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HK ICAC anti-corruption bureau arrested own boss, SG CPIB act dumb!


Hong Kong ICAC busted their own Chief Investigator who was an highly renowned & decorated star anti-graft investigator, and he is now being arrested for corruption charges.

famiLEE LEEgime CPIB is proven repeatedly to be covering their own boss's Ass Loong for vote buying in GE2006 & GE2011, after I twice lodged formal complains.


<a href="http://www.tehrantimes.com/index_View.asp?code=240317">雅虎香港新闻链接</a>

<blockquote><div class="feature-fc"> <div class="title"><h2>廉署「明日之星」涉貪污</h2></div> <div class="fnimg"> <img src="http://l.yimg.com/mq/i/nws/mntl/20110430_FC_icac.jpg" alt="廉署「明日之星」涉貪污" title="廉署「明日之星」涉貪污" /> </div> <div class="fncontent"> <p>被譽為反貪先鋒的廉署首席調查主任阮律文,疑涉嫌貪污瀆職,被廉署拘捕停職助查,是廉署37年來,被自己人拘捕的最高級人員,亦是歷來首名調查員涉及貪污被拘。事件即時引起廣泛關注,廉署強調一向重視職員操守...</p> <div class="relative"><a>相關新聞圖片</a></div> <div class="ed-pick"> <h3>重點文章</h3> <ul><li><a href="http://hk.news.yahoo.com/article/110429/3/o28l.html">廉署「明日之星」涉貪污</a><span class="icon"> </span><span>(星島)(05:30)</span></li><li><a href="http://hk.news.yahoo.com/article/110429/3/o28n.html">憤怒青年變反貪先鋒</a><span>(星島)(05:30)</span></li></ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="img-news"> <div class="com-img-news"> <div class="title"><a href="http://hk.news.yahoo.com/article/110503/3/o3ye.html">3廉署人員涉教唆作供案押後審</a></div> <div class="data">(星島) 5月3日 星期二 13:00</div> <div class="detail"> <p>「窩輪天王」吳鎮濤被控造市案的污點證人張青浩突然拒絕作供,指證3名廉署調查主任教唆作供案件,今日在灣仔區域法院審理,3名被告否認意圖妨礙司法公正及公職行為失當罪,案件押至下月15日進行審前覆核,3人繼...</p> </div> </div> <div class="com-img-news"> <div class="title"><a href="http://hk.news.yahoo.com/article/110429/3/o28l.html">廉署「明日之星」涉貪污</a></div> <div class="data">(星島) 4月30日 星期六 05:30</div> <div class="detail"> <img src="http://l.yimg.com/fe/p/news/singtao/20110430/16rme3j011v588-i1.jpg" alt="" title="" /> <p>(星島日報報道)被譽為反貪先鋒的廉署「明日之星」首席調查主任阮律文,疑涉嫌貪污瀆職,被廉署拘捕停職助查,是廉署三十七年來,被自己人拘捕的最高級人員,亦是歷來首名調查員涉及貪污被拘。事件即時引起廣泛關注...</p> </div> </div> <div class="com-img-news"> <div class="title"><a href="http://hk.news.yahoo.com/article/110429/3/o28m.html">徐家傑促向公眾交代</a></div> <div class="data">(星島) 4月30日 星期六 05:30</div> <div class="detail"> <p>(星島日報報道)前廉署執行處副處長徐家傑指出,廉署向來雖標榜「密密實實」,但現今公眾應有知情權,廉署應提高透明度、問責和面對群眾,不應只以「機密」作擋箭牌,拒絕向公眾作出交代。...</p> </div> </div> <div class="com-img-news"> <div class="title"><a href="http://hk.news.yahoo.com/article/110429/3/o28n.html">憤怒青年變反貪先鋒</a></div> <div class="data">(星島) 4月30日 星期六 05:30</div> <div class="detail"> <p>(星島日報報道)聲稱基於一份使命感,阮律文由憤怒青年,搖身一變成為反貪先鋒。「官仔骨骨」的他,平日除了努力查案外,最大嗜好是享受人生,駕名車戴靚表,身邊不乏女性朋友。...</p> </div> </div> </div></blockquote>



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Alfrescian (Inf)
Aiyah! UncleYap...Hong Kong have Democracy under the communist, we have DEMO CRASS & marriedtocracy...it is all show & whom you are married to, "you have'?:p


Aiyah! UncleYap...Hong Kong have Democracy under the communist, we have DEMO CRASS & marriedtocracy...it is all show & whom you are married to, "you have'?:p

Communist is more stern and brutal in penalising corruption. I like that! Shoot the corrupts! :smile: 枪毙!

famiLEE LEEgime's anti-graft are WAYANGS meant as a scarecrow only, and help LEEgime to cover up cases in order to preserve their WHITE & CLEAN FALSEHOOD.

Within industries that I used to work in, people all know that High Up in HDB, there are very foul and dirty corruption and graft and abuse of power, notoriously known, and CPIB only seized the suspect's passport for a long investigation cycle later did not file any charge (not to break filthy NKF-like scandal) and give back the bastard's passport for him to flee and migrated to UK. How did they do that? They say NO EVIDENCE to charge and warned to monitor. That means signal to the bastard corrupt to flee once passport is returned. This is a very common tactic in LEEgime CPIB. They only charged cases that they can afford the bad publicity.
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If you have no valid input and just rant like a mad dog, you will surely be ignored.:wink:

Is that right? Home Affairs ISD officer Yap Kheng Ho?:biggrin: Then let me bow to your sterling reputation in the Oppositon's political landscape. Do you have a picture of yourself with your arms around Low Thia Kiang for our viewing pleasure?:biggrin::oIo::oIo::oIo:



any dirt on sg cpib chief? maybe the kids at hwz can help u find some dirt. they very resourceful u know.


Is that right? Home Affairs ISD officer Yap Kheng Ho?:biggrin: Then let me bow to your sterling reputation in the Oppositon's political landscape. Do you have a picture of yourself with your arms around Low Thia Kiang for our viewing pleasure?:biggrin::oIo::oIo::oIo:

LTK is the certified non-ISD verification expert? :biggrin: :biggrin: why are you so childish?

I am closer than LTK to late JBJ not forgetting that I was part of the seed effort to establish RP.

Just because Mr. Low toppled GRC you forgot that JBJ was THE ORIGINAL HAMMER?

Wake up!
:wink: Don't get upset it is facts known by everyone but you neglected.



any dirt on sg cpib chief? maybe the kids at hwz can help u find some dirt. they very resourceful u know.

Have anything juicy than blow whistle! I am always happy to assist. There is law protecting whistle-blower mah. :wink:


LTK is the certified non-ISD verification expert? :biggrin: :biggrin: why are you so childish?

I am closer than LTK to late JBJ not forgetting that I was part of the seed effort to establish RP.

Just because Mr. Low toppled GRC you forgot that JBJ was THE ORIGINAL HAMMER?

Wake up!
:wink: Don't get upset it is facts known by everyone but you neglected.

Talk is cheap. Don't dodge. show us a recent photo of you cuddling up to Worker Party Low Thia Kiang. Home Affairs ISD officer Yap Kheng Ho. As for your relations with the late JBJ, may he RIP!:biggrin::oIo:


Talk is cheap. Don't dodge. show us a recent photo of you cuddling up to Worker Party Low Thia Kiang. Home Affairs ISD officer Yap Kheng Ho. As for your relations with the late JBJ, may he RIP!:biggrin::oIo:
How many sammyboy forum ID would you need to repeat nonsensical ranting? :biggrin: