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Guess the race: parents roll their spawn in cow manure

syed putra

Fuck! Parents do this to their kids????? Voluntarily???? I have no words to describe what I am reading! Fuck, if there is a social care organization in India, please take away the children from their parents. There is something wrong with this community! Fuckheads!


Religion makes people do stupid things without they realizing it.


Dear Sir/Mdm,I'm Ravi S/O M G RajasagaranIc No : S8206192D.Currently I am seeking financial help from Boon Lay SSO and his name is Nick Lee.Today this morning he called up my wife and told her that this month there'll be a delay in our cash payout and told us to come down to meet at 11.30am. So my wife and I went over to meet him personally. I was explaining to him that if there's any delay he could have let us know earlier so I could have make some other arrangement and its not fair to tell me today when I was depending on the cash which I thought I will be receiving tomorrow.With the cash, I've got to do my new born baby's birth certificate, need to bring my wife for her check up and also use the cash to go and visit our baby who is still in NICU and was born at 30 weeks prematured.I've to visit her almost everyday as my wife needs to breast feed her and because of the surgery my wife can't be travelling in the bus or MRT and we've to take a cab down to KKH.At the same time I also need to get diapers and milk powder for my 1st son who is 2 1/2 years old.While I was trying to explain my situation, your officer told me off that WE DONT OWN YOU. I WAS REALLY HURT BY THIS WORD. IS MY FAMILY A BURDEN TO YOU ALL ? I WAS DEPENDING ON THE CASH TO RUN MY FAMILY AND NOT TO MISUSE IT. SERIOUSLY THIS IS NOT THE WAY TO TREAT PEOPLE WHO SEEK HELP FROM YOU ALL!RaviEditor's note: we have transferred $100 to the family last night and visited the baby at KKH ICU. The prematured baby girl weighs less than 1 kg and will be in ICU for at least two months.The 7-minute video conversation is provided by the writer.He has also formally launched a complaint with the branch.Ravi is 33 years old and suffers from muscular dystrophy as a result of a vicious attack many years ago. He is certified permanently unfit to work.If you wish to donate directly to the family please let us know. Do it for the poor helpless baby struggling for her life at KKH.Christmas is a season for giving...


FEED ME MORE $$$$ !!!!!


"we've to take a cab down to KKH."

this takes the cake, grabcar or uber?impatient ravi aint waiting for no cab...perhaps advanced booking.