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Huge uproar over PM Lee's comments

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By Faris Mokhtar | SingaporeScene – Wed, Apr 6, 2011 2:19 PM SGT

A student living in Hougang asked if he could pay less tax since the area does not enjoy as much upgrading. (Yahoo! photo)

A student living in Hougang asked if he could pay less tax since the area does not enjoy as much upgrading. (Yahoo! …

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong's open admission that PAP wards are favoured for HDB upgrading exercises has touched a raw nerve among netizens.

His admission came as a reply to a university student living in the Hougang Single-Member Constituency (SMC) ward who asked if he could pay less tax since the opposition-held ward does not enjoy upgrading programmes.

Since this story was first posted, reaction has been swift with over 1,500 Facebook shares and 150 comments. The majority were highly critical of PM Lee's stand.

The highest-rated comment came from Yahoo! user Chia, who posted, "Upgrading is not delivered solely based on policies. It is driven by money from the reserves. The money comes from the people and not from PAP."

He added that, "It (upgrading) is a national building programme. A nation does not belong to any party but the people."

Another Yahoo! user, Davido, said, "I can't believe the PM said that, my only respect left for him is that he is candid enough to admit not all wards are treated equally."

User VKH was also appalled at the PM's comments.

He wrote, "I thought that as PM, he was there to represent ALL the people, without favour or preference. He is not the PM of just those he voted for, but for each and every Singapore citizen, including those who did not vote for him or his party... How can the PM say that if you vote for PAP, you get nice chocolate cake and coffee, but if you vote for other party you only get water and biscuit?"

The furious reaction comes a day after fourth-year engineering student Seah Yin Hwa asked PM Lee why residents living in Hougang SMC are penalised for picking "a 'Teochew nang' (dialect for Teochew person) who doesn't wear a white uniform"

When asked by PM Lee on how he was penalised, the 25-year-old Seah said, "When it comes to upgrading, what is being told to us is that we don't have the funds to actually go ahead with lift upgrading, as well as shelters to the bus stops. When I look across the road to Aljunied GRC, they have everything, " reported The Straits Times.

Paraphrasing the question posed, PM Lee said that what Mr Seah meant is why opposition wards are not treated at least as good, or maybe even better than the PAP wards.

PM Lee's reply was, "The answer is that there has to be a distinction. Because the PAP wards supported the Government and the policies which delivered these good things."

He said that while basic goods such roads, transportation, housing, healthcare and defence apply to Singaporeans, the extras — which come down to the upgrading programmes — is a national programme.

"Between the people who voted and supported the programme and the government, and the people who didn't, I think if we went and put yours before the PAP constituencies, it would be an injustice," PM Lee told the 1,200 students who were attending a Ministerial Forum organised by the National University of Singapore (NUS) Students' Political Association. .

In response to PM Lee, Seah cheekily asked if he could pay less tax and maybe "take one or two years off my NS?", which drew laughter and applause from the audience.

But PM Lee said that this is not possible because the SAF, defence, taxes and all the facilities which have been provided, are enjoyed by every Singaporean.

Rounding off his reply, PM Lee said, "But you can do something about it, you know. You don't have to keep voting for people not in white-on-white."

PM Lee explains ministerial salaries

The contentious issue of ministerial salaries was also discussed at the forum after a Nanyang Technological University (NTU) accountancy student brought it up, comparing the salaries of leaders from Singapore and the United States.

"The US president is actually paid less than a Cabinet minister in Singapore. I'm sure we agree his job is a lot tougher than our Cabinet ministers," said the student.

In his response, PM Lee said that US President Barack Obama may be earning less than a Singaporean minister, but the American system is not without its flaws.

For example, he highlighted that the US had different ways of rewarding its presidents and that the low salary of the president had suppressed salaries down the line.

Explaining his first point, PM Lee said that former US presidents are involved in money-spinning book and lecture tours after they step down.

"Retired US presidents go on book tours, they write books, they are paid US$10 million (S$13 million) advance, they get somebody to help them write a tome and they make a lecture tour…Every lecture (by former president) Bill Clinton: US$100,000 to US$200,000 for half an hour.

"That's the system. I think that's not a good system for us. We don't want ministers to retire and go on lecture tours."

Touching on his second point, PM Lee said the low salary of US presidents adversely impacted the rest of the civil service down the line.

"Because the president's pay being set at a level which is not quite right, all the rest of the civil service and government pay in the US system has to take dressing from there and come down…and come down," he said.

PM Lee stressed that Singapore's ministerial pay structure was one that works.

But when asked if salaries should still be pegged to the private sector given the many candidates taken from the civil service and unions, he replied, "The reason I can get good people from the Government and the unions is that I have a pay system which is working properly.

"People do not enter politics to get rich but neither will they enter politics and as a result, they and their family will become poor."

He added, "It is something which is not easy to accept emotionally but is the right thing for Singapore. If you want the system to work for the long term, you must be honest about it. What do I pay for? I pay for the importance of the job and how difficult it is to do."


Another mee siam mai hum gaffe.

His reply is as puerile and naive as Tin Pei Ling's. Really, Sinkies had better get rid of all these rubbish.

How can he paraphrase the question unfairly? If I were the questioner, I would interrupt him and remind him that that was not the question. The question he ought to address was why national funds were abused for partisan party politicking in order to buy votes. I would further accuse him of corruption.
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I am getting more excited as I read more stunning speeches from the papers. This election will rock the country. It appears a bit messy with all the furor. I wonder if the father will be back to clear up the mess.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Final judgement about Lee Hsien Loong

He admitted he is PAP Prime Minister and NOT the peopel prime minister.

The above alone is more than justified to vote him out.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
I am getting more excited as I read more stunning speeches from the papers. This election will rock the country. It appears a bit messy with all the furor. I wonder if the father will be back to clear up the mess.

Father already emailed stupid son fucking him for messing up more things. Son LL went to pray to mama for divine intervention. JBJ was laughing when KGC received son's request.


Message from PM

Our love for the people and our concept gracious society is conditioned.

If you vote for me, ask me questions that i want to hear and say things that i want to hear. Then the goverment will take care of you and be gracious to you else ..................... ...........................

Can i force myself to respect this kind of leader?


Another mee siam mai hum gaffe.

His reply is as puerile and naive as Tin Pei Ling's. Really, Sinkies had better get rid of all these rubbish.

That's because they are both selected from the same Psychological Profiling system.


I hope Tin will be able to help PM out on this internet brawl. She is selected for her connective to the youth and net savvy right? Let her prove her worth. :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:


Alfrescian (Inf)
This student Mr. Seah are the future of Singapore. Opposition party should invite him to join.
I have to salute him.


Alfrescian (Inf)
There is a lot of hard truths in his frank statements. The PM is stating that he is the Top Talent, and there is a lack of top talents like him in Singapore, hence all the top talents are in the Civil Service. Those who are not in Civil Service are considered below them, and because of this, Singapore has only one A-Team to govern, and cannot have 2 A-Teams. Those Undergrads listening to our "Top Talent" should analyse his speech and responses and ask themselves, "Is he right?" If our "Top Talent" can pull wool over his audience, and sell this koyok to our young and aspiring future leaders, then Singapore is totally lost.


Alfrescian (Inf)
There is a lot of hard truths in his frank statements. The PM is stating that he is the Top Talent, and there is a lack of top talents like him in Singapore, hence all the top talents are in the Civil Service. Those who are not in Civil Service are considered below them, and because of this, Singapore has only one A-Team to govern, and cannot have 2 A-Teams. Those Undergrads listening to our "Top Talent" should analyse his speech and responses and ask themselves, "Is he right?" If our "Top Talent" can pull wool over his audience, and sell this koyok to our young and aspiring future leaders, then Singapore is totally lost.

LHL claimed it is already so difficult just to find 2 capable ministers to helm Finance and Defence. Must be a joke. What is our population? 100,000 or 200, 000? All our president scholars, OMSs all failed? Surely we can find 20 or more chaps capable of running these two ministries and maybe 200 or more to run the other ministries. There are many bright people in S'pore who for one reason or another choose to avoid public office. It is not the pay issue. It is the PAP!


Alfrescian (Inf)
LHL claimed it is already so difficult just to find 2 capable ministers to helm Finance and Defence. Must be a joke. What is our population? 100,000 or 200, 000? All our president scholars, OMSs all failed? Surely we can find 20 or more chaps capable of running these two ministries and maybe 200 or more to run the other ministries. There are many bright people in S'pore who for one reason or another choose to avoid public office. It is not the pay issue. It is the PAP!

That what happen if you act lijke dictator. The dictator will not listen.
The LKY and LHL is an dictator. LHL more worst because never have any hardship never really face the problem.
The biggest problem is his own health that heaven try to put to end to save Sinkie.
Dictator will never listen, they will force people to accept. If a good leader he/she will debate will good in manner and attitute. If win will get bigger support.
When LKY gone LHL will have hard life. Just see the AI drama in Mediacock. Mr Lai act like hooligan thinking his father in law very powerful can do what he want. But is going down hill.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I wonder if the father will be back to clear up the mess.

:eek: Quick, get the Red-shirts to block the airports to stop Old Nanny returning :eek:

That what happen if you act lijke dictator. The dictator will not listen.
The LKY and LHL is an dictator. LHL more worst because never have any hardship never really face the problem.
The biggest problem is his own health that heaven try to put to end to save Sinkie.
Dictator will never listen, they will force people to accept. If a good leader he/she will debate will good in manner and attitute. If win will get bigger support.
When LKY gone LHL will have hard life. Just see the AI drama in Mediacock. Mr Lai act like hooligan thinking his father in law very powerful can do what he want. But is going down hill.

The Lees are now in Dictator category. No doubt about that.
LHL need to bribe his way when LKY is gone. Didn't he want to fix the Opposition?
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Just wanna make a few observations...

1. Nation building - Has it started already ... answer appears to be no leh... it will start only when PAPee has a clean sweep and PP and Hougang residents can finally get to taste the rewards of supporting them... At the moment with all the rar rar song and dance about how happy, proud we shld be as Sporeans, it's still just that - a dress rehearsal for that day when everybody in the Parliament knows everybody else and nobody is left out... except the public whom they serve... unfortunately

2. 2-party (multi-party) system No No - There can be a few interpretations to this type of comment but we get the impression that if 2-party (multi-party) system is out and there is 1 party left... then

(1) might as well not hv elections, what is there to vote ? That's why they were toying on the idea of splitting the exclusive club into 2 groups and pitting team A vs team B to let the pple choose (kekeke... imagine the confused voter needs to choose between 2 pple wearing white! They may think they need to go for cataract op... so probably bcos of this technicality tt's why this idea was scuttled)
(2) ... better still... Let's go monarchy - 1 emperor many concubines and many gong-gongs ! Yeah ! (refer to Channel 8 12 midnite on the Taiwanese drama)

3. Ministers' pay - They really need to raise the pay ceiling high enough to attract the "real" talents from the private sector who, after they are sian of making tons of $$$ at their respective companies, can always fallback on the public service to complete their nest eggs and plan for retirement... Seems quite contradictory doesn't it - Big Money Public service ! That's why Spore no. 1 in innovation ! Like that also can mah !

4. Listening to the ground for feedbacks - Hmmm... It's like this... small earthquake, no tsunami, buildings not collasping no problem lor... If it's aint broke, why fix it rite :P

(1) But wait, let's test the grounds ... let's throw some dummies into the fold... if using the dummies, still get only small earthquake, no tsunami, buildings not collasping, then the theory looks ok.
(2) Ok ok, a bit more kiasu... Let's really test the this theory... Let the dummies talk about low cost of education, low cost of housing, low cost of transport, low unemployment rate, high GDP, etc, etc... if still get only small earthquake, no tsunami, buildings not collasping, then almost 95% working liao...
(3) No, let's do a fool-proof plan ! Throw in the Foreign talents ... if still get only small earthquake, no tsunami, buildings not collasping, then 100% success liao ! Hurrah ! To let Foreign talents know we are sincere to work with them, why not just put 1-2 through the backdoors together with our tried and tested dummies ;P
Wa ! Siao liao ah !
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What uproar is this all about? Why shld Hougang residents pay less taxes when it is the discretion of the govt to spend how they want? There will never be equal spending per head one way or another in all estates in Singapore anyway.

I would like to ask the student instead, why not ask his parents so stupid go vote Yaw Shin Leong?
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