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Serious Good Minister Shan Explains To Cheapskate Sinkies That ICA Officers Working Their Guts Out! Stop Trying To Buy Cheap At JB!


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

SINGAPORE - Travellers at Singapore's land checkpoints during the peak holiday period have seen some counters closed.

Several have grumbled at the long wait, wondering what immigration officers are up to and asking for all counters to be opened.

But officers are doing their best to cope with the increased travel volumes, amid a shortage of manpower, Home Affairs Minister K. Shanmugam said on Thursday (Dec 27).

Officers from the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) have been working tirelessly, especially throughout this peak holiday period, Mr Shanmugam told reporters after visiting Woodlands Checkpoint.

"You might see car counters closed but people might not understand how we work," he said.

"It's not as if counters are closed and officers are sitting down doing nothing. They're deployed across counters and continuously have to put in long hours and be alert as well, because the security risks go up during such periods," he added.

In fact, officers have had to be recalled to work on their rest days, to cope with a higher volume of travellers during this period, he noted.

"Last week alone, we asked 500 officers to do overtime," said Mr Shanmugam. "So they're working their guts out."

The minister noted that the situation at both Tuas and Woodlands land checkpoints was similar to that in previous years in late December, which sees a 10 per cent increase in the number of travellers utilising both checkpoints - amounting to 430,000 crossings per day.

He explained that the situation at the checkpoints is constantly being monitored.

And ICA officers are redeployed depending on the demands on the ground, he said.

For instance, if there are more visitors at the arrival halls, the authorities may cut back a little on manpower at departure halls.

And when demand at the departure halls is highest, officers are redeployed from arrivals.

"Just like many other areas in Singapore, we don't have enough manpower. It's not for want of trying," he said, noting that only Singapore citizens can be ICA officers.

"Peak demands vary, depending on departure, arrival, different times, lorries," he added.

"So with the available manpower and whoever we bring back (to do overtime), we deploy them according to where the demand is highest."

On Thursday, Mr Shanmugam visited ICA officers manning several of the vehicle checkpoints to give them encouragement as they put in extra hours during the festive season.

His visit comes as some netizens have suggested opening more car counters following traffic jams at Woodlands Checkpoint in mid-December.

The minister said the officers' morale is good, adding that most Singaporeans understand the conditions ICA officers face daily.

He also said the authorities will be looking into longer-term measures that will make use of technology to overcome manpower constraints, but stopped short of giving details.



Alfrescian (Inf)
We've been stepping up on our residents' outreach recently. Some of you may have seen me knocking on your doors, giving out fliers and shaking hands while accompanying our Grassroots Adviser.

So hard-working! Have you got your BBM yet?:biggrin:


Alfrescian (Inf)
We have lots of people working as cab drivers and security guards ...why can't they be recruited to work at ICA?

Is Shan trying to preparing the ground to recruit Ah Nehs to work in ICA? If that happens, you know for a fact that Ah Nehs will takeover sinkapore.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Immediate damage control and PR exercise in view of next GE months away!:wink:

We are so happy that the ICA officers are working so hard & keeping Singapore safe...that MSK can just walk through customs or was it across the water. How can I forget the hard work they put in?...During the period when MSK was MISSING..i have to go in & out of JB for official company business...I have to endure hours of waiting..endlessly silly checking.. & say Fuck You Wrong Cunt Sing..each time I pass through customs. Still say " fuck you wrong cunt sing"//

The 6- 8 hours jams unexplainable at Woodlands in & out jams....many counters closed...deployed somewhere...fuck excused that is, short of staff more like it....working hard for me...sure!...like the PAP working hard for me too...

We are so thorough checking that the Royal Malaysian Customs...don't need to check at all..for all the work is done & paid for by Singapore taxes...they can just wave anything through...that is why JB side customs much faster than Singapore...

Thank you ICA for the hard work, you have put it.


Shanmugam has the audacity to claim that ICA officers are overworked and the counters are under manned

Whose fault is it that ICA does not have enough officers and they are overworked and that Singaporeans and visitors are inconvenienced? Does Shanmugam not know that it is the Minister's and Commissioner's responsibility to ensure that ICA checkpoints are adequately manned and ICA officers are not overworked?

Vote out Shanmugam


Does Shanmugam think that claiming that ICA officers are overworked is a good reason for the causeway jams? Does Shanmugam thinking that his statement will gain public sympathy?

greedy and cunning

Does Shanmugam think that claiming that ICA officers are overworked is a good reason for the causeway jams? Does Shanmugam thinking that his statement will gain public sympathy?
yes sir ,
thinks that claiming ICA officers are overworked is a beri good reason ,
he thinks tis will let him shirk his responsibility
he will gain sympathy from the 70%
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yes sir ,
thinks that claiming that ICA officers are overworked is a beri good reason ,
he thinks tis will let him shirk his responsibility
he will gain sympathy from the 70%
Shanmugam has totally lost touch. He does not know his responsibility as Minister of Home affairs and who is overall boss of ICA. Not enough manpower, officers overworked, low morale speak ill of the Minister in charge


Imagine a superb and efficient ICA all year round . No queues.

Price of your property will drop like flies. No one absolutely no one will want to stay and rent your 99 year leasehold HDB. WHY ? Property in Johore is dirt cheap. 1 full condobwithbfacility cost just rm1400 to rent.

Shamugan is doing Good job keeping the money in Singapore in other words. He maybe a snake but he is a Good snake having Singapore's interest in mind.
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