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If your GF tell you honestly that she had cheated on you, will you accept and move on


Something happen to my friend, its not me, really my friend.Haha

It happen that nowsday, its the wife/GF that cheated on the Men,not the woman.
My Friend GF go oversea to study and he waste for her to finish the study in Australian.
When she is back for holiday,she feel gulity that she had F a Indian.
Ask for forgiveness.
As guy, how do you response?
I thinking of way to advise him as he seem very trouble by this matter.


Re: If your GF tell you honestly that she had cheated on you, will you accept and mov

One of my friends is also in a similar situation.
His secretary bride-to-be confessed that she had an affair with her boss.
She was promoted to manager when the boss ended the affair and hired a new secretary cum FB.
My friend is agonising over whether to go ahead with the wedding.


Re: If your GF tell you honestly that she had cheated on you, will you accept and mov


All wear green hats.

u must ask ur friends do they like green hats or not and if they mind wearing it twice or more in the future.

Fcking low IQ.


Re: If your GF tell you honestly that she had cheated on you, will you accept and mov

Something happen to my friend, its not me, really my friend.Haha

It happen that nowsday, its the wife/GF that cheated on the Men,not the woman.
My Friend GF go oversea to study and he waste for her to finish the study in Australian.
When she is back for holiday,she feel gulity that she had F a Indian.
Ask for forgiveness.
As guy, how do you response?
I thinking of way to advise him as he seem very trouble by this matter.

Is your friend a Singaporean?

When he served his NS, was he in infantry?

If yes, he's already wearing a green beret since 18, so what's the fuss?


Re: If your GF tell you honestly that she had cheated on you, will you accept and mov

wahaha if any of you guys' gf go overseas study then more or less gone case liao....especially when she is physically attractive. Sure will have some horny bugger trying very hard trying to bed her. Guys over here, when they see girls they fancy, they won't hesitate to hit on her....totally unlike guys back home where we often will be abit shy about approaching the girl we fancy.
The gf will more or less give in to sex coz she is probably horny herself....hahaha

So if your gf go oversea study, don't feel guilty when u cheat on her back home; she is probably doing likewise behind ur back!

I say, if your friend is the decent and faithful sort, tell him to forget abt that cheating bitch. That bitch will probably cheat on him again in Australia. No reason for him to waste his youth on that lousy whore when he could have gone out and look for another more worthy one.


Re: If your GF tell you honestly that she had cheated on you, will you accept and mov

the indian was six foot long, I mean tall?


Re: If your GF tell you honestly that she had cheated on you, will you accept and mov

My muther also cheat on me...but I just muther fucked her just as well. I don't give a shit as long as her smelly hole is available for me every night.


Re: If your GF tell you honestly that she had cheated on you, will you accept and mov

I guess gone were the days of a virgin bride hehe :biggrin:


Re: If your GF tell you honestly that she had cheated on you, will you accept and mov

Something happen to my friend, its not me, really my friend.Haha

It happen that nowsday, its the wife/GF that cheated on the Men,not the woman.
My Friend GF go oversea to study and he waste for her to finish the study in Australian.
When she is back for holiday,she feel gulity that she had F a Indian.
Ask for forgiveness.
As guy, how do you response?
I thinking of way to advise him as he seem very trouble by this matter.
please give her a chance, studying overseas can be very lonely n stressful. BUT as the saying goes, got first time will have second time. u just haf to watch her more closely.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Re: If your GF tell you honestly that she had cheated on you, will you accept and mov

please give her a chance, studying overseas can be very lonely n stressful. BUT as the saying goes, got first time will have second time. u just haf to watch her more closely.

I do find your reply a little strange.

You mean the guy desperately need to have a partner and still have to go to the extend and make this stupid effort to watch over her just because the sinkie girl do not know how to handle herself and know that she got her bf herself.

So you think the guy will make such an effort even though the sinkie woman is in the wrong side of the whole saga.

Remind you that these couple is not even married yet.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: If your GF tell you honestly that she had cheated on you, will you accept and mov

Something happen to my friend, its not me, really my friend.Haha

It happen that nowsday, its the wife/GF that cheated on the Men,not the woman.
My Friend GF go oversea to study and he waste for her to finish the study in Australian.
When she is back for holiday,she feel gulity that she had F a Indian.
Ask for forgiveness.
As guy, how do you response?
I thinking of way to advise him as he seem very trouble by this matter.

Same as the long coastline, long term investment, relationship is a long tern investment, you loose in the short run...move on!:biggrin:


Re: If your GF tell you honestly that she had cheated on you, will you accept and mov

Let the "tree" go.... there are massive "forests" and "jungles" out there...enjoy while it lasts...:smile:


Moderator - JB Section
Re: If your GF tell you honestly that she had cheated on you, will you accept and mov

Something happen to my friend, its not me, really my friend.Haha

It happen that nowsday, its the wife/GF that cheated on the Men,not the woman.
My Friend GF go oversea to study and he waste for her to finish the study in Australian.
When she is back for holiday,she feel gulity that she had F a Indian.
Ask for forgiveness.
As guy, how do you response?
I thinking of way to advise him as he seem very trouble by this matter.

Its good that she told him about this before marriage. Imagine if she tells him all this during their wedding night or years after. If he can live with it and the fear for the rest of his life that the wife can do this, then he should bite the bullet and go for it. Else don't. Just break it off nicely, gently. From the consensus of friends/relatives, women who "eat outside" tends to repeat it more than guys.

This is because women tend to repeat familiar behaviour, statistics also showed that women tend to find it harder to break habits like cigarette or gambling addictions. Once a woman has strayed, the temptation is always there, especially if she meets the guy she has strayed before, the probability is high that she will do it again.

I would strongly suggest to your friend not to go ahead. There is a cantonese saying, "Be not fearful of the green hat, just as long as you get rid of it(her) fast"


Moderator - JB Section
Re: If your GF tell you honestly that she had cheated on you, will you accept and mov

One of my friends is also in a similar situation.
His secretary bride-to-be confessed that she had an affair with her boss.
She was promoted to manager when the boss ended the affair and hired a new secretary cum FB.
My friend is agonising over whether to go ahead with the wedding.

Your friend should just politely see her out of the door. There are a lot of available women in the world. She is not the only one.

Now she betrayed him because of work/promotion, she can do it again, this is much worse than betraying because of just love, etc.

Who is to say that she won't repeat this to gain another promotion in future and this action just proves her need for materialism. Just politely see her off.

A very very good friend of mine in the states had the same thing, his wife basically had an affair with her boss in finance. She became a manager and on the day my friend's dad died, dropped an SMS to him while he was away in Hong Kong for his dad funeral.

He only received the SMS when he arrived at the airport in Hong Kong. Imagine you are already so sad with news of your dad's passing and she send you SMS to tell you its over, she moved out with all her things and she is changing her phone number. I know this friend very well and she was too much, he brought her over to US to work, applied and sponsored her green card. As soon as she got it, she started having relations with her boss and he was ignorant of all this until she played him out. She even took his car and he had to be sent home by me when he returned to the states.

He was totally devastated and it took him 2-3 years to recover. We need to do what is right and move on.


Re: If your GF tell you honestly that she had cheated on you, will you accept and mov

If she cheats now, she will definitely do it again...but dun most of the guys also cheat on their wives too??? so why the double standard? our record is not clean too isn't it?


Re: If your GF tell you honestly that she had cheated on you, will you accept and mov

Keep her around and by your side but play around with her and on her.


Re: If your GF tell you honestly that she had cheated on you, will you accept and mov

My friend is agonising over whether to go ahead with the wedding.

I thinking of way to advise him as he seem very trouble by this matter.

bros, tell your friends to dump these bitches :mad: ......... it is very likely that they will make your friends wear the green hat again......... and your friends will kenna screwed by the Womens Charter although the bitches are the ones screwing around :(



Re: If your GF tell you honestly that she had cheated on you, will you accept and mov

if u have not cheated on her and you really love her,that was before she met you,then i should said it is alright.
if it was after she has met you,goes on steady with you,then it is two-timer,then it will have to see whether you are willing to forgive her and how much you love her. if both is true,then just get on with it.