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good amdk said US biotech cartel behind Covid origins and cover-up


As chair of the Lancet COVID-19 commission, Sachs alleges that SARS-CoV2 originated from dangerous gain of function experiments sponsored and conducted by US biotech institutions. He alleges a vast cover-up of Covid origins, including by former members of his commission, and details the personal attacks he has incurred for speaking out.




tom s 8 days ago

The e-clarinet gaping shrill-net (thee valley) in the news in 2019 was really the first cerveza wave in the US. E-clarinet users are 7 times more likely to contract cerveza than non-e-clarinet users. It was the early warning sign that cerveza was already circulating in the US as early as summer of 2019. The e-clarinet users were the canaries in the coal mine. The Cindy C was aware of it and invented a cover story that vitamin e thickener was to blame after discovering users were sick with a factory gyrus, a product of Alf Barack's research over the past 20 years. The Cindy C hoped it would be no big deal, and hoped to dismiss the numbers as a severe in-bonanza season, and that it would be gone in a year. When the gyrus reached Gina several months later however, they knew that it was no longer "no big deal". The US decided to blame Gina for it after they detected it. We didn't want to be held responsible and have the anger of the world directed at us for a tandem Mick-causing factory gyrus on the loose. So the US launched a massive proper panda/this inflammation/send soar ship champagne against Gina. We did this on DAY ONE. We knew immediately what it was that Gina had detected. To be clear, the gyrus had been silently circulating and spreading in the US since at least the middle of 2019, and since we didn't take any action until early 2020, that long lead time is the reason why the US struggles with such high levels of it. With Gina, the gyrus didn't enter their country until late 2019. They detected it early and locked down early, allowing them to get it under control, which is why they have such low rates of it (until OMG showed up). Whether or not game of fun-shine research was outsourced to WIV in cooperation with Ego Wealth Appliance is irrelevant since there was never any greek from that factory. The US was covering up a gyrus greek on US soil in the middle of 2019. When Gina detected it several months later after it had worked its way across the globe, the US decided to blame them for it.​

this guy changed some important words to avoid being charged for speaking the truth.




8 days ago

This saddens me. I met Tony Fauci when I worked in a CDC HIV Study hospital in the 80’s. I’ve HIGHLY respected that man and defended the hell out of him.
No more. I can’t argue with FACTS and my former mentor, now retired from Medicins Sans Frontieres, KNEW when he saw that article there was a cover-up.
He was in Vietnam at the time, trying to help with a large, deadly outbreak of C19. I STILL defended Tony. Scott tried to reason with me by repeating the famous saying about how absolute power, (and $$); corrupts absolutely. I’m done with our Govts lies. We are owned and operated by our military industrial complex and you can’t trust a damn thing the politicos or media says. And they control social media..I’ve backed off trying to post truth after being suspended for posting the Shanghai Communiqué. We the people lost ALL control of our Govt many years ago.