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Iran - War On Another Front Coming Soon?



Israeli strike on Iran just a matter of time?
06 August, 2009, 14:44

Despite all diplomatic efforts the US has undertaken to dissuade Israel from striking Iranian nuclear facilities, the attack now seems virtually inevitable.

In light of Israel’s recent military preparations, it can only be a matter of when.

The recent visit of Defense Secretary Robert Gates to Jerusalem only proved Israel is determined to act, taking “no option” off the table regarding Iran’s nuclear program.

“This is our position. We mean it,” Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak said, pointing out at the same time that the current priority should be diplomacy.

When it comes to the US mediating role, diplomats appear to have used up their tools.

“Mr. Obama has no new strategic thinking on Iran. He vaguely promises to offer the country the carrot of diplomacy – followed by an empty threat of sanctions down the road if Iran does not comply with US requests. This is precisely the European Union’s approach, which has failed for over six years,” American diplomat John Bolton, former US Ambassador to the UN, wrote in the aftermath of the meeting in The Wall Street Journal. “There is no reason Iran would suddenly now bow to Mr. Obama’s diplomatic efforts, especially after its embarrassing election in June.”

Calling the outcome of Gates’ visit to Israel “polite but inconclusive”, Bolton says, “It will be no surprise if Israel strikes by the year’s end.”

Indeed, recent actions from the Jewish state – including long-range air force maneuvers and the recent movement of Israeli warships and submarines through the Suez Canal – are eloquent enough.

As for Iran, it shows no sign of halting its nuclear ambitions. Rejecting calls to curb its uranium enrichment, it continues to insist the program is for legitimate energy needs. This makes Israel believe that, in just a few months, Tehran will produce enough uranium for a warhead. However, Western intelligence has put that capability several years away.

Meanwhile, Hezbollah has put up to 40,000 rockets on the Israeli-Lebanese border and is training its forces to use ground-to-ground missiles capable of hitting Tel Aviv, The Times reports.

“Hezbollah’s rearming is in the name of resistance against Israel. The real reason, however, probably has more to do with its ally Iran. If Israel carries out its threat to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities, the main retaliation is likely to come from Hezbollah in Lebanon,” the British newspaper writes in its online edition.

However, Amos Harel from the Israeli online edition of Haaretz.com does not deem a military conflict with Lebanon possible under the current circumstances:

“It will be exceedingly difficult to rally international support for a Third Lebanon War, particularly if it were to erupt over surface-to-air missiles, which are already today deployed in Syria. And if a confrontation erupts between Israel and Iran, Israel is unlikely to ignite a secondary front that would divert resources from the main theater,” Harel believes.

Whether or not Tel Aviv considers the Lebanese option “it could be that Israel is indeed accelerating its preparations for a strike, out of a circumspect reading of the situation and a growing belief that Washington will not come to its aid,” concludes Amos Harel.


Matthew 24:6 (New International Version)

6You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.

Mark 13:7 (New International Version)

7When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.



“US should assist Israel if it attacks Iran” – Bolton
06 August, 2009, 19:53

If Israel does attack Iran, the US is going to get blamed for it anyway, says former US ambassador to the UN John Bolton. Moreover, the worst outcome would be if an Israeli strike fails to destroy their nuclear program.

Seven years of failed diplomacy regarding Iran’s nuclear ambitions has only put Tehran even further down the road towards nuclear development. John Bolton noted in an interview with RT that the international community is now facing two unappealing scenarios: either to use military force against Iran, or Israel faces the reality of Iran eventually possessing nuclear weapons – both of which are equally unattractive.

“President Ahmadinejad has repeatedly called for Israel to be wiped off the map, and given that it will only take two or three nuclear weapons to do just that, I don’t think the Israelis are going to sit back. A nuclear Holocaust, a repeat of killing six million Jews is not something Israel will simply wait for,” Bolton said.

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Top Hamas delegation from Gaza on surprise visit to Cairo Saturday
DEBKAfile Special report
August 8, 2009, 8:29 PM (GMT+02:00)

DEBKAfile reports the Hamas delegation headed by Dr. Mahmoud a-Zahar exited Gaza through the Rafah crossing Saturday Aug. 8. Egyptian intelligence officers escorted them on their journey to Cairo for urgent consultations on an undisclosed subject. The Hamas leaders may proceed next to Damascus to confer with politburo chief Khaled Meshaal.

Friday, prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu and his security cabinet of six ministers were briefed on Middle East developments at a special session. DEBKAfile's military sources report that an unusually variety of security officials attended the meeting.

They included the chief of staff, Lt. Gen. Gaby Ashkenazi, military intelligence chief Brig. Amos Yadlin, Mossad director Meir Dagan, Shin Bet chief Yuval Diskin, OC Southern Command Brig. Yoav Galant and several more senior officers.



Israel tells nationals: Leave Sinai immediately
By Barak Ravid, Haaretz Correspondent
Last update - 14:13 11/08/2009

Counterterrorism unit warning of planned attacks during the upcoming Jewish holiday period.

Israel on Tuesday issued a travel warning for its nationals visting the Sinai peninsula in Egypt, advising them to leave the area immediately.

The warning came from the government's counterterrorism unit. The unit warned Israelis of planned attacks during the upcoming Jewish holiday period, which begins with Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year), at sundown on September 18.

The announcement mentioned tensions along the northern border of Sinai with the Gaza Strip, as well as recent threats from Hezbollah to strike at Israelis.

The unit warned of threats to kidnap Israelis abroad, with the emphasis on businessmen, in particular ones working in Arab and Muslim countries.

The message advises Israelis to be wary at all times, to avoid unplanned meetings and to alter their daily routine if they are on long-term trips.

The counter-terrorism warning added that Israelis should avoid traveling to Colombia, Kenya, Sudan, Iraq, and Yemen.



NSC: Avoid traveling to Jordan, Egypt
Aug 11, 2009 13:54 | Updated Aug 11, 2009 16:11

The National Security Council Counter-Terrorism Bureau issued updated travel warnings on Tuesday, urging Israelis to refrain from traveling to Jordan and Egypt - two Muslim countries with which Israel signed peace treaties, as well as Morocco and Kenya - two African countries with large Muslim populations.

According to the NSC statement, due to hostility against Israel among Jordanians, people who have the option of postponing a trip are urged to do so, with the exception of tourists having a stopover at Amman airport when flying via the national carrier, Royal Jordanian.

The office also warned Israelis against traveling to Egypt and especially the Sinai Peninsula. The threat-level in Sinai is higher than in the rest of Egypt, the NSC said, citing recent arrests of Hizbullah cells in Egypt, and called on all Israelis staying in the Sinai to return immediately. Hizbullah, according to the NSC, plans to either kill Israelis abroad or kidnap them.

Kenya should be avoided by tourists and only visited by businessmen who cannot postpone trips, said the warning. The Kenyan shoreline is considered more dangerous than the mainland.

A similar warning was issued for Morocco.

Hizbullah, however, is considered a threat not only in Egypt and Sinai but also worldwide. A separate statement on the NSC Website warns Israelis around the world that Hizbullah is looking to kidnap or kill Israelis abroad and calls on them to be extra vigilant while traveling.



Tension on Israel-Lebanese border rises as Iran sends Hizballah upgraded missiles
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
August 9, 2009, 11:07 PM (GMT+02:00)


Iranian Fateh-110 brings Tel Aviv in Hizballah's range

Israel, Lebanon and Iran have been trading charges of responsibility for the rising military tensions on the Lebanese-Israeli border in the past week. DEBKAfile's military sources disclose that the Lebanese Shiite Hizballah is preparing for the intake of self-propelled anti-air SAM-8 missiles and an upgraded version of the Iranian ground-ground Fateh-110 missile, whose warhead carries half a ton of explosives with a 200-kilometer range.

Iran appears concerned that President Barack Obama, whom Tehran sources see as frustrated by his failure to cut the Assad regime in Damascus away from its bonds with Tehran, may give Israel a green light to punish Hizballah. The Iranians have responded by pumping up allegations of Israeli threats and building up Hizballah's arsenal with deliveries of advanced air-to-air, ground-to-ground, and shore-to-sea missiles for crippling Israel's military and battering its civilian population in the event of a flare-up.

In Jerusalem, Israel's deputy foreign minister Danny Ayalon said Sunday, Aug. 9, that Lebanon would suffer serious consequences from any Hizballah attempt to assassinate Israelis abroad.

Defense minister Ehud Barak also threatened to use "all necessary force" in the event of a fresh conflict on Israel's northern border.

A Hizballah spokesman countered: "If Barak's threats are serious - and I don't think they are - he should be aware that if he commits an error or stupid act against Lebanon… he will find that July and August 2006 were a bit of fun."

Meanwhile, the Iranians are rushing to their Lebanese proxy the anti-air SA-18 (which performs similarly to the US Stinger) and the self-propelled Sam-8, a few batteries of which Israeli believes have already been delivered.

Seven months ago, Israel warned Syria that if these missiles are allowed to cross its border into Lebanon, they would be judged to be a violation of the regional balance of strength and legitimate targets for attack before both before they leave Syria and at their Lebanese sites.

The Fateh-110, an upgraded Zelzal 2 - which in the 2006 war Hizballah used to strike the northern Israeli towns of Hadera, Afula and the Jezreel Valley - can reach northern Tel Aviv. The weapon also has greater accuracy due to a Chinese guidance system sold to Iran.


month of Ramadan begins on 21August. i guess the window for attack is during the month of Ramadan which begins on 21 August till Hari Raya Puasa.

The holy month for muslims, which they are forbidden to consume food after morning prayers and of course I believe also forbidden to spill blood be it Jewish or Christians.

God bless the price of oil and also those who own cars here,when the Israeli's Ra'ams and Sufas to take out the Iranian reactors.

Please keep this thread alive until..........



Israeli Paper Says Strike on Iran Could Delay Bomb
Published: August 12, 2009

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - A major Israeli newspaper ran a front-page story on Wednesday quoting an unidentified "senior defence official" as saying Israel believed a military strike could disrupt what it says is an Iranian nuclear arms programme.

Under a photograph of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sitting the previous day in the cockpit of an F-15I long-range fighter-bomber, mass-selling Maariv quoted the official as saying Israel could carry out such a strike without U.S. approval but time was running out for it to be effective.

Neither the official nor the paper made any comment on the likelihood of Netanyahu ordering such an operation, speculation over which remains a major risk factor in investors' assessments of the Middle East region and in energy markets globally.

Israel rejects Tehran's assurances it is developing only civilian nuclear facilities and refuses to rule out armed force to stop its Islamist enemy acquiring atomic weaponry that the Jewish state says would threaten its very existence.

Israeli air strikes could "significantly delay" such an arms programme, Maariv quoted the official as saying. That is in line with previous, independent analysts' assessments.

Israel has backed efforts by U.S. President Barack Obama to persuade Iran to curb its nuclear programme.

Maariv said the official added there was "no point" in a strike in the near term, before such discussions had fully begun and before the Americans "despair of the effectiveness of the talks."

The official said: "The Iranians are creating fortifications and camouflage to defend against a strike from the air."

The official added: "The military option is real and at the disposal of Israel's leaders, but time is working against them."

(Writing by Ori Lewis; Editing by Alastair Macdonald and Sophie Hares)



Iran proposes measure against nuclear facility attacks
Thu, 13 Aug 2009 10:22:15 GMT


Iran's Ambassador to IAEA, Ali-Asghar Soltaniyeh

Iran's IAEA envoy says Tehran has asked the UN to hold a conference of 150 countries to vote on a proposal which bans attacks on nuclear installations.

According to Fars news agency, the request was made on Wednesday through a letter which was sent to the UN Director General, Mohamed ElBaradei.

"In that letter, Iran formally requested that the proposal be presented at the International Atomic Energy Agency's (IAEA) general conference in September," the agency quoted Ali-Asghar Soltaniyeh as saying.

"The protection of such installations is of great importance," he added.

Soltaniyeh further pointed out that in September 1990, the IAEA general conference passed a resolution, proposed by Iran, entitled "Prohibition of All Armed Attacks Against Nuclear Installations Devoted to Peaceful Purposes Whether Under Construction or in Operation."

"It is necessary to protect such facilities as the number of nuclear installations has increased since then," he said. "It is undoubtedly a matter of concern for all countries.”

"The proposal will surely be supported by other countries and will pave the way for discussing and approving a resolution in this regard at the IAEA general conference to be held on September 14," Soltaniyeh concluded.



Iran edges close to capacity for building first nuke, fitting a missile's nuclear warhead
DEBKAfile Special Report
September 5, 2009, 5:19 PM (GMT+02:00)


Iran's IAEA delegate Ali Asghar Soltanieh

Barack Obama has been in the White House for nine months and Binyamin Netanyahu in the Israeli prime minister's office six months. Both have spent precious time batting the numbers of settlement apartments to and fro instead of taking resolute steps to thwart Iran's spectacular advances on the road to a nuclear weapon. DEBKAfile's military and intelligence sources note that Tehran has made good use of this time for the longest strides towards its objective than at any time since its program was surreptitiously launched.

The progress confirmed by our sources consists of four major steps:

1. Iran has succeeded in secretly combining uranium processing, airborne high-explosive tests and work on designing a missile cone to fit a nuclear warhead, according to Western intelligence updates.

2. The conflicting reports on the amount of uranium enriched and number of fast centrifuge machines in operation obscure the following hard facts: The Iranians have doubled the number of ever faster centrifuges that are working at their enrichment plants.

They are moreover completing tests on a more advanced homemade centrifuge, the IR4, which will halve the time taken for converting low-grade enrichment uranium into weapons-grade material.

3. By February 2010 - and some say sooner - Tehran will have stocked enough high-grade enriched uranium for two nuclear bombs.

4. Iran has also gone into home production of nuclear fuel rods for plutonium.

Barack Obama' repeatedly held up his plan to engage Tehran in dialogue - first until the June 12 presidential election (hoping a more rational president would replace Mahmoud Ahmedinejad); then, until the popular unrest following the disputed poll died down (for fear of being accused of interfering); and finally on the assumption that the turmoil would divide and weaken the Islamic regime and make it easier to engage constructively.

The six world powers, US, Russia, China, France, the UK and Germany accordingly gave Iran until Sept. 15 to start talks.

It turned out that these delays, instead of weakening Iran's rulers, hardened their position.

Reacting to the new intelligence presented to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Iran's delegate Ali Asghar Soltanieh said Friday, Sept. 4: "The government of the United States has not handed over the original documents to the agency since it does not in fact have any authenticated documents and all it has are forged document"

An anonymous US official in Vienna said Soltanieh's accusations were baseless and the IAEA itself "had accepted the material as credible."

But by then, the Iranian delegate had come up with a new self-serving initiative: a proposal for the agency's board of governors to ban member states from attacking the nuclear facilities of other nations.

Then on Saturday, Sept 5, Soltanieh, made it clear that Tehran was virtually scrapping the Western powers incentives offer which has been gathering dust since last year as the basis for talks and was about to put forward its own "comprehensive package on issues, including nuclear and economic cooperation as well as concerns about the proliferation of atomic weapons."

The Iranian package will be handed in this week.

What do Washington and Jerusalem propose to do now in the face of Iran's aggressive nuclear and diplomatic offensives? Will the foot-dragging continue until Iran conducts its first nuclear test?

Four years ago, prime minister Ariel Sharon said Israel must meet US demands on containing West Bank settlement "because we would need the Americans on the Iran issue."

His successor, Ehud Olmert and foreign minister Tzipi Livni held off Israeli action by reiterating it was up to the "international community" to stop Iran's advance toward a nuclear bomb.

Has anything changed in Washington and Jerusalem?


Alfrescian (Inf)
If Iran is attack 1st by Israel then is mean goodbye to Israel people. Iran will fire all missle at their will reason is to counter attack and UN will not come to help.



Russian report: Netanyahu may be planning attack

<blink>PM's rushed visit to Moscow under cloud of secrecy occupies Russian media. Kommersant paper quotes 'informed Israeli' source as saying 'It can't be ruled out that Israel may be ready to move on to decisive actions with regards to Iran, and Netanyahu decided to inform Kremlin of this.</blink>

Olga Gouresky
Published: 09.10.09, 14:16 / Israel News

Russian media on Thursday continued to cover Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's mysterious visit to Moscow, that was leaked to the media from his office.

Kommersant newspaper quoted "experts" as saying they believe a visit of this kind could have stemmed from urgent circumstances, "for example, in the event that Israel plans to attack Iran".

At first, Moscow denied a visit ever took place, but after Netanyahu's office was forced to admit to the PM's Military Secretary Meir Kalifi's lie, a senior Kremlin source also confirmed to Kommersant that the Israeli prime minister did indeed visit the city.

Russian media also directed questions on the visit to the Israeli embassy in Moscow, but embassy sources said that if there was such a visit, "We know nothing about it."

The paper then quoted what it called an "informed" Israeli source, who wished to remain anonymous, as saying, "Such a visit could be related to new information and could threaten the Iranian nuclear program. It should not be ruled out that Israel may be ready to move on to decisive actions with regards to Iran, and Netanyahu has decided to inform the Kremlin of this."

Russian Foreign Minister Spokesman Andrei Nesterenko published an announcement saying, "We have no knowledge of a Netanyahu's 'secret' visit to Moscow. We saw reports in various media. They are inconsistent. Other than that, I cannot tell you anything. I have no detailed information in the matter, or any information in the matter. We have seen the reports."

On Wednesday, Ynet revealed that Netanyahu left Israel on a private jet belonging Israeli millionaire Yossi Maiman. Earlier Wednesday, Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper reported that his destination was Russia.

The prime minister's aides who published the false announcements of his whereabouts were a loss for words.

Wednesday night the Prime Minister's Office published yet another announcement in an attempt to rectify the damage, said, "The prime minister was busy with secret, classified activity. The military secretary took his own initiative to defend this activity."



Kremlin official confirms PM's trip

Sep 9, 2009 11:27 | Updated Sep 10, 2009 16:28

A senior Kremlin official confirmed Wednesday to the Russian paper Kommersant that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu did indeed make a clandestine trip to Russia on Monday.

Commenting on the visit, the official said that "this kind of development could only be related to new and threatening information on Iran's nuclear program."

The Russian newspaper quoted experts speculating that such a trip would only be justified under extraordinary circumstances, "for example, in the case of Israel planning to attack Iran."

The report comes despite a statement Wednesday from the Kremlin press service that "nothing is known" about reports of the visit. Dmitry Peskov, a spokesman for Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, also said he had no information, the Interfax news agency reported.

(...Click Here For More...)



Iran 'Closer' to Nuclear Weapon
Tehran Has Nearly Enough Low-Enriched Uranium, U.S. Official Says

By Glenn Kessler and Thomas Erdbrink
Washington Post Staff Writers
Thursday, September 10, 2009

Iran "is now either very near or in possession" of enough low-enriched uranium to produce one nuclear weapon, a senior U.S. diplomat said Wednesday, as he offered some of the toughest remarks by an Obama administration official on Iran's nuclear ambitions.

Glyn Davies, Washington's chief envoy to the International Atomic Energy Agency, made the assertion in his inaugural speech to the Vienna-based U.N. nuclear watchdog on the same day that Iran offered a counterproposal to end the impasse over its nuclear program.

The Iranian proposal, which remains confidential, was delivered to diplomats in Tehran, but initial reactions were of disappointment. "We made a substantive offer, but we didn't get something back that was responsive," said one Western diplomat, speaking on the condition of anonymity because an official comment was still being prepared. "What we got was a request for a holistic conversation."

In his speech, Davies said, "We have serious concerns that Iran is deliberately attempting, at a minimum, to preserve a nuclear weapons option."

Iran would need to enrich the stockpile of uranium to weapons-grade level to produce a bomb, but Davies said the country's ongoing enrichment activity -- in defiance of three U.N. Security Council resolutions -- "moves Iran closer to a dangerous and destabilizing possible breakout capacity."

Davies reiterated the Obama administration's interest in a diplomatic resolution to the impasse and in direct negotiations with Iran without preconditions.

The five permanent members of the Security Council -- United States, Britain, France, Russia and China -- and Germany this year reiterated an offer to provide economic and security benefits to Iran in exchange for international oversight and suspension of its enrichment activity. The group, known by the moniker P5-plus-one, has unsuccessfully sought to negotiate a solution with Iran since 2006.

The United States and other major powers said in July that they would "take stock" of Iran's response to the latest offer during the annual debate of the U.N. General Assembly this month. Washington has warned that it will push for "crippling sanctions" against Iran if little progress is made by year's end.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad suggested Monday that his country would not suspend uranium enrichment but was willing to negotiate with the other parties on a range of international issues.

On Wednesday, Iranian state television showed Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki meeting envoys of the six nations; Switzerland represented the United States because Washington does not have diplomatic relations with Tehran. State television showed images of the representatives reading the new Iranian proposal, and U.S. and European officials later confirmed receiving a document from Iran.

"We have received a proposal," State Department spokesman Ian Kelly said. "We're now reviewing it seriously and carefully. We plan to confer with our partners in the P5-plus-one group, and I expect that we'll have more to say about it in the coming days."

Kelly said the United States was trying to determine whether the Iranians had made a serious effort to engage with the P5-plus-one and how "they address these long-standing concerns of the international community about Iran's failure to comply with its nonproliferation treaty, IAEA and Security Council obligations."

The contents of the proposal have not been made public. After the news report, Iranian state television interviewed an expert, who said the proposal did not deal with the nuclear program because Ahmadinejad had declared this week that the issue was "closed."

"Iran wants justice and respect for rights of nations in international relations," Saeed Jalili, secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council and the country's nuclear negotiator, said Wednesday, according to the official Islamic Republic News Agency. "The era is over for a few countries . . . to dictate their stances to other countries," he said.

Iran offered no official response to the U.S. accusation that the country has nearly enough low-enriched uranium to produce one nuclear weapon, but Tehran's ambassador to the IAEA, Ali Asghar Soltanieh, told the agency that it "should be recalled that the agency has been faced with continuous false and forged allegations" by the United States.

Erdbrink reported from Tehran.



<blink>Iran crosses nuclear red line</blink>

DEBKA-Net-Weekly Exclusive Analysis
September 10, 2009, 10:00 PM (GMT+02:00)

The Obama administration might conceivably decide to live with a nuclear-armed Iran. Israel does not enjoy that luxury. Now that Iran has got all the components for making a nuclear device at extremely short notice, as affirmed by US intelligence. Israel can no longer delay a decision on pre-emptive action.


Most lightly date will be 18 September 2009 for a pre-emptive strike. A date with for a new moon, almost total darkness.
Good for Air-Strike in the night.
Poll survey.