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Serious Guess??? Genius Tech Talent deleted company files after getting sacked!


Fuck this kind of rate top talent should be awarded citizenship immediately!

Fired employee hacked into company’s computer system and deleted servers, causing it to lose S$918,000​

The 39-year-old man, who was "confused and upset" after being fired, deleted 180 virtual servers from NCS' computer system.
Fired employee hacked into company’s computer system and deleted servers, causing it to lose S$918,000

Kandula Nagaraju leaving the State Courts on May 13, 2024. (Photo: TODAY/Ooi Boon Keong)

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Rachel Lim
Rachel Lim
11 Jun 2024 08:24PM (Updated: 11 Jun 2024 08:33PM)

SINGAPORE: Upset that he was fired, an employee hacked into his former company’s computer systems and deleted 180 virtual servers, costing them about S$918,000 (US$678,000).

Kandula Nagaraju, 39, was sentenced to two years and six months' jail on Monday (Jun 10) for one charge of unauthorised access to computer material. Another charge was taken into consideration for sentencing.
His contract with NCS was terminated in October 2022 due to poor work performance and his official last date of employment was Nov 16, 2022.
According to court documents, Kandula felt "confused and upset" when he was fired as he felt he had performed well and "made good contributions" to NCS during his employment.

After leaving NCS, he did not have another job in Singapore and returned to India.


Between November 2021 and October 2022, Kandula was part of a 20-member team managing the quality assurance (QA) computer system at NCS.
NCS is a company that offers information communication and technology services. The system that Kandula’s former team was managing was used to test new software and programs before launch.

It consisted of about 180 virtual servers, and no sensitive information was stored on them.
After Kandula's contract was terminated and he arrived back in India, he used his laptop to gain unauthorised access to the system using the administrator login credentials. He did so on six occasions between Jan 6 and Jan 17, 2023.
In February that year, Kandula returned to Singapore after finding a new job. He rented a room with a former NCS colleague and used his Wi-Fi network to access NCS' system once on Feb 23, 2023.

During the unauthorised access in those two months, he wrote some computer scripts to test if they could be used on the system to delete the servers.
In March 2023, he accessed NCS' QA system 13 times. On Mar 18 and 19, he ran a programmed script to delete 180 virtual servers in the system. His script was written such that it would delete the servers one at a time.
The following day, the NCS team realised the system was inaccessible and tried to troubleshoot, but to no avail. They discovered that the servers had been deleted.

On Apr 11, 2023, a police report was made and several IP addresses uncovered by internal investigations were handed over to the police.
Kandula's laptop was seized by the police and the script used to carry out the deletions was found on it.
Investigations revealed that he had searched on Google for scripts to delete virtual servers, which he then used to code the script.
At all times, he was aware after his employment with NCS ended that he was not authorised to access the system. As a result of his actions, NCS suffered a loss of S$917,832.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Kandula Nagaraju, 39, was sentenced to two years and six months' jail on Monday (Jun 10) for one charge of unauthorised access to computer material. Another charge was taken into consideration for sentencing.

And I presume he's going to get another job after his prison time? :rolleyes:


Wah that pinkie CAQ see this kind of pundek cock sure damn steam until cannot tahan then ask his man-woman hybrid freak Ho Chee go ntuc buy 1 big cucumber so at nite can poke his lao kar chng song song gao Jurong ! Leemember that pundek name Kandula, Kan until his kar chng song song buay jin choo.

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
several IP addresses uncovered by internal investigations were handed over to the police.
Kandula's laptop was seized by the police and the script used to carry out the deletions was found on it.
What kind of fucked up hacker is this? .. can't even hide his tracks?


Fuck this kind of rate top talent should be awarded citizenship immediately!

Fired employee hacked into company’s computer system and deleted servers, causing it to lose S$918,000​

The 39-year-old man, who was "confused and upset" after being fired, deleted 180 virtual servers from NCS' computer system.
Fired employee hacked into company’s computer system and deleted servers, causing it to lose S$918,000

Kandula Nagaraju leaving the State Courts on May 13, 2024. (Photo: TODAY/Ooi Boon Keong)

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Rachel Lim
Rachel Lim
11 Jun 2024 08:24PM (Updated: 11 Jun 2024 08:33PM)

SINGAPORE: Upset that he was fired, an employee hacked into his former company’s computer systems and deleted 180 virtual servers, costing them about S$918,000 (US$678,000).

Kandula Nagaraju, 39, was sentenced to two years and six months' jail on Monday (Jun 10) for one charge of unauthorised access to computer material. Another charge was taken into consideration for sentencing.
His contract with NCS was terminated in October 2022 due to poor work performance and his official last date of employment was Nov 16, 2022.
According to court documents, Kandula felt "confused and upset" when he was fired as he felt he had performed well and "made good contributions" to NCS during his employment.

After leaving NCS, he did not have another job in Singapore and returned to India.


Between November 2021 and October 2022, Kandula was part of a 20-member team managing the quality assurance (QA) computer system at NCS.
NCS is a company that offers information communication and technology services. The system that Kandula’s former team was managing was used to test new software and programs before launch.

It consisted of about 180 virtual servers, and no sensitive information was stored on them.
After Kandula's contract was terminated and he arrived back in India, he used his laptop to gain unauthorised access to the system using the administrator login credentials. He did so on six occasions between Jan 6 and Jan 17, 2023.
In February that year, Kandula returned to Singapore after finding a new job. He rented a room with a former NCS colleague and used his Wi-Fi network to access NCS' system once on Feb 23, 2023.

During the unauthorised access in those two months, he wrote some computer scripts to test if they could be used on the system to delete the servers.
In March 2023, he accessed NCS' QA system 13 times. On Mar 18 and 19, he ran a programmed script to delete 180 virtual servers in the system. His script was written such that it would delete the servers one at a time.
The following day, the NCS team realised the system was inaccessible and tried to troubleshoot, but to no avail. They discovered that the servers had been deleted.

On Apr 11, 2023, a police report was made and several IP addresses uncovered by internal investigations were handed over to the police.
Kandula's laptop was seized by the police and the script used to carry out the deletions was found on it.
Investigations revealed that he had searched on Google for scripts to delete virtual servers, which he then used to code the script.
At all times, he was aware after his employment with NCS ended that he was not authorised to access the system. As a result of his actions, NCS suffered a loss of S$917,832.

应该的 and deserve it for employing FT.


I wonder which SG company hired him with MOM blessing in 2023 after his resume read 'sacked for poor performance by a well-known fucked up local co.'


How dare they jail this Ceca genius? No worries, he is the gahment's favorite race - he will be out in a couple of months due to "good behavior".


Alfrescian (Inf)
This Keling is PAP's favourite foreign talent. Sometimes I wonder if there is really not one local IT graduate good enough to work in this Keling's previous position in NCS? One Sinkie Pappy Dog who has this funny fetish for SAF uniforms mentioned in Tik Tok that he would rather work with these Kelings than with his local Sinkie brethren. I say fuck his Lau Bu Phua Cheebye. Hope his Lau Bu kena gangbang by the Ah Nehs some day.


I wonder which SG company hired him with MOM blessing in 2023 after his resume read 'sacked for poor performance by a well-known fucked up local co.'
Must be either Sicktel or TemaSICK or essentially any garment related company coz they all love BBC !


Incred!ble Ind!an. I leespect him. He strike a blow against the SG corporate "Man" for the ball-less Sinkies. Workers must make the "Man" think twice before suka suka sack without just cause. When our 'union' is Aunty Lucy, forget about protection. C suite high SES fuckers and 69% gong kias must take note!!