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Govt. gives $83K in medical subsidies for PRs? How do citizens get this?


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
I couldn't believe it when I read this. Although i sympathize with her medical condition, I am quite shock at the generousity of the govt. The article says that her medical bills came up to $108,000, and the father was thankful for govt. subsidies, and in the end, they came out only $25K from their pocket. So, the govt. subsidized a whopping $83K 76% of their medical bill? Wow, I can't believe this stingy govt is so generous. I never heard of any citizens getting this much subsidies. What type of subsidies are this? The father says he has been here 13 years working as an engineer. So, I supposed he applied for PR the earliest chance he got, but why did he not convert to citizenship long time ago? Than I read further he has 5 sons aged 16-22, all NS age. I am guessing he wanted his sons to siam NS and therefore did not get the citizenship. These kinds of people are playing the system. They come here, take an engineering job, get the benefits of system, but do not put in anything into it. All his sons should have gone thru NS.

Friends rally to help nurse struck by illness

Event raises $3k for 23-year-old with rare condition causing burns and blisters

It began with what seemed like a fever and a rash less than two months ago. Then, Ms Jocelyn Suarez's skin started to burn off, literally, as her body ballooned in size and her kidneys failed.

The 23-year-old nurse was diagnosed with Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, a rare and life-threatening condition causing burns and blisters all over the body.

Her father Roberto Suarez, an engineer and permanent resident from the Philippines who has lived here for 13 years, told The Sunday Times yesterday that she is slowly regaining her strength in the Singapore General Hospital's (SGH) high dependency unit. "This morning she was able to walk three steps with a walker," he said.

Yesterday, a benefit event of poetry and music performances at Home Club raised $3,000 for her family to help pay a hospital bill of more than $100,000.

Ms Suarez's ordeal began on Nov 30, when she started feeling feverish and showed symptoms of an allergic reaction. When these did not subside, the nurse checked herself into Parkway East Hospital, her father said.

Her symptoms worsened the next day. Two days later, doctors confirmed that Ms Suarez had Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, usually caused by a reaction to medication. She was transferred to SGH's Burns Centre and placed in intensive care for three weeks. During that time, she was put on a respirator and started dialysis due to kidney failure.

As the symptoms spread, her skin began to peel off and water retention caused her body to swell. "When I first saw her, she was so swollen that she looked four times her normal size," said her brother Joshua, 22, adding that she could not move besides wiggling her toes. "I asked her if it was really painful and she responded 'yes'. I burst into tears."

The disorder is so rare that doctors asked to take a skin sample to study, to which her father agreed. "They don't even know whether it will recur," he said.

Ms Suarez, who has five brothers aged 16 to 22, graduated as valedictorian of her nursing class at Parkway College of Nursing and Allied Health and has been working for two years.

"She's a very joyful person. I've never heard her say anything bad about anyone else. And she loves talking to people," said her father.

He said he is "very grateful" for government subsidies which helped with the medical bill. Still, after forking out $25,000 from their savings to pay the remaining $108,000 bill, he and his wife had to ask for help from relatives and friends.

Her employer Parkway Shenton's chief executive Khor Chin Kee said Ms Suarez's colleagues have raised more than $15,000. The company's medical benefits cover up to $10,000 for staff.

Friends from the arts scene who know Ms Suarez through poetry performances and anime conventions have rallied together, hoping to raise $40,000 for the family. An online campaign at www.indiegogo.com/projects/help-jocelyn--2 has raised over US$14,000 (S$17,700) so far.

Meanwhile, Joshua's band SavingGraceSG also performed in yesterday's event. One of the organisers and Ms Suarez's close friend, photographer Elwin Goh, 32, said it was "an event Jocelyn would approve of".


Alfrescian (Inf)
Her employer Parkway Shenton's chief executive Khor Chin Kee said Ms Suarez's colleagues have raised more than $15,000. The company's medical benefits cover up to $10,000 for staff.

A healthcare company provides miserly medical benefits to employees. What a bloody joke. Do you blame sinkees for not wanting to take up the jobs? Low pay and poor benefits in one of the most expensive cities in the world.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
all in the name of wooing these people to convert to sinkie citizenship....but it will failed terribly..

people are not stupid... if citizen got tons of benefit, people will die die want the citizenship but no leh..


This government is very pro Foreigners, is written all over the "face" of the Government which is aiming to get 6.9 millions into this little red dot.
Going forward, in order to identify a Singapore born Singaporean is no more seeing an Pink IC but a birth certificate.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Of course, in a pathetic and desperate attempt to demonstrate that the pink cards get more benefits than the blue cards, something like this happens:



Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Another arty farty idiot, they are always so full of themselves and creates so much problem.

da dick

10k medical benefits? bankrupt USA's starbucks pay more insurance for their part-time workers loh! sinkieland is worse than a bankrupt 3rd world cuntry?


Alfrescian (Inf)
10k medical benefits? bankrupt USA's starbucks pay more insurance for their part-time workers loh! sinkieland is worse than a bankrupt 3rd world cuntry?

most GLCs give only $10k medical insurance coverage to its rank and file. friend mom working in airport kenna cancer also only cover $10k and not all $10k can cover as there a limit to certain medical procedures. so at most cover few thousands only and the rest by medicshield and medicsave plus cash.


Alfrescian (Inf)
This government is very pro Foreigners, is written all over the "face" of the Government which is aiming to get 6.9 millions into this little red dot.
Going forward, in order to identify a Singapore born Singaporean is no more seeing an Pink IC but a birth certificate.

Sinkies became 4th class dwellers in a country stolen from them when they stupidlly singing muckjulah stinkapura and mouthing the pledge

FTs are the 3rd class in a land they were invited into by fucking smear of shit on sole of shoe LKY and his gang of PAP maggots cockroaches



Alfrescian (Inf)
I hope WP bring this up

bring what up, the $83k subsidies?

i think u never ever seen a hospitalization bill b4. a typical bill can run into $150k for those class C patients too, especially those who kenna prolong stay and also need ICU type. Every thing the patient used were itemized, a normal xray is bill ard $200 but after govt sudsidies become $20. a day in ICU can cost $3-500 daily but class C mean it become ard $65 etc etc... that how the $83K subsidies came about. the amount charged by these restructured hospitals are crazy, machiam since govt already subsidying, might as well charge high high. if u look into hospitals annual reports, most if not all declared losses every financial year which seems weird when the hospitals are charging the govt and patients so high. according to internal sources, the management think ppl will not be happy if hospitals make money so they use "keling sums" ie... using internal billing among the hospital and its holding company to transfer profit to its $2 registered holding company.


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
most GLCs give only $10k medical insurance coverage to its rank and file. friend mom working in airport kenna cancer also only cover $10k and not all $10k can cover as there a limit to certain medical procedures. so at most cover few thousands only and the rest by medicshield and medicsave plus cash.

Yes, that is true. But how come these pinoys PRs can get $83K govt. subsidies, or 76% of the medical bill paid for?


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
bring what up, the $83k subsidies?

i think u never ever seen a hospitalization bill b4. a typical bill can run into $150k for those class C patients too, especially those who kenna prolong stay and also need ICU type. Every thing the patient used were itemized, a normal xray is bill ard $200 but after govt sudsidies become $20. a day in ICU can cost $3-500 daily but class C mean it become ard $65 etc etc... that how the $83K subsidies came about. the amount charged by these restructured hospitals are crazy, machiam since govt already subsidying, might as well charge high high. if u look into hospitals annual reports, most if not all declared losses every financial year which seems weird when the hospitals are charging the govt and patients so high. according to internal sources, the management think ppl will not be happy if hospitals make money so they use "keling sums" ie... using internal billing among the hospital and its holding company to transfer profit to its $2 registered holding company.

That is fine. If the govt. gives subsidies like that, ok. But give it to PR is not ok? What did these PRs contribute to singapore economy? This guy in the article got 5 sons, how many actually did NS, and serve the country? He is here for 13 years and still never convert his PR to citizenship? this fucker is just doing it to let his sons siam NS. These kind of PR exploiting Singapore system deserves $83k medical subsidies? I don't have a problem with it if he took citizenship and his sons also became citizens and did NS. This guy is just earning his salary here as an engineer, and his daughter also working here earning sing $, when they have enough money, they will just pull out their CPF run back to Phillippines and live like a king. If you are a PR. you should pay full price for any medical treatment. You don't want to do that, than become a citizen. This kind of simple logic must escape the fucking PAP.


Alfrescian (Inf)
That is fine. If the govt. gives subsidies like that, ok. But give it to PR is not ok? What did these PRs contribute to singapore economy? This guy in the article got 5 sons, how many actually did NS, and serve the country? He is here for 13 years and still never convert his PR to citizenship? this fucker is just doing it to let his sons siam NS. These kind of PR exploiting Singapore system deserves $83k medical subsidies? I don't have a problem with it if he took citizenship and his sons also became citizens and did NS. This guy is just earning his salary here as an engineer, and his daughter also working here earning sing $, when they have enough money, they will just pull out their CPF run back to Phillippines and live like a king. If you are a PR. you should pay full price for any medical treatment. You don't want to do that, than become a citizen. This kind of simple logic must escape the fucking PAP.

uncle, not i defend them but as second generation PR, his sons should have serve national service. i had seen pinoys rover drivers at armour centre during my icts. all were ah mat for senior officers or senior WOs. the oldest son already 22yo so maybe already complete NS liao. article never said they siam NS lah.

NS for PRs seldom go combat 1 lah. mostly become technicians or drivers or some other relec vocation.


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
uncle, not i defend them but as second generation PR, his sons should have serve national service. i had seen pinoys rover drivers at armour centre during my icts. all were ah mat for senior officers or senior WOs. the oldest son already 22yo so maybe already complete NS liao. article never said they siam NS lah.

NS for PRs seldom go combat 1 lah. mostly become technicians or drivers or some other relec vocation.

His sons are not second generation PRs. No such thing. If they are born here, they are singapore citizens. But it says in the article that the sons are aged between 16 and 22, and he has be a PR here for only13 years. This means the sons were born in the Phillippines and should be holding Phillippines passports. Because the father is a PR, the sons are also PRs, but as you can see from the age, if they all moved here 13 years ago with him, they were raised in the singapore school system. Why did he not convert to a singapore citizenship way back than? Till today, he is still a PR. The reason is if convert to citizenship back than, than all his 5 sons are also automatic citizens (as they would have been minors at that time), and would be eligible for NS. By not converting, his sons still continue to hold Phillippines passport and don't have to serve. Now, its possible the sons did decide to get singapore citizenship on their own, and one way to do that would be to serve NS. But if all the 5 sons did NS or were planning to do NS (in the case of the 16 year old), than there is no reason for him to protect them from NS eligibility anymore, and he should have taken up citizenship by now.


Alfrescian (Inf)
His sons are not second generation PRs. No such thing.

according to the following article, there is such thing as second gen pr.


Sons of PRs must do NS to keep status: Defence Minister
Sunday, Jul 01, 2012
SINGAPORE - Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen reiterated that sons of permanent residents (PRs) have to complete national service (NS) in order to keep PR status.

Speaking to the Straits Times, Minister Ng said that first-generation PRs are exempted from NS, but have to be aware that their sons have to complete the duty if they apply for PR status for their children.

"The basic message to permanent residents is this: If you want to take up permanent residency for your children, please do so recognizing that they have to do NS as a duty and there will be a course if you don't.

"So, it's better not to take up PR if your children are not going to do NS," he said.

Addressing concerns about NS-liable PRs renouncing their residency before serving NS, Dr Ng added that second-generation PRs face harsh penalties if they choose not to fulfill their two years and give up their PR status.

Minister Ng's comments come as an ongoing debate takes place about the need for more punitive measures to make second-generation PRs serve the military stint, including imposing a security bond on their parents, to be forfeited if the sons do not go through NS.

Dr Ng said that current measures in place are already harsher than that.

According to RazorTV, 8,800 male foreigners who became PRs under the sponsorship of their parents over the last five years enlisted in NS.

However, another 4,200 renounced their PR status prior to serving NS.

According to Colonel Kenneth Liow, second-generation PRs' failure to serve NS will be taken into account when they apply to study or work in Singapore in the future, said in a letter to The Straits Times forum.

Minister Ng also said that he received letter letters from families who say they have been separated because NS-liable PRs chose not to complete their duty.

Dr Ng, however, pointed out that Singapore has to enforce the NS policy to send a clear signal that NS duty must be fulfilled, despite the difficulties.


hi guys, just came back from CGH cos of my weak left leg . The doc recommend me 2 go for a EMG test that cost $120 but cant use my medisave 2 pay . If still cant detect anything then must go for MRI scan which's abt $600 n still cant use my medisave !!! WTF my medisave got more than 40k for??? Really don't understand y cant use my medisave ! Afterall it's my $$$ la !!! Not big 'G' $$$ !!!! Sigh. 2 pay $600 in cash is painful la for ppl like me !




Singapore Citizens of all ages are eligible for CHAS if they meet the following criterion:

Household monthly income per person of $1,800 and below; OR
Annual Value (AV) of residence as reflected on the NRICs of $21,000 and below for households with no income.
Members of the public who are on Public Assistance (PA) scheme do not need to apply as they are already eligible for CHAS.

How do I apply?

You can pick up a CHAS application form at any Public Hospital, Polyclinic, Community Centre and Club (CC) or Community Development Council (CDC). Alternatively, you can download the application form here. Only one application form is required for each household.

Please send the completed and signed application form to P.O. Box 680, Bukit Merah Central Post Office, Singapore 911536, with:

clear copies of the main applicant and all family members’ NRICs (front and back);
clear copies of birth certificate(s) if NRIC is not available for family members below 15 years old;
clear copies of foreign identification documents for family members who are foreigners.

hi guys, just came back from CGH cos of my weak left leg . The doc recommend me 2 go for a EMG test that cost $120 but cant use my medisave 2 pay . If still cant detect anything then must go for MRI scan which's abt $600 n still cant use my medisave !!! WTF my medisave got more than 40k for??? Really don't understand y cant use my medisave ! Afterall it's my $$$ la !!! Not big 'G' $$$ !!!! Sigh. 2 pay $600 in cash is painful la for ppl like me !