[h=2]Taken from the thread: Re: The radicalization of Malaysian and Singapore Muslims [/h]http://www.sammyboy.com/showthread.php?233911-The-radicalization-of-Malaysian-and-Singapore-Muslims/page6
Instead of spending time and effort disparaging the "m&ds", it's best you devote your time and effort addressing the inferiority complexes and problems in the Singaporean-Indian male community. Whilst like you, they profess "Indian Pride", "Black Power", etc, they betray their shame to be Indians by seeking out the "munjens" they claim to detest, as life partners. The shameful psyche of the successful male Indian Singaporeans is that they have arrived in Singapore society once they have a "munjen" trophy girl lock in their arms. Getting a Chinese girl as a trophy life partner becomes their personal KPI.
This has enormous implications for your community. Indian girls are left on the shelf, unable to reproduce themselves. Indian parents can only hope to matchmake them with poor and "less desirable" Indians from India. The nett result is an ongoing underclass of Indian-Singaporeans, caught in a cycle of poverty, able to work only in undesirable and "low class" jobs, and predisposed to crime. This then perpetuates the stereotype of the Indians as untrustworthy, dirty, alcoholics, wife-beaters, etc.
Instead of successful Indian males helping to uplift their own Indian community, they leave it at the first opportunity. They readily dump Hinduism for Christianity as the churches offer more opportunities for them to seek out Chinese girls. By striving to have Chinese girls as partners or trophy wives, they become "role models" and set standards for younger Indian-Singaporeans as to what personal success in life entails. These younger Indian males then set themselves similar personal KPIs, i.e. to get Chinese girls as life partners when they reach adulthood. The shameful and shameless cycle continues when they succeed and the problems in the Singaporean-Indian community remains unresolved. This is "Indian Pride"???
As I say, it's better for you to spend your time and effort addressing the inferiority complexes of, and problems in your community rather than devote your time and energy to slagging off the "m&ds".
* For those who don't know, "munjens" mean "yellow skins". It's a derogatory and disparaging term Singaporean - Indians use to describe and refer to Singaporean-Chinese.
The growing Arabisation phenomenon could be seemed as the ara-m&ds trying to lift themselves out of their inferior complex when they are losing out to other races in academic and economic achievements. So the more they ape the arabs, the greater they will feel.The trend is to wear black tudung, maybe they are imagining sinkieland and mudland are plagued by desert storms.
Instead of spending time and effort disparaging the "m&ds", it's best you devote your time and effort addressing the inferiority complexes and problems in the Singaporean-Indian male community. Whilst like you, they profess "Indian Pride", "Black Power", etc, they betray their shame to be Indians by seeking out the "munjens" they claim to detest, as life partners. The shameful psyche of the successful male Indian Singaporeans is that they have arrived in Singapore society once they have a "munjen" trophy girl lock in their arms. Getting a Chinese girl as a trophy life partner becomes their personal KPI.
This has enormous implications for your community. Indian girls are left on the shelf, unable to reproduce themselves. Indian parents can only hope to matchmake them with poor and "less desirable" Indians from India. The nett result is an ongoing underclass of Indian-Singaporeans, caught in a cycle of poverty, able to work only in undesirable and "low class" jobs, and predisposed to crime. This then perpetuates the stereotype of the Indians as untrustworthy, dirty, alcoholics, wife-beaters, etc.
Instead of successful Indian males helping to uplift their own Indian community, they leave it at the first opportunity. They readily dump Hinduism for Christianity as the churches offer more opportunities for them to seek out Chinese girls. By striving to have Chinese girls as partners or trophy wives, they become "role models" and set standards for younger Indian-Singaporeans as to what personal success in life entails. These younger Indian males then set themselves similar personal KPIs, i.e. to get Chinese girls as life partners when they reach adulthood. The shameful and shameless cycle continues when they succeed and the problems in the Singaporean-Indian community remains unresolved. This is "Indian Pride"???
As I say, it's better for you to spend your time and effort addressing the inferiority complexes of, and problems in your community rather than devote your time and energy to slagging off the "m&ds".
* For those who don't know, "munjens" mean "yellow skins". It's a derogatory and disparaging term Singaporean - Indians use to describe and refer to Singaporean-Chinese.