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Guess??? Singaporean student who planned to attack mosques released from ISA detention after 'good progress' in rehabilitation



Singaporean student who planned to attack mosques released from ISA detention after 'good progress' in rehabilitation​

The youth, who was 16 when he was detained, was the first Singaporean to be dealt with under ISA for being radicalised by far-right extremist ideology.

Singaporean student who planned to attack mosques released from ISA detention after 'good progress' in rehabilitation

Assyafaah Mosque and Yusof Ishak Mosque. (Images: Google Street View)

  • The Singaporean student was 16 when he was detained in December 2020 for making "detailed plans and preparations to conduct terrorist attacks" against Muslims
  • The teen had been influenced by the 2019 terror attacks at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand
  • ISD said the youth underwent an intensive rehabilitation programme and is assessed to "no longer pose an imminent security threat"
24 Jan 2024 02:01PM(Updated: 24 Jan 2024 02:22PM)

SINGAPORE: A Singaporean student who was detained in December 2020 for making "detailed plans and preparations to conduct terrorist attacks" against Muslims has been released after making "good progress" in his rehabilitation, the Internal Security Department (ISD) said on Wednesday (Jan 24).

The 19-year-old, who was 16 when he was detained, was the first Singaporean to be dealt with under the country's Internal Security Act (ISA) for being radicalised by far-right extremist ideologies.

He had planned to use a machete to attack Muslims at two mosques in the Woodlands area on Mar 15, 2020, the second anniversary of New Zealand's Christchurch attacks.

He chose Assyafaah Mosque and Yusof Ishak Mosque as targets because they were near his home.

The youth, who was not named, is a Protestant Christian of Indian ethnicity. He was also the youngest person to be dealt with under the ISA for terrorism-related activities, ISD said at the time.

ISD said the self-radicalised teen was "motivated by a strong antipathy towards Islam and a fascination with violence".

He had been influenced by the 2019 terror attacks at two mosques in Christchurch and read the manifesto of the attacker, Brenton Tarrant.

Following three years of detention, ISD said the youth was released and issued with a suspension direction as he had made "good progress in his rehabilitation" and was "assessed to no longer pose an imminent security threat".

A suspension direction is a ministerial direction to suspend an existing detention order. The suspension direction may be revoked and the individual will be re-detained if he does not comply with any of the stipulated conditions.

The conditions include prohibition from associating with any militant or terrorist groups or individuals, and the person is not allowed to leave the country without approval.

The youth in the first case underwent an intensive rehabilitation programme during his three years in detention, ISD said.

"He has been receptive to these efforts and has since rejected far-right extremist ideas and the use of violence.

"He no longer harbours any animosity towards Muslims, and has internalised the importance of racial and religious harmony in Singapore," it added.


Carousell listing of a machete that the youth intended to purchase for the attacks. (Photo: ISD)

To address his extremist mindset, which included the misguided belief that Christians were under attack by Muslims, ISD said it worked with the National Council of Churches of Singapore to arrange for a Christian pastor to counsel the youth.

Through the sessions, he was taught to embrace "virtues of non-violence and temperance, and to appreciate inter-faith harmony" as well as to exercise tolerance and moderation when practising his faith in Singapore.

He was also regularly engaged by an ISD psychologist to address his "permissive attitude towards violence" as well as the socio-psychological factors that contributed to his radicalisation.

These included his self-esteem issues and strong desire for social validation, which made him want to emulate Tarrant, whom he idolised as a "hero".

The youth was also assigned three mentors – two volunteers from the Religious Rehabilitation Group (RRG) and his former secondary school teacher – who helped him improve his self-esteem and overcome the challenges he faced when relating to others.

His family also played a key role in his rehabilitation, as their weekly visits and words of encouragement motivated him to stay on track, ISD said.
A Secondary 4 student at the time of his detention, ISD made arrangements for him to continue his education and sit for the GCE N (Academic) Level and GCE O-Level examinations.

In the lead-up to his exams, he received weekly lessons from at least five tutors, including Ministry of Education-trained teachers who are RRG volunteers.
“He did well for his examinations and intends to further his studies in an Institute of Higher Learning after his release.”

“ISD will continue to work with his family, school, and other rehabilitation stakeholders to ease his reintegration into society,” it said.


Alfrescian (Inf)
He should attack some of the modern mosques, they look hideous. You can even rebrand them as 'City Harvest Mosque'.

For example, this one in Jurong. You can easily mistake it for a (CHC style) church, a mall, a CC or a theatre from afar.



He should attack some of the modern mosques, they look hideous. You can even rebrand them as 'City Harvest Mosque'.

For example, this one in Jurong. You can easily mistake it for a (CHC style) church, a mall, a CC or a theatre from afar.

CHC should share this premise with the Mosque. After all it's still the same God..


He should attack some of the modern mosques, they look hideous. You can even rebrand them as 'City Harvest Mosque'.

For example, this one in Jurong. You can easily mistake it for a (CHC style) church, a mall, a CC or a theatre from afar.



Singkieland is such a racists country,,,when the perps are not m&ds,,,they always mention the race....but when its m&d crimes...no mention of the race at all,,,so that means no mention means m&ds,,,like this article,,,the raced is mentioned

Singaporean teen who identified as white supremacist placed under ISA restrictions for far-right extremism​

The teenager strongly identified as a white supremacist and aspired to conduct attacks overseas, says the Internal Security Department.
Singaporean teen who identified as white supremacist placed under ISA restrictions for far-right extremism

File photo of a person using a laptop. (File photo: iStock/Chainarong Prasertthai)
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7 min

This audio is generated by an AI tool.
  • The student is the second Singaporean to be dealt with under the Internal Security Act for being radicalised by far-right extremist ideologies
  • He was exposed to violent extremist material online in 2022 and developed an intense hatred of communities typically targeted by far-right extremists, including African Americans, Arabs and LGBTQ individuals
  • Although he hoped to be recruited for violent attacks overseas, the student did not take steps to actualise his aspirations beyond searching online for weapons

Firdaus Hamzah

24 Jan 2024 02:00PM(Updated: 24 Jan 2024 06:23PM)

SINGAPORE: A 16-year-old Singaporean student who was self-radicalised by far-right extremist ideologies has been issued a restriction order under the Internal Security Act (ISA).
The teenager, who is of Chinese ethnicity, identified as a white supremacist and aspired to conduct attacks overseas, the Internal Security Department (ISD) said on Wednesday (Jan 24).


"However, beyond online searches for weapons, he did not take steps to actualise his attack aspirations as he lacked the financial resources and know-how to do so," ISD said.
It added that he had no plans to conduct any attacks in Singapore.
The student, who was not named, was in Secondary 4 when he was placed under a restriction order in November 2023. This means he is not allowed to travel out of Singapore, access the internet or social media without the approval of the ISD director, among other restrictions.
He is the second Singaporean to be dealt with under the ISA for being radicalised by far-right extremist ideologies.
The first - a 16-year-old Protestant Christian of Indian ethnicity - was detained in December 2020 after planning to attack two mosques in the Woodlands area.


Authorities said at the time that he had made "detailed plans and preparations to conduct terrorist attacks" against Muslims, and that he was influenced by the manifesto of Brenton Tarrant - the man who attacked mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand.
The youth has since been released from detention, ISD said on Wednesday, adding that he had made "good progress" in his rehabilitation and is assessed to no longer pose an imminent security threat.


Providing details of the latest case, ISD said the teenager was exposed to violent extremist material online in 2022, after chancing upon videos by American far-right personality Paul Nicholas Miller.
Miller is known for promoting a race war and espouses white supremacist and neo-Nazi rhetoric. He has been tied to multiple far-right extremist organisations overseas, including the Proud Boys and the Boogaloo movement.
By early 2023, the teenager had developed an intense hatred of communities typically targeted by far-right extremists, including African Americans, Arabs and LGBTQ individuals, said ISD.


"Fuelled by online extremist rhetoric, he came to believe that African Americans were responsible for a significant percentage of crime in the United States, and deserved to 'die a horrible death'," it added.
"He also perceived illegal Arab immigrants as having committed violent attacks against white populations in Western countries."
ISD said the teenager subscribed to the Great Replacement Theory commonly referenced by far-right terrorists like the Christchurch attacker, which propagated the idea that the indigenous white population in Western countries were in danger of being replaced by non-white immigrants.
"Such ethno-nationalist beliefs convinced him that non-white communities such as African Americans and Arabs should be driven away from white-majority countries," said ISD.
"The youth participated in several far-right online chat groups and channels, where he shared violent anti-African American videos, as doing so gave him a sense of belonging to the white supremacist community."



Growing concern with youth radicalism, terrorism threat to Singapore remains high: ISD

Terrorist groups increasingly targeting youths, Singapore a 'prized target': DPM Wong


According to the ISD, the teenager had hoped to be recruited for violent attacks by white supremacist groups overseas to “fight for the whites”.
He considered travelling to countries such as France, Italy, the US and Russia to participate in attacks against his "vilified communities".
"Specifically, he shared his interest to conduct a mass shooting in the US in 10 years’ time in a far-right online chat group," said the ISD.
The agency added that while he searched online for weapons, he did not take steps to actualise his attack aspirations as he lacked the financial resources and know-how to do so.
"The youth had no plans to conduct any attacks locally, as he felt that these communities had not caused trouble in Singapore," said ISD.
"There was no indication that the youth had tried to influence his family or friends with his violent extremist views, nor were they aware of his attack ideations."

The 16-year-old will be required to undergo a holistic rehabilitation programme aimed at countering his violent extremist ideologies.
These include receiving psychological counselling to address his propensity to violence and the factors that make him vulnerable to radical influences.
"The rehabilitation programme will be geared towards helping the youth internalise that his racial supremacist views are incompatible with Singapore’s multi-racial and multi-religious society," said ISD.
Its case officers will engage the youth regularly to monitor his rehabilitation, as well as work closely with his family and school to ensure that he has sufficient support.
He has been assigned two mentors who will provide him with additional guidance and cyber-wellness skills.
"In addition, ISD is working with community partners such as the Inter-Agency Aftercare Group (ACG) to explore suitable community-based programmes which will equip him with pro-social skills," the agency said.


ISD said that while far-right extremist ideologies have not gained a significant foothold in Singapore, the two cases serve as a reminder that Singaporeans are not immune to such ideologies.
Urging the need to maintain vigilance, ISD cautioned that far-right ideologies can be adapted to fit the Singaporean landscape to create deep societal divides.
"One example is by advocating for the superiority of specific communities, through the lens of cultural, ethno-religious, or nationalist supremacy," ISD said.
"Far-right extremist rhetoric promotes an 'us-versus-them' narrative, 'them' being members of other communities who are perceived to be the enemy.
"Such divisive rhetoric can create deep societal divides, amplify prejudices, and encourage acts of violence towards minorities or 'out-groups.'"
The ISD noted that the government takes a zero-tolerance approach to any form of hate speech, regardless of the ideology or justification.
"We must be vigilant to signs that someone around us may have become radicalised, so that the authorities can intervene early to avert a tragedy," it added.
Source: CNA/fh(gs)


Alfrescian (Inf)
Singkieland is such a racists country,,,when the perps are not m&ds,,,they always mention the race....but when its m&d crimes...no mention of the race at all,,,so that means no mention means m&ds,,,like this article,,,the raced is mentioned

Singaporean teen who identified as white supremacist placed under ISA restrictions for far-right extremism​

The teenager strongly identified as a white supremacist and aspired to conduct attacks overseas, says the Internal Security Department.
Singaporean teen who identified as white supremacist placed under ISA restrictions for far-right extremism

File photo of a person using a laptop. (File photo: iStock/Chainarong Prasertthai)
Listen to this article

7 min

This audio is generated by an AI tool.
  • The student is the second Singaporean to be dealt with under the Internal Security Act for being radicalised by far-right extremist ideologies
  • He was exposed to violent extremist material online in 2022 and developed an intense hatred of communities typically targeted by far-right extremists, including African Americans, Arabs and LGBTQ individuals
  • Although he hoped to be recruited for violent attacks overseas, the student did not take steps to actualise his aspirations beyond searching online for weapons

Firdaus Hamzah

24 Jan 2024 02:00PM(Updated: 24 Jan 2024 06:23PM)

SINGAPORE: A 16-year-old Singaporean student who was self-radicalised by far-right extremist ideologies has been issued a restriction order under the Internal Security Act (ISA).
The teenager, who is of Chinese ethnicity, identified as a white supremacist and aspired to conduct attacks overseas, the Internal Security Department (ISD) said on Wednesday (Jan 24).


"However, beyond online searches for weapons, he did not take steps to actualise his attack aspirations as he lacked the financial resources and know-how to do so," ISD said.
It added that he had no plans to conduct any attacks in Singapore.
The student, who was not named, was in Secondary 4 when he was placed under a restriction order in November 2023. This means he is not allowed to travel out of Singapore, access the internet or social media without the approval of the ISD director, among other restrictions.
He is the second Singaporean to be dealt with under the ISA for being radicalised by far-right extremist ideologies.
The first - a 16-year-old Protestant Christian of Indian ethnicity - was detained in December 2020 after planning to attack two mosques in the Woodlands area.


Authorities said at the time that he had made "detailed plans and preparations to conduct terrorist attacks" against Muslims, and that he was influenced by the manifesto of Brenton Tarrant - the man who attacked mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand.
The youth has since been released from detention, ISD said on Wednesday, adding that he had made "good progress" in his rehabilitation and is assessed to no longer pose an imminent security threat.


Providing details of the latest case, ISD said the teenager was exposed to violent extremist material online in 2022, after chancing upon videos by American far-right personality Paul Nicholas Miller.
Miller is known for promoting a race war and espouses white supremacist and neo-Nazi rhetoric. He has been tied to multiple far-right extremist organisations overseas, including the Proud Boys and the Boogaloo movement.
By early 2023, the teenager had developed an intense hatred of communities typically targeted by far-right extremists, including African Americans, Arabs and LGBTQ individuals, said ISD.


"Fuelled by online extremist rhetoric, he came to believe that African Americans were responsible for a significant percentage of crime in the United States, and deserved to 'die a horrible death'," it added.
"He also perceived illegal Arab immigrants as having committed violent attacks against white populations in Western countries."
ISD said the teenager subscribed to the Great Replacement Theory commonly referenced by far-right terrorists like the Christchurch attacker, which propagated the idea that the indigenous white population in Western countries were in danger of being replaced by non-white immigrants.
"Such ethno-nationalist beliefs convinced him that non-white communities such as African Americans and Arabs should be driven away from white-majority countries," said ISD.
"The youth participated in several far-right online chat groups and channels, where he shared violent anti-African American videos, as doing so gave him a sense of belonging to the white supremacist community."



Growing concern with youth radicalism, terrorism threat to Singapore remains high: ISD

Terrorist groups increasingly targeting youths, Singapore a 'prized target': DPM Wong


According to the ISD, the teenager had hoped to be recruited for violent attacks by white supremacist groups overseas to “fight for the whites”.
He considered travelling to countries such as France, Italy, the US and Russia to participate in attacks against his "vilified communities".
"Specifically, he shared his interest to conduct a mass shooting in the US in 10 years’ time in a far-right online chat group," said the ISD.
The agency added that while he searched online for weapons, he did not take steps to actualise his attack aspirations as he lacked the financial resources and know-how to do so.
"The youth had no plans to conduct any attacks locally, as he felt that these communities had not caused trouble in Singapore," said ISD.
"There was no indication that the youth had tried to influence his family or friends with his violent extremist views, nor were they aware of his attack ideations."

The 16-year-old will be required to undergo a holistic rehabilitation programme aimed at countering his violent extremist ideologies.
These include receiving psychological counselling to address his propensity to violence and the factors that make him vulnerable to radical influences.
"The rehabilitation programme will be geared towards helping the youth internalise that his racial supremacist views are incompatible with Singapore’s multi-racial and multi-religious society," said ISD.
Its case officers will engage the youth regularly to monitor his rehabilitation, as well as work closely with his family and school to ensure that he has sufficient support.
He has been assigned two mentors who will provide him with additional guidance and cyber-wellness skills.
"In addition, ISD is working with community partners such as the Inter-Agency Aftercare Group (ACG) to explore suitable community-based programmes which will equip him with pro-social skills," the agency said.


ISD said that while far-right extremist ideologies have not gained a significant foothold in Singapore, the two cases serve as a reminder that Singaporeans are not immune to such ideologies.
Urging the need to maintain vigilance, ISD cautioned that far-right ideologies can be adapted to fit the Singaporean landscape to create deep societal divides.
"One example is by advocating for the superiority of specific communities, through the lens of cultural, ethno-religious, or nationalist supremacy," ISD said.
"Far-right extremist rhetoric promotes an 'us-versus-them' narrative, 'them' being members of other communities who are perceived to be the enemy.
"Such divisive rhetoric can create deep societal divides, amplify prejudices, and encourage acts of violence towards minorities or 'out-groups.'"
The ISD noted that the government takes a zero-tolerance approach to any form of hate speech, regardless of the ideology or justification.
"We must be vigilant to signs that someone around us may have become radicalised, so that the authorities can intervene early to avert a tragedy," it added.
Source: CNA/fh(gs)

'White supremacists' are not a problem. Most of those kids are merely meme merchants and edgelords online.

CCP spies, Tiong or non-Tiongs, however, are a real and present national security threat. But obviously you PAP technocrats are ball-less and don't want to offend the Tiongs at 150 Tanglin Road.

The PAP regime is moaning about 'far right extremism' because it has veered significantly to the left: increased taxation, anti-carbon nonsense, pandering to minorities, abolishing 377A etc. The PAP is not even 'centrist' or 'center-right' anymore, so don't pretend to be. :cool:


Wow! A Christian extremist with violent tendencies!

And Christianity was supposed to be a peace loving religion. I wonder how many more hiding in the closet?


Singkieland is such a racists country,,,when the perps are not m&ds,,,they always mention the race....but when its m&d crimes...no mention of the race at all,,,so that means no mention means m&ds,,,like this article,,,the raced is mentioned

Singaporean teen who identified as white supremacist placed under ISA restrictions for far-right extremism​

The teenager strongly identified as a white supremacist and aspired to conduct attacks overseas, says the Internal Security Department.
Singaporean teen who identified as white supremacist placed under ISA restrictions for far-right extremism

File photo of a person using a laptop. (File photo: iStock/Chainarong Prasertthai)
Listen to this article

7 min

This audio is generated by an AI tool.
  • The student is the second Singaporean to be dealt with under the Internal Security Act for being radicalised by far-right extremist ideologies
  • He was exposed to violent extremist material online in 2022 and developed an intense hatred of communities typically targeted by far-right extremists, including African Americans, Arabs and LGBTQ individuals
  • Although he hoped to be recruited for violent attacks overseas, the student did not take steps to actualise his aspirations beyond searching online for weapons

Firdaus Hamzah

24 Jan 2024 02:00PM(Updated: 24 Jan 2024 06:23PM)

SINGAPORE: A 16-year-old Singaporean student who was self-radicalised by far-right extremist ideologies has been issued a restriction order under the Internal Security Act (ISA).
The teenager, who is of Chinese ethnicity, identified as a white supremacist and aspired to conduct attacks overseas, the Internal Security Department (ISD) said on Wednesday (Jan 24).


"However, beyond online searches for weapons, he did not take steps to actualise his attack aspirations as he lacked the financial resources and know-how to do so," ISD said.
It added that he had no plans to conduct any attacks in Singapore.
The student, who was not named, was in Secondary 4 when he was placed under a restriction order in November 2023. This means he is not allowed to travel out of Singapore, access the internet or social media without the approval of the ISD director, among other restrictions.
He is the second Singaporean to be dealt with under the ISA for being radicalised by far-right extremist ideologies.
The first - a 16-year-old Protestant Christian of Indian ethnicity - was detained in December 2020 after planning to attack two mosques in the Woodlands area.


Authorities said at the time that he had made "detailed plans and preparations to conduct terrorist attacks" against Muslims, and that he was influenced by the manifesto of Brenton Tarrant - the man who attacked mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand.
The youth has since been released from detention, ISD said on Wednesday, adding that he had made "good progress" in his rehabilitation and is assessed to no longer pose an imminent security threat.


Providing details of the latest case, ISD said the teenager was exposed to violent extremist material online in 2022, after chancing upon videos by American far-right personality Paul Nicholas Miller.
Miller is known for promoting a race war and espouses white supremacist and neo-Nazi rhetoric. He has been tied to multiple far-right extremist organisations overseas, including the Proud Boys and the Boogaloo movement.
By early 2023, the teenager had developed an intense hatred of communities typically targeted by far-right extremists, including African Americans, Arabs and LGBTQ individuals, said ISD.


"Fuelled by online extremist rhetoric, he came to believe that African Americans were responsible for a significant percentage of crime in the United States, and deserved to 'die a horrible death'," it added.
"He also perceived illegal Arab immigrants as having committed violent attacks against white populations in Western countries."
ISD said the teenager subscribed to the Great Replacement Theory commonly referenced by far-right terrorists like the Christchurch attacker, which propagated the idea that the indigenous white population in Western countries were in danger of being replaced by non-white immigrants.
"Such ethno-nationalist beliefs convinced him that non-white communities such as African Americans and Arabs should be driven away from white-majority countries," said ISD.
"The youth participated in several far-right online chat groups and channels, where he shared violent anti-African American videos, as doing so gave him a sense of belonging to the white supremacist community."



Growing concern with youth radicalism, terrorism threat to Singapore remains high: ISD

Terrorist groups increasingly targeting youths, Singapore a 'prized target': DPM Wong


According to the ISD, the teenager had hoped to be recruited for violent attacks by white supremacist groups overseas to “fight for the whites”.
He considered travelling to countries such as France, Italy, the US and Russia to participate in attacks against his "vilified communities".
"Specifically, he shared his interest to conduct a mass shooting in the US in 10 years’ time in a far-right online chat group," said the ISD.
The agency added that while he searched online for weapons, he did not take steps to actualise his attack aspirations as he lacked the financial resources and know-how to do so.
"The youth had no plans to conduct any attacks locally, as he felt that these communities had not caused trouble in Singapore," said ISD.
"There was no indication that the youth had tried to influence his family or friends with his violent extremist views, nor were they aware of his attack ideations."

The 16-year-old will be required to undergo a holistic rehabilitation programme aimed at countering his violent extremist ideologies.
These include receiving psychological counselling to address his propensity to violence and the factors that make him vulnerable to radical influences.
"The rehabilitation programme will be geared towards helping the youth internalise that his racial supremacist views are incompatible with Singapore’s multi-racial and multi-religious society," said ISD.
Its case officers will engage the youth regularly to monitor his rehabilitation, as well as work closely with his family and school to ensure that he has sufficient support.
He has been assigned two mentors who will provide him with additional guidance and cyber-wellness skills.
"In addition, ISD is working with community partners such as the Inter-Agency Aftercare Group (ACG) to explore suitable community-based programmes which will equip him with pro-social skills," the agency said.


ISD said that while far-right extremist ideologies have not gained a significant foothold in Singapore, the two cases serve as a reminder that Singaporeans are not immune to such ideologies.
Urging the need to maintain vigilance, ISD cautioned that far-right ideologies can be adapted to fit the Singaporean landscape to create deep societal divides.
"One example is by advocating for the superiority of specific communities, through the lens of cultural, ethno-religious, or nationalist supremacy," ISD said.
"Far-right extremist rhetoric promotes an 'us-versus-them' narrative, 'them' being members of other communities who are perceived to be the enemy.
"Such divisive rhetoric can create deep societal divides, amplify prejudices, and encourage acts of violence towards minorities or 'out-groups.'"
The ISD noted that the government takes a zero-tolerance approach to any form of hate speech, regardless of the ideology or justification.
"We must be vigilant to signs that someone around us may have become radicalised, so that the authorities can intervene early to avert a tragedy," it added.
Source: CNA/fh(gs)
Who wants to make a gas? :biggrin: