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he plans to go genting with wife and 小三


Local Man Shares His Plan To Have S*x With Wife, Then Female Fling In Genting Hotel During Christmas

Sources: PeakPx/Pexels
There’s an age old argument on whether art imitates life, or vice versa. Well, netizens are rehashing that argument over this cheating story, allegedly so unbelievable, it has netizens wondering if it was faked.

Recently, a local woman took to Facebook to share how her married lover gave her a wild proposition with a plan on how to have sex in a hotel in Genting with his wife right next door. Needless to say, the story has left some shocked, others amazed and many more doubtful.

Photo for illustration purpose (Source: PickPik)

According to the screenshots shared on the now-removed Facebook post, the lady had first received a message asking if she was interested in going up to Genting on Christmas day. “I can give you a lift. On 25th December, I’ll be giving my wife a lift (to Genting). If you don’t mind, you can come along?” he asked.

How are we going to (have sex) if you bring your wife?” she asked in return. To her surprise, he was fairly confident he could pull cheating on his wife off. “I can lie to her and say you are my friend’s sister,” he told her, offering to cover all her expenses as well. “I’ll help you get a room, it’ll be right next to ours. If you want (to have sex), just knock on the door,” he stated.

Curious, the lady questioned his plan further. “What if your wife finds out?” she wondered.

I’ve thought about it. I’ll f*ck her first, and then I can trick her into drinking water with sleeping pills. When she falls asleep, I’ll go to you,” her lover explained, even offering to buy her a Christmas gift. Allegedly however, the proposition was of little interest to the lady.

Source: Tan Tan News
Source: Tan Tan News

However, most netizens claimed the story was difficult to believe. “Did you direct and act (this drama) by yourself?” one quipped. “Be brave and post the husband’s photo and name,” another challenged.

Others however marveled at the man’s “plan” with one deeming him, “Master of Time Management”.

Well, true story or not, we have to admit, this cheating story certainly a wild one! And wives, if your husband is planning a trip up to Genting on the 25th of December for the two of you and ‘a friend’s sister’, do take note.

Sources: Tan Tan News


Amazing…. The Chinese Writing and Reading Lady must be a Fuck Buddy. Cos she already know that the man is having a wife.
Envy… how come I cannot find any Fuck Buddy.


Local Man Shares His Plan To Have S*x With Wife, Then Female Fling In Genting Hotel During Christmas

Sources: PeakPx/Pexels
There’s an age old argument on whether art imitates life, or vice versa. Well, netizens are rehashing that argument over this cheating story, allegedly so unbelievable, it has netizens wondering if it was faked.

Recently, a local woman took to Facebook to share how her married lover gave her a wild proposition with a plan on how to have sex in a hotel in Genting with his wife right next door. Needless to say, the story has left some shocked, others amazed and many more doubtful.

Photo for illustration purpose (Source: PickPik)

According to the screenshots shared on the now-removed Facebook post, the lady had first received a message asking if she was interested in going up to Genting on Christmas day. “I can give you a lift. On 25th December, I’ll be giving my wife a lift (to Genting). If you don’t mind, you can come along?” he asked.

How are we going to (have sex) if you bring your wife?” she asked in return. To her surprise, he was fairly confident he could pull cheating on his wife off. “I can lie to her and say you are my friend’s sister,” he told her, offering to cover all her expenses as well. “I’ll help you get a room, it’ll be right next to ours. If you want (to have sex), just knock on the door,” he stated.

Curious, the lady questioned his plan further. “What if your wife finds out?” she wondered.

I’ve thought about it. I’ll f*ck her first, and then I can trick her into drinking water with sleeping pills. When she falls asleep, I’ll go to you,” her lover explained, even offering to buy her a Christmas gift. Allegedly however, the proposition was of little interest to the lady.

Source: Tan Tan News
Source: Tan Tan News

However, most netizens claimed the story was difficult to believe. “Did you direct and act (this drama) by yourself?” one quipped. “Be brave and post the husband’s photo and name,” another challenged.

Others however marveled at the man’s “plan” with one deeming him, “Master of Time Management”.

Well, true story or not, we have to admit, this cheating story certainly a wild one! And wives, if your husband is planning a trip up to Genting on the 25th of December for the two of you and ‘a friend’s sister’, do take note.

Sources: Tan Tan News