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Hero Alex farked PAP Youth upside-down!


How did Alex Tan end up in the event when it is for Young PAP members. He joined YP?

I read from another thread that the YPAP smearing him with a conviction during his army days. The conviction was I think a court martial on him blogging about soldiers who died in training.

The best part is that they use "anonymous" nickname to smear him. Talk about integrity.


denzuko1, I don't recall any MP (opposition or PAP) hurling insults at each other in Parliament. Neither are they devoid of opinions.

I think that if we are going to criticize or give our own perspective on any given issue, we must then have an impetus to put things into context.

If a policy is good, then so be it and give it its due. If it is crap, then give all the opinions that we want. There is no need to resort to name calling a la some of our residents here in this forum.

Who doesn't have his/her own agenda and self-interest? We all have. And I think that what fuels all political leaders, be it opposition or not. Ask Mr Low or Mr Chiam, and I bet their participation in politics was initiated by self-driven needs. Ms D Phua's might be for the special needs and the under-privileged, or Mr Teo SL might have had youths' issues at the back of his mind.

Whatever the issues are, they had the testicular fortitude to stand up, in front and be counted to make the right decisions to benefit the mass of Singaporeans out there.

Opposition or not.

At the end of the day, it is to make the lives of some 4 million people living in a city state better.


denzuko1, I don't recall any MP (opposition or PAP) hurling insults at each other in Parliament. Neither are they devoid of opinions.

I think that if we are going to criticize or give our own perspective on any given issue, we must then have an impetus to put things into context.

If a policy is good, then so be it and give it its due. If it is crap, then give all the opinions that we want. There is no need to resort to name calling a la some of our residents here in this forum.

Who doesn't have his/her own agenda and self-interest? We all have. And I think that what fuels all political leaders, be it opposition or not. Ask Mr Low or Mr Chiam, and I bet their participation in politics was initiated by self-driven needs. Ms D Phua's might be for the special needs and the under-privileged, or Mr Teo SL might have had youths' issues at the back of his mind.

Whatever the issues are, they had the testicular fortitude to stand up, in front and be counted to make the right decisions to benefit the mass of Singaporeans out there.

Opposition or not.

At the end of the day, it is to make the lives of some 4 million people living in a city state better.

Let me see, you have just joined this forum for 3 days, insisting that the PAP MPs never insult the opposition (certainly the opposition has never insulted the ruling party) and you are writing something out of this world and not sticking to the topic.

So election is coming near and the minions just started work?



Correction, I've been in this forum than less than 5hrs.

I never said that they have never. I simply said that, and I quote verbatim, 'I don't recall...' So if you have, in your memory, any recollection of insult hurling, please do refresh me, in case I am accused of selective memory.

One does not have to be part of the PAP, WP, SDP, or any other political party to be interested in this forum thread. In fact, such political discussions show that we are not apathetic as the ST proposed. We are in fact interested in politics and the going-ons in parliament, or else we wouldn't be spending our 5mins replying to posts right?

And I certainly am not writing something out of this world. It is in response to halsey02's comments that, and I quote again: 'These MPs have some self interest and agenda at hand always'.

Or maybe I am one of the few that admire the MPs (again, opposition or not) for what they are doing.

Oh shit... am I out of this world again?


I was asking denzukuo1 with reference to 'I read from another thread that the YPAP smearing him with a conviction during his army days'.

And yes, I do have the ST delivered to me, on a silver platter or not. Though that would be a nice service from SPH.


Don't be lazy and rude. Why "concrete proof"? Do you want it notarised as well.? That information about Alex has been in the Net for sometime and I am not talking about a day or hours.If you are lazy or have just returned from Mars, ask Denzuko politely where you can get hold of the information that he shared with you.

Don't need a biblical speech about right and wrong when you have no sense of decorum and manners.

You remind me of grassroots leaders who can't explain policy but will tell you its good. Once you ask which part is good, they either lose their temper or tell you that they have been slotted to open MP's car door when he arrives.

I was asking denzukuo1 with reference to 'I read from another thread that the YPAP smearing him with a conviction during his army days'.

And yes, I do have the ST delivered to me, on a silver platter or not. Though that would be a nice service from SPH.



Correction, I've been in this forum than less than 5hrs.

I never said that they have never. I simply said that, and I quote verbatim, 'I don't recall...' So if you have, in your memory, any recollection of insult hurling, please do refresh me, in case I am accused of selective memory.

One does not have to be part of the PAP, WP, SDP, or any other political party to be interested in this forum thread. In fact, such political discussions show that we are not apathetic as the ST proposed. We are in fact interested in politics and the going-ons in parliament, or else we wouldn't be spending our 5mins replying to posts right?

And I certainly am not writing something out of this world. It is in response to halsey02's comments that, and I quote again: 'These MPs have some self interest and agenda at hand always'.

Or maybe I am one of the few that admire the MPs (again, opposition or not) for what they are doing.

Oh shit... am I out of this world again?

At least you are honest about being here for less than 5 hours, so probably now is another 4 more hours?

No, it is not called selective memory, neither is it Amnesia. Its called deletion.

Go over all the "Today in Parliament" again and undelete the scenes.

Meanwhile, let's just go outside the Parliament for a while, I did recall someone call the opposition pigs and monkeys during the last election, I wonder if anyone can recall this?

Btw, you are too kind to the opposition in your arguement, it certainly gives a sense of falsehood in your contribution.



If the press has in fact deleted such scenes in its own recount of the happenings in and out of Parliament, I certainly am not privy to it. If that is the case, then it does call in question the press' reporting integrity, of which is not the point of discussion herein.

On scroobal's advice, I have googled the Alex Tan National Service debacle, and it does seem that whichever YPAP member had decided to divulge personal details should be called to task. I believe that whether or not it is in cyberspace or the common ground, it is definitely not right to 'flame' anyone on their own personal repute. We are here after all to have our voices heard, not our moral standing.

I asked for sources because of Alex Tan's statements about his National Service debacle simply to make astute judgements and opinions instead of relying on hearsay. My personal feel of things is that political discussion, be it over policies or whatevernots, should be done calmly and not let our hearts get over our heads.

I do hope that the YPAP does in fact take up Alex's challenge to a dialogue (rather than a debate). That way, at least both perspectives on the matter is heard.

The objective of me being in this forum is neither to tear down the PAP or the opposition. Like I said previously, if both have their strengths, lets applaud it. If they have their faults, lets point them out constructively. I've just finished reading the 'Men in White' book, and it is interesting to see how the opposition played a major role in shaping Singapore to be what it is today.


New Member
<TABLE class=msgtable cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="96%"><TBODY><TR><TD class=msg vAlign=top><TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%"><TBODY><TR class=msghead><TD class=msgbfr1 width="1%"></TD><TD><TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0><TBODY><TR class=msghead vAlign=top><TD class=msgF width="1%" noWrap align=right>From: </TD><TD class=msgFname width="68%" noWrap>EvoRalliart <NOBR></NOBR></TD><TD class=msgDate width="30%" noWrap align=right>6:37 pm </TD></TR><TR class=msghead><TD class=msgT height=20 width="1%" noWrap align=right>To: </TD><TD class=msgTname width="68%" noWrap>CPL (kojakbt22) <NOBR> </NOBR></TD><TD class=msgNum noWrap align=right>(9 of 40) </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR><TR><TD class=msgleft rowSpan=4 width="1%"></TD><TD class=wintiny noWrap align=right>25651.9 in reply to 25651.3 </TD></TR><TR><TD height=8></TD></TR><TR><TD class=msgtxt>"Mr de Souza, in turn, invited Mr Alex Tan to attend Parliament to see how PAP MPs speak their mind. 'If you'd heard Denise Phua speak on, say special-needs kids, you will think she is an opposition MP,' he said.
Fark, she is speaking for her own kid who is a special-need kid...
I'm not saying we don't care about our disabled. But right now, there are bigger issue at stake. Why not Denise Phua speak for Singaporeans over the FT issue?"
Yes, right on.
These MPs have some self interest and agenda at hand always.

</TD></TR><TR><TD></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%"><TBODY><TR><TD class=msgleft width="1%"></TD><TD class=msgopt width="24%" noWrap> Options</TD><TD class=msgrde width="50%" noWrap align=middle> Reply</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

I believe speaking for children of disabled should not cease. If she do not do that, the underdogs will always be underdogs receiving difference in treatment. There should be no pause. Society forgets them quickly. You may think she is speaking for a own kid. But in fact, she is speaking for the entire community of special needs. It is because she has a special-needs kid, she understands the pain of a parent and thus she is able to better represent them. If not, someone would argue again, what credibility does this or that MP have when he/she represents this community.

For financial issue, yes, I do agree MP should speak up. In fact, there are some MPs whom speak up and I do hear speeches in parliament speaking of such, such as Lease-Buy-Back scheme from HDB being pushed forth.
I believe instead of complaining, let's look at what we can do for the community. In that way, Singapore can progress as a society. =)

Just some thoughts.:smile:

Merry Christmas!!


I think the person did mention that it is not issue raising the concerns of special needs kids. An MP is elected by the consitutency and expected to represent their needs as her or his primary function. If not the election will be tied to a constituency.

PAP as a party forming the govt has a much bigger role to play in showing absolute adherence to both moral and legal matters.

The Sear Hock Rong affair casts a dark shadow on genuine volunteers who contribute towards grassroots if no appropriate answers are given and no inquiry is held.

Its poor form to keep alleging that people who criticise are not helping the community or that they are anti-singaporean or that they should focus on helping the community. Alex is not making criticism because he wants $10,000 a month or a handout from the Government. He is speaking for some segment of the community. No different from the Denise Phuas. Its is also poor form to assume that a PAP member, supporter has the inherent DNA to care for Singapore or singaporeans.

Look at TT Durai and NKF. Its was raised in parliament a number of times and the Minister of Health then claimed that he is comfortable with NKF. During that time a deputy secretary of MOH who was assigned to sit on the committee stepped down because she was not getting the support of Durai and the rest of NKF. Nothing was done. It was raised again by an NMP because no PAP ever raised a concern and it was not followed up. In the end, it took an article from a board member of SPH to raise a concern when finally the end result was that less than 10 cents of every dollar donated by Singaporeans actually went to help a kidney patient.

We will fail this country and the people in it if we treat criticisms as taboo or anti-community rhetoric. Sure Alex uses profanities, sounds uncouth at times but he said more and raised more issues than Davinder Singh the former PAP MP during his many terms in parliament. One of the quietest chap in Singapore's parliamentary history. And get this, Alex does not draw the $13K as an MP allowance.

Dig deep, and consider the plight of the nation if we it fail to produce enough Alexes to counter the Sear Hock Rongs of the world. Where will we be if founders of PAP did not feel compel to criticise the British more than 50 years ago. I think we all can reasonaly assume that something is a amiss when after 2 weeks, nothing official has surfaced from officials about the perception of patronage and conflict of interest in Eunos.

Happy to see the contribution, your view and welcome to this forum.

I believe speaking for children of disabled should not cease. If she do not do that, the underdogs will always be underdogs receiving difference in treatment. There should be no pause. Society forgets them quickly. You may think she is speaking for a own kid. But in fact, she is speaking for the entire community of special needs. It is because she has a special-needs kid, she understands the pain of a parent and thus she is able to better represent them. If not, someone would argue again, what credibility does this or that MP have when he/she represents this community.

For financial issue, yes, I do agree MP should speak up. In fact, there are some MPs whom speak up and I do hear speeches in parliament speaking of such, such as Lease-Buy-Back scheme from HDB being pushed forth.
I believe instead of complaining, let's look at what we can do for the community. In that way, Singapore can progress as a society. =)

Just some thoughts.:smile:

Merry Christmas!!


If the press has in fact deleted such scenes in its own recount of the happenings in and out of Parliament, I certainly am not privy to it. If that is the case, then it does call in question the press' reporting integrity, of which is not the point of discussion herein.

i can recall the press trying to "delete" LHL comment on FIXING the opposition.:biggrin: