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Serious In a first, China’s ‘artificial sun’ achieves magnetic field in nuclear fusion


China draws nearer to the holy grail of clean energy...


In a first, China’s ‘artificial sun’ achieves magnetic field in nuclear fusion​

This latest development is a major step toward controlled nuclear fusion, a process that involves combining atomic nuclei to release vast amounts of energy.​

Updated: Jun 15, 2024 06:33 AM EST

Aman Tripathi
Aman Tripathi

In a first, China’s ‘artificial sun’ achieves magnetic field in nuclear fusion

China's new-generation "artificial sun" HL-3.

Chinese scientists have made a groundbreaking milestone in nuclear fusion. They have announced a major achievement in discovering an advanced magnetic field structure “for the first time in the world” using the Huanliu-3 (HL-3) tokamak, also known as China’s “artificial sun.”

The discovery is the result of the first round of international joint experiments conducted on the HL-3 tokamak, a project that opened to global collaboration at the end of 2023.


China draws nearer to the holy grail of clean energy...


In a first, China’s ‘artificial sun’ achieves magnetic field in nuclear fusion​

This latest development is a major step toward controlled nuclear fusion, a process that involves combining atomic nuclei to release vast amounts of energy.​

Updated: Jun 15, 2024 06:33 AM EST

Aman Tripathi
Aman Tripathi

In a first, China’s ‘artificial sun’ achieves magnetic field in nuclear fusion

China's new-generation "artificial sun" HL-3.

Chinese scientists have made a groundbreaking milestone in nuclear fusion. They have announced a major achievement in discovering an advanced magnetic field structure “for the first time in the world” using the Huanliu-3 (HL-3) tokamak, also known as China’s “artificial sun.”

The discovery is the result of the first round of international joint experiments conducted on the HL-3 tokamak, a project that opened to global collaboration at the end of 2023.
Can do away with those superconducting magnet in future new design


means no need oil and middle east muslims and jews can go fuck themselves to death and no want will bother with their nonsense?

Yep...possible. Although petroleum refining will not totally stop as it's still required for ship, planes and heavy construction machinery, their consumption will drop drastically.

Road Transportation (Cars, Trucks): This sector is the dominant consumer of gasoline and diesel, accounting for roughly 60-70% of global consumption.

So once every country's power-station completely switches to nuclear-fusion to produce clean hydrogen and once all cars and trucks completely runs on hydrogen, all these PCB ranjiao OPEC countries economy will be completely wiped out to become 3rd world countries.

Once these farking OPEC jihadist countries run out of money, they will no longer be able to fund terrorists activities world wide, e.g. Iran funding Hamas and Houtis and any Jihadists all over the world, including SE Asia. It's all about the money. With no major source of income, these Jihadist countries will become totally toothless.

Yes, by then, a new dawn will emerge when major terrorists activities will cease to exist, except small pockets of violence by these ranjiao jihadists which will be quickly suppressed.

Who knows, perhaps all jihadists will start to see the light to become secular and bring more peace to the world, LOL.


Won't be surprised China created Covid 19 in a lab then fucked up with a lab leak.
It was the the US that funded the creation of COVIC-19 through gain of function experiments in the lab. The COVID-19 timeline showed that the virus actually appeared in US and Europe before China.

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syed putra

Once these farking OPEC jihadist countries run out of money, they will no longer be able to fund terrorists activities world wide, e.g. Iran funding Hamas and Houtis and any Jihadists all over the world, including SE Asia. It's all about the money. With no major source of income, these Jihadist countries will become totally toothless
The ones creating jihadist from Osama to IS and almost everything in between, plus countless regime change is the US.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Westerner are intelligent human specieis are now a myth. Now guess the race which overtake Ang Mo by leap and bound.