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How do u improve God's design when it comes to sex and marriage?


If Monogamy so important ,Why God don't design sex such that before marriage can be attracted to all people but after marriage, there is a button that switch off. Only can love your wife or husband and also you will not appear attractive to others besides your own wife and husband.

Also is kkj and CB the best design for sex?

Why only 1 kkj, and 1 CB? Why not multiple so can get pregnant better?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Monogamy was a very recent social invention of the Roman church. That's also around the time when laws regarding inheritance and divorce were codified in the west.


If Monogamy so important ,Why God don't design sex such that before marriage can be attracted to all people but after marriage, there is a button that switch off. Only can love your wife or husband and also you will not appear attractive to others besides your own wife and husband.

Also is kkj and CB the best design for sex?

Why only 1 kkj, and 1 CB? Why not multiple so can get pregnant better?
God created sin for mankind to enjoy then suffer in hell. Very sadistic