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Illegal Gathering at Volks Auto MacPherson, where is the police & ang chia? no balls?


Alfrescian (Inf)
More than 20 unhappy car buyers gather at car dealership

Lionel De Souza Pariah Dog Chap Ching Kaw, please report police to arrest the illegal gatherers

SINGAPORE - More than 20 people gathered outside a car dealership at MacPherson Road on Monday, after the dealership failed to deliver the cars they had bought. They wanted to look for the owner, whom they say have been uncontactable for a few days. This group said they had bought cars from Volks Auto Pte Ltd in the last few months but the cars were not delivered even though their car delivery dates had come and gone. Their stories followed the same plot: Buyers saw the dealership's advertisement, bought cars for up to $10,000 cheaper than other parallel importers, paid a deposit but were fed excuses about why the cars were not ready when they went to collect them months later. One such buyer, a 63-year-old who gave his name only as Mr Fong, listed the excuses he received: his Toyota Harrier was stuck in immigration or it was with the Land Transport Authority for inspection. -


Re: Illegal Gathering at Volks Auto MacPherson, where is the police & ang chia? no ba

Buy cars in Singapore can be cheap meh? For ten grand you can get a Dacia SUV in angmo country!

Now that is dirt Cheap you dun mind driving on the dirt road everyday.


Re: Illegal Gathering at Volks Auto MacPherson, where is the police & ang chia? no ba

Borneo Motors must be having a chuckle at Mr. Fong.