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Her Story 7 : 夜场小姐 lost her virginity


夜场小姐 actually very pitiful. Not all are materialistic. but over time in their jobs, they become so.
The two I know are very materialistic. The third one was my neighbor's wife from Ipoh. That one was swindled by my neighbor - buy Louis Vuitton wallet and Gucci stuff for him. In the end divorced him when the latter was in jail.
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Tsk tsk tsk I knew it you despicable Cantonese dog son of 夜场小姐will do this to up chicken threads around when I post cancer threads. 一边拿人好处一边污蔑骚扰给你好处恩将仇报的广东狗。 hey Cantonese dog when are you going to swear if I am a virgin not c夜场小姐that lost virginity like your admitted CANTONESE DIRTY SLUT PROSTITUTE MOTHER YOU DIE A VIOLENT DEATH? Don’t forget your Malaysian favorite words 你的身体很诚实。真够贱!


The two I know are very materialistic. The third one was my neighbor's wife from Ipoh. That one was swindled by my neighbor - buy Louis Vuitton wallet and Gucci stuff for him. In the end divorced him when the latter was in jail.
@NanoSpeed don’t forget your Cantonese women that open leg big big sell nude to buy Porsche are what you criticize 夜场小姐 as materialistic. And you are right non materialistic women like me have ZERO possibility of sell nude sell cb.




Tsk tsk tsk I knew it you despicable Cantonese dog son of 夜场小姐will do this to up chicken threads around when I post cancer threads. 一边拿人好处一边污蔑骚扰给你好处恩将仇报的广东狗。 hey Cantonese dog when are you going to swear if I am a virgin not c夜场小姐that lost virginity like your admitted CANTONESE DIRTY SLUT PROSTITUTE MOTHER YOU DIE A VIOLENT DEATH? Don’t forget your Malaysian favorite words 你的身体很诚实嘴巴不敢发誓哈哈哈。真够贱!