inf)
I can comment a lot about the Koran. But just this once, I let u win. ;-}

Actually i have no problem discussing religion with u. To gain knowledge. Also to pass time. Tcss. Not to argue to win. Tio boh? Those who always love to argue and call names i will ignore n run far far away fm them. :biggrin:


Alfrescian (Inf)
We pray in a language that we comprehend. Unlike yours, our God is not Arab. Our God is multi linguist.

U sure want to discuss religion here? I have no problem with tat. But we may end up shooting each other. I have many good xtian friends. They may be hurt by my post. Like i said Muslims would only retaliate when being assaulted.
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