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Gay Loong says we will have 2 more unis, for what if Sinkies cannot get in?


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
My comments are in Blue.

Singapore to have two more universities
By Sharon See | Posted: 26 August 2012 2158 hrs

Singapore to have two more universities

SINGAPORE: Singapore will have two more universities -- the Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) and the SIM University (UniSIM) -- bringing the total number of national universities to six.

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, in his National Day Rally speech on Sunday, said this will mean that by 2020, 40 per cent of each school-going cohort will be able to have a university education, higher than the current 27 per cent.

Is gay Loong actually saying that right now, 27% of all students taking the A levels can get into a university? really? Just looking at empirical evidence and my own experience, I find this to be bullshit. I would say at least 20% of the cohort taking A levels end up at a poly and not uni. I would think that there are more poly students than uni students.

In any case, 40% of cohort able to go to uni by 2020 is no big deal. In the late 80s, the South Koreans were already sending over 35% of their cohorts to universities. In Taiwan, there are over 100 universities, and 67% of the cohort can go to one. Of course, in these countries, there are elite unis, and lower ranked ones, but at least you can come out with a degree. So, gay Loong thinks its big fuck to go from 27% to 40%. What a clown.

UniSIM is a private institution which runs full-time and part-time courses, while SIT has high quality foreign partners such as DigiPen and Technical University of Munich.

The government will build on their strengths and branding as institutions that have been working closely with industry and emphasising practice-oriented teaching.

With growing demand for university places among Singaporeans, Mr Lee said the government will increase full-time places for applied degrees at SIT and UniSIM.

Its all nice and well to create more universities and hence more university spots. But what is the cost to the average sinkie, can they afford to attend uni here? The govt. gives nothing for free, and their "subsidy"is not really one at all. Also, how many spots will be reserved for FT students on scholarships from countries that can barely speak english? Does gay Loong really care to elaborate on how many actual spots out of these 3,000 new spots will be actually available to the sons and daughters of singapore.

He said: "Last year, I tasked (Senior Minister of State for Education, and Information, Communications and the Arts) Lawrence Wong to study this issue, and he concluded that we should create more university places.

I laughed when I read this. He ask Lawrence to think of a solution, and ah Wong came up with "open more universities'? That's brilliant, why didn't think of that myself? Must be why they gte the millions of dollars alaries and I don't. Why don't gay Loong ask a taxi driver next time to study this issue. The taxi driver will 100% also arrive at the same conclusion, but for $999,980 less. Really smart move Gay Loong.

"But that we should focus on applied, practice-oriented degrees, for example, engineers, physiotherapists, social workers -- skills which are useful, which are in demand, which will help to get the graduates jobs -- and we should not just churn out graduates, regardless of the quality or employment opportunities."

This part I don't get. This idiot is importing FT engineers, and what not, by the thousands. And than he wants to start unis that will teach the subjects and professions that are being imported. What is the incentive for a singapore student to attend one of these unis, when there is no assurance he can get an engineering job because companies out there prefer to hire from the cheap abundant supplies of FT engineers, all let in by the PAP.

The addition of SIT and UniSIM as Singapore's fifth and sixth universities will open up 3,000 more full-time places per year by 2020 -- from 13,000 to 16,000.

This means four in 10 students of each cohort will be able to get a university education.

For part-time students, Mr Lee has also pledged greater support for them by making more part-time places available.

Mr Lee said part-time students at UniSIM will now be eligible for government bursaries and loans, like their counterparts at the National University of Singapore and Nanyang Technological University.

Instead of offering pittances in the form of bursaries, which sinkies have to jump through hoops to get, why can't they get some of the nice full scholarships that are being given to FT students from China and India? Miserable small amount of bursary is like a big deal to him. Now he is mentioning educational loans, in other words, they are planning to charge so much school fees, you have to borrow money from the govt. Why don't a scholarship student who can barely speak english and will never pass a A level GP paper have to borrow money to come and study here too, instead of getting free air fare, free hostel, and free school fees and books?

He added that he hopes Singaporeans will take advantage of this -- not just to collect a piece of paper, but develop themselves and make a contribution to society.

Moving to the other end of the spectrum, Mr Lee said the government will play a more active role and invest substantial resources in pre-schools.

It will bring in new anchor operators in addition to the PAP Community Foundation and National Trades Union Congress.

Following suggestions from observers and experts to centralise government efforts in regulating the sector, the government will set up a new statutory board to oversee pre-school education.

Currently, the Ministry of Education oversees kindergartens, while the Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports governs childcare centres.

However, Mr Lee said the government will not nationalise the pre-school sector, as a mix of operators offers diversity and choice.

He said: "Pre-school is to teach certain skills which are best learnt at that age, for example, languages, social skills, basic motor skills."

He added that education and child development experts warn against "over teaching" pre-school children. "No homework is not a bad thing," Mr Lee said, adding that it is good for young children to play and learn through play.

Prime Minister Lee said Singapore must always offer hope of a better future, and education is vital to creating hope for a better tomorrow.

He said education is Singapore's most important long-term investment in its people, and it is a key response to the changing world.

If Gay loong really want to arrow Lawrence to do something useful, he should task him with finding out how much foreign exchange was lost in the last 40 years, due to sinkie students having to go overseas to study. The outflow of wealth from singapore into the economies of the US, Australia, and US are in the billions $. Every sinkie that studied in these countries spend at least $100K for a 4 year course in a uni in one of these countries. And there has been 100,000s of students who studied overseas. How much money was lost and drained from singapore because of earlier fuctard PAP policies of only 1 uni for an entire country? Reading this kind of shit form Gay Loong really makes me puke.
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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Seriously, when will you people wake up from the fucking idea that pappies will do anything good for sinkies?

The 2 new unis are to accept more foreign students to come here to study on scholarshit paid using your money.

Sinkies will be allocated positions only in courses unwanted by gay loong's pets.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Guys, forget about the university education lah. Why Sinkees still want to study University after 2.5 years of National Slavery?! Does Uni education make you richer? Does Uni education stop pappies from screwing Sinkees? Best or worst of all, graduated with a burden of education debt and lost 2.5 years to the FTs kids.


FTs all go to elite UNIS like NUS and NTU.

Third class and fourth class UNIS only dumb sinkies can apply.

The rest of smarter sinkies go oberseas and get angmo degrees.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
KNN! How come I got this very strong urge to come back Sinking land to buy condo and rent out to these FT Uni meimeis??!!

The Philistine

Is Pinky going senile? SIM was already recognized by MOE a few years ago. Sinkie students receive 40% subsidy for their course fees. For PRs, the subsidy is 20%. If it is recognized as a university by MOE, how come it is not recognized as such by Pinky?


Who will be the lecturers and head of these "unis" (they are worthless compared to even the lowest ranking foreign uni)? FTs?


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
Is Pinky going senile? SIM was already recognized by MOE a few years ago. Sinkie students receive 40% subsidy for their course fees. For PRs, the subsidy is 20%. If it is recognized as a university by MOE, how come it is not recognized as such by Pinky?

For FTs students on scholarship, the subsidy is 100%.


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
Guys, forget about the university education lah. Why Sinkees still want to study University after 2.5 years of National Slavery?! Does Uni education make you richer? Does Uni education stop pappies from screwing Sinkees? Best or worst of all, graduated with a burden of education debt and lost 2.5 years to the FTs kids.

Must get uni degree to work in govt. job and get good money for chiak liao bee work mah. See so many examples in Parliament now.