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how much pap invested into singapore swimmers? how come no medals at asian games hangzhou?


0 medals
not even a bronze
even hongkong got medals in swimming
so lousy waste resources to send them there lor

A Singaporean

They are a disgrace to the nation. Total waste of money. Talk so big before going and now back with 2 bunches of bananas each.

syed putra

Those swimmers from china basically professionals. They live in a swimming or sports academy. Train hours a day. Paid by the state. Sinkies, must earn own money, train own self. Only when certain standards, train with national team. But still earn own money.


just watched the live 4x100 Medley finished 8th. last position. Some more behind Thailand who finished 7th.
there seems to be disciplinary problems in the current swimming team. take drugs and misbehaving during overseas games ...bunch of useless elite children wasting taxpayer monies

syed putra

just watched the live 4x100 Medley finished 8th. last position. Some more behind Thailand who finished 7th.
there seems to be disciplinary problems in the current swimming team. take drugs and misbehaving during overseas games ...bunch of useless elite children wasting taxpayer monies
Thighs are high on weed


There are some talented young Sg cyclists that if developed properly could be world beaters.
But there are too much politics within that, those at the mgmt only prefers their talentless spawns and cronies to rise to nowhere.
Too bad the talent will leave and represent another.
Watch the news in about 10 years time.


Those swimmers from china basically professionals. They live in a swimming or sports academy. Train hours a day. Paid by the state. Sinkies, must earn own money, train own self. Only when certain standards, train with national team. But still earn own money.
Tiongkok swimmer swim faster than they run