Posted on 21 May 2010
Oblivious man relaxes on priority seat in crowded train to watch Bollywood film
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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This man didn't seem to care that there were many people standing in the MRT as he slouched lazily in the priority seat, watching a Bollywood flick on his iPod.
While engrossed in his movie, the man stuck his legs so far out that it was difficult for people to stand near him, STOMPer ZeoniX says.
He seemed oblivious to his surroundings.
In an email, the sender says of the man's inconsiderate behaviour:
"Onboard the west-bound train yesterday evening around 6:15pm when I spotted this guy sticking his legs out, oblivious to how crowded the train was.
"Worse, he was slouching on the reserved seat and happily watching his Hindi movie on this iPod.
"The train stopped at Outram station and all passengers had to alight due to some technical fault with the train.
"This guy took his own sweet time to alight the train and proceeded to stand right in the middle of the doorway.
"Really out(side)standing guy!".
Keywords: priority seat , engross , Bollywood
Oblivious man relaxes on priority seat in crowded train to watch Bollywood film
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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This man didn't seem to care that there were many people standing in the MRT as he slouched lazily in the priority seat, watching a Bollywood flick on his iPod.
While engrossed in his movie, the man stuck his legs so far out that it was difficult for people to stand near him, STOMPer ZeoniX says.
He seemed oblivious to his surroundings.
In an email, the sender says of the man's inconsiderate behaviour:
"Onboard the west-bound train yesterday evening around 6:15pm when I spotted this guy sticking his legs out, oblivious to how crowded the train was.
"Worse, he was slouching on the reserved seat and happily watching his Hindi movie on this iPod.
"The train stopped at Outram station and all passengers had to alight due to some technical fault with the train.
"This guy took his own sweet time to alight the train and proceeded to stand right in the middle of the doorway.
"Really out(side)standing guy!".
Keywords: priority seat , engross , Bollywood