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FTrash: SGs Should Accept Being Treated As Second Class Citizens in Own Country


Alfrescian (Inf)
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Post date:
6 Jul 2014 - 9:35pm

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Dear TRS
Let me introduce myself. I am not a Singaporean. I am not from PRC. I am not PR holder. I am not Malay. I am not Filipino. I am not Indian. I am not European. I am not Indonesian. I am just a citizen of a certain country. Please allow me to hide under the cloak of internet anonymity because I realize that Singaporeans love to give labels to people who are “not like them” or not their kind. Labels like PRC, Malays, Filipino, Ang Mo, and Indonesians that almost always are followed by a negative adjective.

Anyway, whenever I open your website, there is 100 per cent chance that I will read an article about a Singaporean or Singaporeans being mistreated by a foreigner. It seems like foreigners are the cancer of this society and that they should be removed at once or else, the whole country is will lose its “identity.” I find this ironic since Singapore is not built and maintained by Singaporeans alone. Sure you have a government that makes policies and Singaporeans take the majority of the workforce. But FTs help drive your economy. They are the ones who build your skyscrapers. They are the ones who take care of your parents and kids because you are busy working the whole day. They are the ones who serve you food at your restaurant because you find this job lowly. They are the ones who collect your garbage and clean your community because you find this job undesirable. They are the ones who fix your road, trim the trees, cut the grass, and go inside manholes to fix the pipeline because you Singaporeans are living in a first world country and citizens of the first world countries don’t do that, right?

=> Why no menton that they are the ones who first take away SGs' jobs, then bring in their own kind to replace yet even more SGs. All in SGs' own country!

Sure, you can stay on your high horse. You have the right to do so (as with everyone else). But what I don’t understand is that you need these FTs to work in this country and yet you don’t want them to ride the same bus and the same train. You don’t want them to live near next to you. Hell, someone even suggested to house them somewhere outside the city and give them a separate bus! Are we in Auschwitz? Are we suggesting Apartheid? Are we living in USA in the 60s?

While most developed countries that learned from past mistakes have welcomed foreigners into their countries and have no qualms with them, we would want to be different and drive them away, or worse, treat them like second-class citizens. Oh, I just mentioned the right term: second-class citizen. Singaporeans have the best way of treating FTs as if they are lower kinds and yet, they fail to realize that their economy and their livelihood are heavily dependent on foreign workers. Sure you don’t want them all to go away, but aren’t we complaining about the same maids who we can’t live without? Aren’t we avoiding the same cleaner who diligently does its job so that we don't have to?

=> Why no mention that in reality, the FAP Traitors are treating and abetting FTrash to treat SGs as second class citizens in their own country?

This country has been blessed with so much and yet… despite its blessings, its people still complain about the most trivial things.
TRS Contributor


Alfrescian (Inf)
Does this cunt know what percentage of Singaporeans are foreigners?yes all developed countries have foreigners...Germany has 10%...USA has 13% UK has 12%....but no fucking country has 42 fucking %.


It goes to show how low we have descended when foreign arseholes are climbing over our head and pissing on us. They actually think we have to be grateful for coming here to help us. Kudos to the PAP.


Strange why they have this "We are helping you" mentality? They are being paid and well paid at that, better than what they get back home, in the end we are still helping them.


Alfrescian (InfP) [Comp]
Generous Asset
Does this cunt know what percentage of Singaporeans are foreigners?yes all developed countries have foreigners...Germany has 10%...USA has 13% UK has 12%....but no fucking country has 42 fucking %.

42% is probably not inclusive of all the new citizens in the last 15 years. Assuming 100k a year, thats an additional 1.5m. We were around 3m in the 90s and our birth rate was on a decline. That will put the foreigners at 60% and not 40

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
Does this cunt know what percentage of Singaporeans are foreigners?yes all developed countries have foreigners...Germany has 10%...USA has 13% UK has 12%....but no fucking country has 42 fucking %.

We are not a cuntry we are a global MNC.
And sinkies aren't even 2nd class citizens, they are 3rd class


Singaporeans are racist ingrates. Even our foreign friends say so. Time to reflect.


Alfrescian (Inf)
We are not a cuntry we are a global MNC.
And sinkies aren't even 2nd class citizens, they are 3rd class

Anyone who has worked in an MNC will know that retrenchments & firings is part of corporate life.

These "foreigners" will eventually face the same problems that Sporeans are facing i.e. unemployment. However we as citizens have the power to kick out the PAP.


Citizen obviously does not realize the REAL problem.

It is not the FTs.

But the ones running the country..the way the citizens are treated...THAT HAS THE PROBLEM! LoL


Alfrescian (Inf)
Does this cunt know what percentage of Singaporeans are foreigners?yes all developed countries have foreigners...Germany has 10%...USA has 13% UK has 12%....but no fucking country has 42 fucking %.

Besides that she should know this fucking cuntry has a fucking PM who is fucking greedy and fucking narrow minded sissy.
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...but no fucking country has 42 fucking %.

Undoubtedly, foreigners are needed to work in the island to do whatever jobs sinkies are unwilling to do but they should not be made PRs or shitizens to become leeches or parasites.

Sinkies born in this country are the sons of the soil. Those imported shitizens are not, so please fuck off.

Worst of all, these foreigners bring in their whole families from grandparents to distant cousins to live and leech in sinkapoo as well.

Did you see the ceremony where one foreigner took his shitizen paper and he was surrounded by a horde of at least 10 family members? All of them are eligible to become shitizens or PR based on just one piece of paper.

US granted citizenships or green cards to Arabs and they are the same race that brought down their twin towers. Wait for a day when a foreigner betray sinkapoo and papees may chase away all foreigners.


Besides that she should know this fucking cuntry has a fucking PM who is fucking greedy and fucking narrow minded sissy.

He cannot see beyond the tip of his own nose the harm done to the country and his unpopularity in the eyes of the natives.


Citizen obviously does not realize the REAL problem.

It is not the FTs.

But the ones running the country..the way the citizens are treated...THAT HAS THE PROBLEM! LoL

The root of the problem lies neither with the foreigners nor the PM. The 60% idiots did not vote out the papees in GE2011, they are the root cause of the problem.
Get rid of papees and their crazy policies and the next Govt, hopefully, will do better.


Anyone who has worked in an MNC will know that retrenchments & firings is part of corporate life.

These "foreigners" will eventually face the same problems that Sporeans are facing i.e. unemployment. However we as citizens have the power to kick out the PAP.

If you are inefficient and get fired, you deserve it. When you are fired due to discrimination and a foreigner is brought in to replace you, especially one who is a countryman of the boss, it is unacceptable.

Foreigners when fired can go back to his own country, like Anton Casey, no big deal, to find another job. When a sinkie is fired, his life is destroyed if he has a family to support.

Papees must always ensure rice bowl of sinkie is protected but they do not.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
It's Karma. The Singapore Chinese are now getting a taste of their own medicine. For many years, they treated the Malays as 2nd class. Now's their turn.


Singaporeans are racist ingrates. Even our foreign friends say so. Time to reflect.

If sinkies do not protest, this tiny island will be overrun by foreigners. The country has no hinterland, just an island, even airspace is restricted. Should Malaysia or Indonesia close their air space to sinkapoo, how do you fly out of sinkapoo?

The presence of large numbers of certain nationalities present a security risk. What happens if pinoys riot, ah nehs riot, ah tiongs riot? Ah nehs tried it in Dec 2013. It did not spread beyond Little India. What happened if it really did? Sinkapoo would have gone up in flames.


It's Karma. The Singapore Chinese are now getting a taste of their own medicine. For many years, they treated the Malays as 2nd class. Now's their turn.

Hey, boss, you are hallucinating. What second class? Malays in sinkapoo are doing better than the bumis up north. Sinkie Malays are better educated, more sophisticated, more professional, more career driven and some of them are high achievers in life. They do not lose out to the Chinese either. They are also entrepreneurs in their own rights.

Compare a sinkie Malay and a bumi Malay, you can see the big difference. The sinkie Malay succeeds in life due to his own efforts, intelligence and the will to excel. The bumi up north succeeds in life because he is propped up whether he has a brain or not as long as he has the connection.


We are not a cuntry we are a global MNC.
And sinkies aren't even 2nd class citizens, they are 3rd class

Not global MNC but international charity house.

Pinoy land gets hantum by typhoons, papees delivers aid + cash, students from India invited to study free in sinkapoo, foreigners unable to find jobs in their own countries, come to sinkapoo, etc. The hen is also planning to buy vessel to speed up rescue of foreigners in other countries like pinoy land when hit by Acts of God.

How many countries in the world do what papees are doing?


42% is probably not inclusive of all the new citizens in the last 15 years. Assuming 100k a year, thats an additional 1.5m. We were around 3m in the 90s and our birth rate was on a decline. That will put the foreigners at 60% and not 40

Every resident not born in this country is a foreigner. Foreigners imported from other countries, like pinoy land, india, china, etc, to become shitizens are still foreigners on the inside but fake sinkies on the outside.

Strip away this facade and the percentage of foreigners is probably beyond 60%.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Hey, boss, you are hallucinating. What second class? Malays in sinkapoo are doing better than the bumis up north. Sinkie Malays are better educated, more sophisticated, more professional, more career driven and some of them are high achievers in life. They do not lose out to the Chinese either. They are also entrepreneurs in their own rights.

Compare a sinkie Malay and a bumi Malay, you can see the big difference. The sinkie Malay succeeds in life due to his own efforts, intelligence and the will to excel. The bumi up north succeeds in life because he is propped up whether he has a brain or not as long as he has the connection.

Oh yeah??? Do a search of this forum and count how many times Singapore Malays are referred to as "m&ds" and associated with laziness, drugs and playing guitar and only good for soccer. :rolleyes: