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Serious Important information for those who are suffering from ill health post COVID19 Vaccines, what are the tests you can do etc. from a Doctor


Iris Koh, [30/6/2024 12:03 AM]
Important message from a doctor to me. Part 1.

Please feel free to share. It contains important information for those who are suffering from ill health post COVID19 Vaccines, what are the tests you can do etc.

Iris Koh

Iris Koh, [30/6/2024 12:03 AM]
Important message from a doctor to me. Part 2

Please feel free to share and viral.

Iris Koh


To: Iris Koh (t.me/healingthedivide)

Why nobody seems to talk about the NS boys? Were they forced to inject the garbage zham in NS? What happens if the NS boy die die refuse to accept the garbage zham? Is the garbage zham still being injected into the NS boys? Will he go DB if he refuse to pak the garbage zham? If yes, isn't that a violation of the nuremberg code?


Alfrescian (Inf)
To: Iris Koh (t.me/healingthedivide)

Why nobody seems to talk about the NS boys? Were they forced to inject the garbage zham in NS? What happens if the NS boy die die refuse to accept the garbage zham? Is the garbage zham still being injected into the NS boys? Will he go DB if he refuse to pak the garbage zham? If yes, isn't that a violation of the nuremberg code?


Beginning with those enlisting in September 2021, pre-enlistees will be fully vaccinated with both COVID-19 vaccine doses before enlistment. This will provide earlier protection for them and accord better assurance and peace of mind for their families.