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Important: Please avoid administering Pfizer or Moderna on our kids, teens & NSFs

Byebye Penis


Byebye Penis

Norwegian scientists have discovered an unusual side effect in COVID-19-vaccinated women who don’t menstruate: atypical vaginal bleeding after injection with the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines. Researchers studied close to 22,000 women across different reproductive aging stages over about nine months and found that 3.3 percent of postmenopausal, 14.1 percent of perimenopausal, and 13.1 percent of premenopausal women experienced at least one unexpected bleed after receiving the COVID-19 shot


Byebye Penis

The scientists who won the Nobel Prize for their mRNA vaccine mentioned that "The effects noted are mostly myocarditis and pericarditis, mainly affecting young males, but that normally resolves without any long term effects."



The scientists who won the Nobel Prize for their mRNA vaccine mentioned that "The effects noted are mostly myocarditis and pericarditis, mainly affecting young males, but that normally resolves without any long term effects."

good. pap supporters can jab more and more till they all mati from turbo cancer heartattack and stroke


Former Pfizer VP Dr. Mike Yeadon tells Dr. Drew that the mRNA COVID vaccines were deliberately designed to cause blood clots and attack the immune system.

Nvm lah.. Malls and restaurants are more important.