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HK CEO Donald Tsang sabotaged luxury yacht owner about paying HK$500 ferry fee


To cover up for his own corrutpion scandal Donald Tsang BS about paying HK$500 ferry fee to owner of luxury yacht, after being screwed for his acceptance of corruption luxury boat trip. Now the owner face investigation for fetching paid passenger without a passenger ferry operator's license.:eek::*::biggrin:

Set out, Mr Donald Tsang, the yacht closed Fares Marine Department for follow-up
Ming Pao, Ming Pao Daily News - 10 hours ago
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Members of the Democratic Party Lee Wing-tat on the Agenda of the Council yesterday proposed moving the motion, requiring reference to the Powers and Privileges Ordinance investigations Chief Executive, Mr Donald Tsang, allegedly to accept the rich yacht hospitality regarding the picture shows the pre-party to the extra-parliamentary protest. (Li Shao Changshe) View photos

Members of the Democratic Party Lee Wing-tat on the Agenda of the Council yesterday proposed moving the motion, requiring reference to the Powers and Privileges Ordinance investigations Chief Executive, Mr Donald Tsang, allegedly to accept the rich yacht hospitality regarding the picture shows the pre-party to the extra-parliamentary protest. (Lee Shaochang She)

Ming Pao Chief Executive Donald Tsang earlier admitted in February to accept the yacht of wealthy businessman Joseph Lau Luen Hung and Ho Tsu Kwok, Charles hospitality, in accordance with Hong Kong-Macau ferry ticket market price to the boat owners pay $ 500 shipping fee, attracted ship owners involved in charge ship fee to the yacht for the whitebox yacht concern.

Marine Director of yesterday speak up first response that is to follow up events, such as arising from either the owner or agent violating maritime regulations will be fined.

Investigate whether involving white license yacht

Marine Director of HP LIU yesterday in the public activities of the department's response to information about the rich yacht in honor of the Chief Executive and to receive the Chief Executive a couple of 500 yuan fares, may be involved in the violation. Liao pointed out that there has been contact with the pick on the same day, Mr Donald Tsang, the couple's yacht shipowners initially know the yacht held by a company, the prescription has asked the company to provide further information.

Did not respond to the passengers to the need for responsible

Asked about the yacht for "white card carrying" arrangement, the Marine Department spokesman said the owner, master or yacht agent in violation of the legislation relating to the operation of the regulated pleasure vessels in the maritime regulations, shall be liable on conviction to a maximum fine of $ 20,000. but there is no positive response, such as involved to take the passengers of the "white boat" to be held on the legislation responsibility.

In addition, the Democratic Party Lee Wing-tat said that the meeting agenda will be the Legislative Council motion to invoke the Powers and Privileges Ordinance, investigation, Mr Donald Tsang, suspected to accept the hospitality issue. He pointed out that Mr Tsang has yet to account for the number of outbound peer, and room and board who will pay; He also requested the Chief Executive's office to open since July 2007, Mr Tsang used to accept the hospitality internal code of practice details, and account of the process developed in the Code.

■ Ming Pao a rebellion hotline [email protected] / 9181 4676

Members of the Democratic Party Lee Wing-tat on the Agenda of the Council yesterday proposed moving the motion, requiring reference to the Powers and Privileges Ordinance investigations Chief Executive, Mr Donald Tsang, allegedly to accept the rich yacht hospitality regarding the picture shows the pre-party to the extra-parliamentary protest. (Lee Shaochang She)


[h=1]載曾蔭權遊艇收船費 海事處跟進[/h] <cite class="byline vcard">明報 – <abbr title="2012-03-21T21:15:15Z">10小時前</abbr></cite>


  • 查看相片民主黨議員李永達於昨日立法會議程提出動議案,要求引用《權力及特權條例》調查特首曾蔭權涉嫌接受富豪遊艇款待一事,圖為會前該黨到議會外抗議。(李紹昌攝)

另 外,民主黨李永達表示將於立法會會議議程中動議,要求引用《權力及特權條例》,調查曾蔭權涉嫌接受款待一事。他指出,曾蔭權至今仍未交代多次外遊的同行 人,及食宿由誰支付;他又要求特首辦公開曾蔭權自2007年7月起所採用的接受款待內部守則的詳情,並交代守則制訂的過程。
■明報報料熱線[email protected]/ 9181 4676

