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Serious Israel Winning In Gaza! Denazification Of Gaza In Progress! Israel Flag Now Flying Over Gaza!


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Al Jazeera fakestinian reporter exposed as a hamas member. That's why Jews denazify fakestinians who call themselves as 'reporters'.
@syed putra



Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Local hospital staff have renounced islam. Betrayed the mujahedeen to the Jews. Mujahedeen now standing in their panties and exiled into slavery in faraway Israel. Still can get 72 virgins in paradise?

@Hypocrite-The @duluxe



Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Then destroyed their homes and massacred their family.

That's what moslems do, despite receiving free food, electricity and internet from the Jews. moslems love to bite the hands that feed them. It's as though betraying people is a pillar of islam.


That's what moslems do, despite receiving free food, electricity and internet from the Jews. moslems love to bite the hands that feed them. It's as though betraying people is a pillar of islam.

Killing thousands and thousands of innocent civilians including women, children, infants. Evil zionist jews

syed putra

That's what moslems do, despite receiving free food, electricity and internet from the Jews. moslems love to bite the hands that feed them. It's as though betraying people is a pillar of islam.
The Jews are getting tens of billions a year from the US. From weapons to economic aid.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Killing thousands and thousands of innocent civilians including women, children, infants. Evil zionist jews

Your moslem 'prophet' and nearly all important islamic figures killed thousands and thousands of innocent civilians. Don't see you cursing them.

So go fuck yourself.



JERUSALEM: Thousands of Israelis Protest to Demand ‘Victory,’ No Weak Deals​

