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I respect the people of this nation. 70% refuse to be vaxxed




You are mad. How have the unvaxxed inconvenienced you? Remember most children are unvaxxed as of today? Go on, peddle your poisons to the little ones! :mad:
thankfully now that they are cornered and forced to hide in their caves they are merely a comic relief not an inconvenience

pfizer already testing out vaccines for children. If the indication and cost effectiveness are there the government will advocate it. And if covid mutates to adversely affect children they will mandate it

i take it that you yourself have never been vaccinated against anything as a child since you consider it poison

that‘s the problem with ignorant pro choice anti vaxxers like you. You fail to understand vaccine science but tout your medical expertise:FU:
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thankfully now that they are cornered and forced to hide in their caves they are merely a comic relief not an inconvenience

pfizer already testing out vaccines for children. If the indication and cost effectiveness are there the government will advocate it. And if covid mutates to adversely affect children they will mandate it

i take it that you yourself have never been vaccinated against anything as a child since you consider it poison

that‘s the problem with pro choice anti vaxxers like you. You fail to understand vaccine science but tout your medical expertise:FU:

When it comes to medical science the internet has seen AN EXPLOSION of experts. Virtually anywhere you search is a medical expert.

I attribute this as a failure of the medical profession to protect their turf and profession.

If I go around advising people anyhow to buy and sell stock. I can be arrested and tried for fraud.

But people making medical advice with no proper training? Oh it is their right.



Actually these quacks are quite entertaining

every time my patients develop a complication or die from listening to these charlatans I will have this arrogant smirk on my face

must learn to be more tactical and hide it :cautious:


Super Moderator
Staff member
Actually these quacks are quite entertaining

every time my patients develop a complication or die from listening to these charlatans I will have this arrogant smirk on my face

must learn to be more tactical and hide it :cautious:

Oh I usually go "Oh no. That's so sad. How are you holding up? He was always so full of energy and knowledge. May he rest in peace."


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Actually those people who feel very strongly about this should open their own clinics and education centres to teach people the truth.

Don't hide behind keyboard lah.


Oh I usually go "Oh no. That's so sad. How are you holding up? He was always so full of energy and knowledge. May he rest in peace."
I have one now who is going to develop some serious shit soon thanks to his meddling TCM relative . I will try your line . Thanks


When it comes to medical science the internet has seen AN EXPLOSION of experts. Virtually anywhere you search is a medical expert.

I attribute this as a failure of the medical profession to protect their turf and profession.

If I go around advising people anyhow to buy and sell stock. I can be arrested and tried for fraud.

But people making medical advice with no proper training? Oh it is their right.

Not only in the medical profession but in other professions as well. Suddenly everyone is a lawyer when it comes to legal matters because there is so much to read about and info is readily available online. :biggrin:


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I have one now who is going to develop some serious shit soon thanks to his meddling TCM relative . I will try your line . Thanks

Yeah must always respect the patient. Their ideas and concerns are always FIRST FIRST FIRST.

I also say another line like "It's so strange. He was such an expert in TCM. He knew all these amazing ways to treat (insert condition). I learnt so much from him. Don't know why it doesnt work for him. So unlucky."



Hoooosay liao la full FDA approval :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Government can now mandate it and make it compulsory

Pro choice anti vaxxers now angry and red faced

The day of reckoning is finally here

Anti vaxxers will be strapped down kicking and screaming while the highly toxic and carcinogenic syringe of mRNA will be injected into their blood stream, enter the nucleus, permanently alter the gene sequence , cause lots of cancer and die a horrible and agonising death

where is my bottle of Krug 2004?


Yeah must always respect the patient. Their ideas and concerns are always FIRST FIRST FIRST.

I also say another line like "It's so strange. He was such an expert in TCM. He knew all these amazing ways to treat (insert condition). I learnt so much from him. Don't know why it doesnt work for him. So unlucky."
u should watch TCM manage cancer

it's full blown standup comedy


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Staff member
u should watch TCM manage cancer

it's full blown standup comedy

I know. I did a 1 year course in Acupuncture so that I could understand the stuff they talk about. Heaty. Cooling. Wood. Fire. Earth. Metal. Water. Anger, Joy, Contemplation, Sorrow, Fear.

Feel the pulse.

Hey Khaw Boon Wan is the one who championed the GDA for western drs.

So a typical conversation would be hmm I think he has been worrying too much so his Earth element the stomach no good thats why kena Stomach Cancer. The Qi is stagnated in the Stomach earth region. So need to nourish the Fire a bit with some of the Nei guan P6 acupoint. Or try to release the Zu San Li ST 36 acupoint in the leg and the Sanying jiao SP 6 acupoint also. To unblock the Qi.

Or anybody with high LFTs or some liver condition.....just ask....you lately very angry is it? And they go "How you know?" Your liver fire too much lah. You need to release Tai Chong LV3 in your foot. Release the liver anger and fire.

Seriously I can totally understand why all this sounds so much better than saying Oh your ALT and AST levels are only slightly elevated. Nothing to really worry about. ALP also. Probably maybe the medication or your ETOH? We can monitor. Maybe do an U/S liver check for fatty liver. And the patient goes but I dont drink I dont eat fatty food and I not fat why why why? why???? WHY???????????

Ok lah is cos you always angry so your liver fire too much. You need to relax.......