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Iran take responsibility for October 7?



Iranian General Killed In Israeli Strike Was Architect Of October 7​



An ultra-conservative political group in Iran said slain IRGC commander Mohammad Reza Zahedi was involved in the planning and execution of Hamas’s deadly October 7 attack against Israel.
It is the clearest admission of Iran’s involvement in the atrocities which saw 1,200 mostly civilians murdered and over 250 taken hostage, since terror group Hamas invaded Israel on October 7.
Zahedi, along with his deputy and five other IRGC forces, were killed Monday in an Israeli airstrike against Iran's consulate building in the Syrian capital Damascus.
In a statement issued Wednesday, Coalition Council of Islamic Revolution Forces (also known by its Persian acronym SHANA) hailed Zahedi’s “strategic role in forming and strengthening the resistance front as well as in planning and executing the Al-Aqsa Storm.”
“Axis of resistance” or “resistance front” are the terms coined and employed by the Iranian authorities to refer to Tehran’s proxies in the region, such as Hamas, Hezbollah, Hashd al-Shaabi and Yemeni Houthis.
Iran has time and again denied its involvement in the incident, saying Hamas and other Tehran-backed armed groups in the region make their own decisions and act independently.
However, the Iranian regime swiftly praised the October 7 attack and orchestrated street celebrations, with large banners hung within hours. Some view this as a potential indication that Tehran had prior knowledge of the operation, a claim reported by the WSJ.
SHANA praised Zahedi’s “great honors” in his “silent efforts” against Israel. “The supporters of Tel Aviv should know that the Islamic Republic of Iran’s harsh and regrettable response to this bloody crime is on its way and will affect the future equations of the region, God willing,” added the statement.
SHANA is headed by former Parliament Speaker Gholam-Ali Haddad-Adel, a figure close to Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei. The coalition’s secretary is Parviz Sorouri, the former IRGC commander.
In the aftermath of Israel's attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus, billboards bearing the slogan "We Take Revenge" in both Hebrew and English have sprung up across the Iranian capital. The billboards, featuring images of Israeli military leaders, were placed in front of ten foreign embassies in Tehran, including those of Switzerland, Saudi Arabia, France, the UK, Germany, and Azerbaijan.
Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei on Tuesday vowed to "punish" Israel for the attack. The sentiment was echoed by other senior Iranian officials, including President Ebrahim Raisi and Parliament Speaker Mohammad-Bagher Ghalibaf, who all promised “severe” repercussions.
However, numerous commentators in Tehran urged a measured reaction to Israel's Monday strike, cautioning that it could be a ploy to draw Iran into direct conflict.
Heshmatollah Falahatpisheh, a prominent commentator and former head of the Iranian parliament's foreign policy committee, strongly indicated that the Israeli attack on the embassy was a deliberate plot to entangle Iran in a war. “We should not see the issues emotionally. I have said many times since October 7 that this is a trap for Iran. Since October 7, the trajectory of events has been a setup to drag Iran into war, and what happened was that the balance between diplomacy and the battlefield was disrupted. This imbalance gradually led Iran into a conflict that serves none of its national interests,” he pointed out.


Iran's leeders, having no solution to their economic woes, continue to stir shit to distract its gullible people towards martyrdom than economic freedom



IDF halts leave for combat troops, intel chief warns 'worst is yet to come'​


IDF Military Intelligence Directorate head: Israel is facing "complex days" ahead amid increasing threats of strikes by Iran.

The IDF on Thursday said it has halted leave for all combat units after an Israeli airstrike that killed an Iranian general in Damascus earlier this week drew threats of retaliation.

“In accordance with the situational assessment, it has been decided that leave will be temporarily paused for all IDF combat units,” the IDF said in a statement. “The IDF is at war, and the deployment of forces is under continuous assessment according to requirements.”

On Wednesday, the IDF said it would call up reservists to bolster the IAF’s air defenses.

orh mee suah

The Hamas-led rampage on October 7 was simply not worth it.
The payback is at least 30 times as much.
Three of Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh's sons became the latest high-profile martyrs.


Terrorist relig

IDF halts leave for combat troops, intel chief warns 'worst is yet to come'​


IDF Military Intelligence Directorate head: Israel is facing "complex days" ahead amid increasing threats of strikes by Iran.

The IDF on Thursday said it has halted leave for all combat units after an Israeli airstrike that killed an Iranian general in Damascus earlier this week drew threats of retaliation.

“In accordance with the situational assessment, it has been decided that leave will be temporarily paused for all IDF combat units,” the IDF said in a statement. “The IDF is at war, and the deployment of forces is under continuous assessment according to requirements.”

On Wednesday, the IDF said it would call up reservists to bolster the IAF’s air defenses.
Iran will go nuclear?


The Hamas-led rampage on October 7 was simply not worth it.
The payback is at least 30 times as much.
Three of Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh's sons became the latest high-profile martyrs.

One reason is zionist babi taking over Al Aqsa mosque, the third holiest Mosque in Islam to replace their third temple.

orh mee suah

The Hamas-led rampage on October 7 was simply not worth it.
The payback is at least 30 times as much.
Three of Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh's sons became the latest high-profile martyrs.
One reason is zionist babi taking over Al Aqsa mosque, the third holiest Mosque in Islam to replace their third temple.
Not sure about that Al Aqsa mosque. There were lots of ancient artifacts beneath the Temple Mount.


Not sure about that Al Aqsa mosque. There were lots of ancient artifacts beneath the Temple Mount.

Is there archaeological evidence for Solomon's Temple?

What evidence is there that the Temple of Solomon existed? The only evidence is the Bible. There are no other records describing it, and to date there has been no archaeological evidence of the Temple at all.


The Hamas-led rampage on October 7 was simply not worth it.
The payback is at least 30 times as much.
Three of Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh's sons became the latest high-profile martyrs.
Back side itch on 7 October? Now their innocent people suffering!

orh mee suah

Is there archaeological evidence for Solomon's Temple?

What evidence is there that the Temple of Solomon existed? The only evidence is the Bible. There are no other records describing it, and to date there has been no archaeological evidence of the Temple at all.

The Western Wall is the only perimeter wall of the Temple Mount that remains above ground for thousands of years, although it is not a part of the Temple itself.
There is no direct evidence that I've read about but this statement "there has been no archaeological evidence of the Temple at all.", is subjective because archeological remnants of the Temple exist. There will be skeptics who will reject the discoveries as a hoax or forgery, although they can't deny that they were dug out from the ground where the Temple once stood.
The discoveries are encouraging the archeologists to keep going.


The Western Wall is the only perimeter wall of the Temple Mount that remains above ground for thousands of years, although it is not a part of the Temple itself.
There is no direct evidence that I've read about but this statement "there has been no archaeological evidence of the Temple at all.", is subjective because archeological remnants of the Temple exist. There will be skeptics who will reject the discoveries as a hoax or forgery, although they can't deny that they were dug out from the ground where the Temple once stood.
The discoveries are encouraging the archeologists to keep going.

Currently theres Al Aqsa mosque. If zionist israhell demolish or destroy Al Aqsa mosque, then is no longer zionist israhell Vs Hamas.



Should Iran be afraid of Israel's long-range attack capabilities? - analysis??????​

In the event of an all-out war, the damage Israel will cause to those countries that attack it is tens of times greater than their ability to harm Israel.​


After the assassination of Iranian general Mohammad Reza Zahedi, the commander of the Quds Force in Syria and Lebanon, at the beginning of the month, the Iranians issued a series of threats against Israel, including a tweet from Ali Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of Iran, which read: "With the help of God, we will make the Zionists repent of their crime of aggression against the consulate the Iranian in Damascus."

Despite the Iranian capabilities in the field of rockets, missiles, and drones, and their use of foreign proxies such as Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Houthis in Yemen, and the Shi'ite militias in Iraq and Syria, the level of damage Israel can cause to Iran and its allies though its long-range attack capabilities is very high.

What are Israel's alleged long-range attack capabilities?

According to foreign reports, the Israeli missile program began in the 1960s in collaboration with France, when France developed, tested, and sold to Israel the Jericho missile, which became operational in the 1970s. This missile has a range of 500 km., meaning it could hit all Arab capital cities around Israel, and is capable of carrying nuclear and chemical weapons.

In the mid-1970s, Israel reportedly developed the Jericho 2 missile together with South Africa from scratch. It's a two-stage ballistic missile with a range of about 1500 km. Israel carried out several tests with it in the Mediterranean Sea, with some of them reaching Crete and some falling near an American ship north of Benghazi in Libya. The cooperation with South Africa, it was alleged by US, also took the form of a joint nuclear test conducted on an island south of South Africa in 1979.

According to foreign reports, Israel in the late 1990s began to develop a three-stage intercontinental missile with a range of up to 15,500 km, with the ability to carry several nuclear and thermonuclear warheads with a power between 800 kilotons to 12 megatons, 650 times the power of the atomic bomb that the United States dropped on Hiroshima.

 Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi tours the base of the Revolutionary Guards  (credit: REUTERS)
Enlrage image
Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi tours the base of the Revolutionary Guards (credit: REUTERS)
Foreign reports say the missile became operational in 2008. According to a secret report given to the US Congress, the missile gives Israel the possibility of causing nuclear damage to all the countries of the Middle East, Africa, Europe, Asia, almost all of North America, and large parts of South America and North Oceania. Israel is also reportedly developing the next generation of the Jericho, the Jericho 4, a three-stage missile, whose capabilities will include the possibility of carrying fragmentation warheads.

According to foreign reports, Israel keeps the Jericho missiles at an Air Force base near Beit Shemesh. In addition to Israel's nuclear missile carrying capabilities, according to foreign publications, Israel has equipped its Dolphin series of submarines with a cruise missile called Popeye Turbo SLCM, which can reach a range of 1,500 km. and carry a nuclear warhead.