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Hamas reaped hundreds of millions off Gaza aid since Oct 7



Despite the ongoing conflict, Israel has repeatedly stressed that "there are no limits on the amount of humanitarian aid that can enter Gaza."​

The Hamas terrorist organization has profited at least $500 million off humanitarian aid coming into the Gaza Strip since the start of the war on Oct. 7, according to a report that aired on Israel’s Channel 12 last week.

Veteran analyst Ehud Yaari, a fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, told the broadcaster on Thursday that, according to a calculation he made with “a friend—I don’t know if I’m allowed to mention his name,” Hamas earned “no less” than half a billion dollars from the aid.

“We provide [this] for them,” said the Arab affairs analyst, adding: “We need to start creating reality, instead of this fruitless discussion about what will happen the ‘day after’ [the war with Hamas ends].”