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French anti FT serial killer, gun down FT


Alfrescian (Inf)
Shootings in Toulouse and Montauban: What we know

Three gun attacks which left seven people dead and two wounded have sparked a security alert in south-western France, with fears that the same killer could be at work.

In each case the attacker is said to have been a gunman on a moped, using the same gun, striking in broad daylight.

All of the attacks took place within a radius of about 50km (30 miles), between the city of Toulouse and town of Montauban.

The first two shootings saw soldiers targeted but the third took place at a school.

What the victims have in common is that they belong to, or are associated with, ethnic or religious minorities - North African, Caribbean and Jewish.

That they were singled out is suggested by reports that, in at least one attack, the killer pushed aside a bystander to get to his victims.

A manhunt is under way and France has placed its national judicial police in charge of the investigation, with anti-terrorist investigators and specialists in serial crimes at its disposal.

While little has been reported about the identity or motivation of, in the words of Le Figaro newspaper, the "most wanted man in France", some of the strongest clues may have been left by the first attack.

Cyber trail
The same .45 calibre pistol was used in all three shootings, police sources told reporters.

According to Le Figaro, Sgt Ibn-Ziaten, who was not in uniform, was unwittingly waiting for his own killer.

He had posted a small ad on a website to sell a Suzuki Bandit motorcycle, and the suspected gunman had arranged a meeting to see it.

The sergeant was found shot in the head, his motorcycle beside him.

French cyber police are working to extract clues from the two men's internet exchanges, Le Figaro says.

Sgt Ibn-Ziaten had a clean service record, prosecutors stressed, rejecting suggestions that there could have been a gangland element to his murder.

In the second attack, in Montauban on Thursday 15 March, 46 surveillance cameras picked up the gunman on his scooter, according to Le Figaro.

They showed "a man in dark clothing wearing a black helmet and riding a powerful moped". They also showed him using little-frequented side-streets, suggesting he knew the town well.

Two members of the 17th Airborne Combat Engineering Regiment, Corporal Abel Chennouf, 24, and Private Mohamed Legouad, 26, were killed. Both, like Sgt Ibn-Ziaten, were of North African origin.

A third paratrooper, 28-year-old Corporal Loic Liber from the French overseas region of Guadeloupe, was left in a coma.

There were numerous witnesses to the attack in Montauban, which occurred at around 14:00 outside a small shopping centre.

Before opening fire on the three unarmed, uniformed servicemen, the gunman reportedly moved aside an elderly woman, who was apparently also standing in line at the cash machine.

The killer was described as a small man who acted calmly, stopping to change the magazine of his pistol.

Witnesses described how he had turned over one of the wounded men who was trying to crawl away, and fired three more shots into him.

He was someone obviously used to handling a gun, a judicial source told AFP.

One witness, who described the killer as "of average height and quite fat", told French broadcaster RTL his helmet visor had been raised and she had seen his eyes and a tattoo or scar on his face.

In the same account, there was no indication of the killer's race.

'Everything he could see'
On Monday 19 March, a gunman on a moped attacked the Ozar Hatorah Jewish school in Toulouse, killing three children - aged three, six and 10 - and a 30-year-old religious education teacher.

A youth of 17 was injured. The victims' names were not available in the immediate aftermath of the attack.

After opening fire with a 9mm weapon, the gunman switched to his .45.

Interior Minister Claude Gueant told AFP there were "similarities" with the first two attacks.

"One can't fail to notice the similarities between the attacks on our troops in Toulouse and in Montauban and then this horrible attack on children this morning," he said.

In one respect, however, the third attack appears different: the gunman reportedly fired indiscriminatingly inside the school grounds.

"He shot at everything he could see, children and adults, and some children were chased into the school," prosecutor Michel Valet told reporters.

As a result of the attack, Prime Minister Francois Fillon ordered security to be tightened at all schools and religious buildings in France.

Earlier, security was tightened at military bases in the south-west.

Nazi scandal
French media have speculated whether the attacks could be terror-related - an Islamist act of revenge against French forces deployed in Afghanistan, for example.

However, just one of the soldiers had served in Afghanistan, and the attack on the Jewish school does not fit such a pattern.

The fact that none of the soldier victims had a criminal record, other than a speeding offence in one case, seems to undermine the theory of a gangland motive. Furthermore, the soldiers in Montauban did not know the sergeant killed in Toulouse, according to France TV Info.

Robbery is another theory which does not seem to hold water: neither the motorbike in the first shooting nor money in the second were taken, police sources said.

Another suggestion is that these are race hate attacks. Toulouse is home to large communities of both Jews and North African Muslims.

Some commentators have voiced fears that French society is being targeted by a lone extremist like Anders Behring Breivik, who carried out attacks in Norway last summer.

"This event made me think immediately about the Oslo massacre last summer, the act of revenge on society of one isolated extremist," wrote Pierre Haski on the Rue89 news website.

In 2008, a scandal erupted over the 17th Airborne Combat Engineering Regiment when photos appeared of three paratroopers making Hitler salutes and posing with a Nazi flag.

Two soldiers were thrown out of the army as a result while the third had already resigned, the regional newspaper La Depeche reported.

The news magazine Le Point said police believed there might be a link between the shootings and the soldiers dismissed.

"This lead is being actively followed up by both civilian and military authorities," the magazine said. There was no official comment on the report.

All of the theories remain speculation for now.


Alfrescian (Inf)
France shooting: Toulouse Jewish school attack kills four

Journalist Chris Bockman said the gunman shot at point blank range, in "a brazen attack in daylight"
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A gunman has shot dead a teacher and three children at a Jewish school in the French city of Toulouse.

He opened fire on the Ozar Hatorah school in the north-east of the city, also seriously injuring a teenage boy.

The attacker fled on a scooter, in similar style to the killer of three soldiers in two separate incidents in the same part of France last week.

Police say the same .45 calibre gun was used in all three attacks. The search for the killer is now under way.

Sources close to the investigation say the number plate of the scooter has now been recovered from CCTV cameras at the entrance to the school.

A special service in memory of the victims is taking place at one of the synagogues in Toulouse. There will also be a silent march in Paris at 20:00 (19:00).

President Nicolas Sarkozy, who flew to Toulouse, described the attack as a "national tragedy". He has called for all schools in France to observe a minute's silence on Tuesday and vowed to hunt down the killer.

All candidates in the French presidential election have suspended their campaigns.

The grand rabbi of France, Gilles Bernheim said he was "horrified" and "stunned" by what had happened. Israel called on the French authorities "to shed full light on this tragedy and bring the perpetrators to justice".

Monday's attack happened at around 08:00, as children and their parents were arriving at the school, in the Jolimont area of the city.

Witnesses said the gunman pulled up on a black scooter and began shooting at an area which serves as the drop-off point for the school's nursery- and primary-age children.

"This man alighted from his moped and, as he was outside the school, he shot at everybody who was near him, children or adults. Children were chased right into the school," local prosecutor Michel Valet told journalists.

The gunman is reported to have initially used a 9mm gun, but when it jammed, he switched to a .45 calibre weapon.

A teacher at the school, believed to be aged 30, and his two children, aged three and six, are reported to have been killed.

The third child killed was aged between eight and 10 years old and belonged to another teacher at the school, French media report.

President Nicolas Sarkozy: "These are our children too. They are not just your children."
A 17-year-old was seriously injured.

As the search for the killer got under way, wailing sirens and the sounds of helicopters overhead could be heard throughout the morning.

French Prime Minister Francois Fillon has said extra security measures will be put in place at all schools and religious buildings.

Some 60 police officers, including anti-terrorist specialists, had already been drafted in to the Toulouse area earlier in the week to help investigate the attacks on the soldiers.

A paratrooper out of uniform was shot dead in a residential area of Toulouse just over a week ago, while two soldiers were killed and a third wounded as they used a cash machine in the town of Montauban, some 29 miles (46km) away, on Thursday.

Attacks in south-west France

Police have said the .45 calibre weapon fired on Monday was the same as the gun used to kill the three soldiers in Toulouse and Montauban.

Socialist leader Francois Hollande also cancelled his campaigning engagements for next month's presidential election in order to travel to Toulouse.

"You cannot murder children like this on the territory of the Republic [France] without being held to account," he said.

Mr Sarkozy echoed the comments of other French officials when he said he was "struck by the similarities" of the recent attacks, but he warned against jumping to conclusions.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called it a "a loathsome murder of Jews, which included small children" and said an anti-Semitic motive could not be ruled out.

The Vatican also condemned the killings, as did French far-right leader Marine Le Pen, who called on the authorities to do everything to prevent another such attack.

Monday's shooting was the deadliest attack on Jews in France since a shooting in 1982 at a restaurant in Paris, when six people were killed and 22 injured.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Two soldiers shot dead in south-west France

Two soldiers have been killed and a third wounded by a gunman on a scooter who opened fire near a military base at Montauban in southern France.

Earlier reports said all three had died. Police said the soldiers were withdrawing cash, but theft did not appear to be the motive.

The attacker, wearing a helmet with a visor, sped off after opening fire.

The attack took place near a military base housing the country's 17th Parachute Engineer Regiment.

Some 15 spent cartridges were found at the scene, police said.

"The theft was not the motive of the murders," a police official in Montauban told the BBC, adding that all avenues of inquiry were currently open.

He described a potential link between Thursday's shootings and the gunning down of another soldier in Toulouse on Sunday as "a possibility, not a certainty".

The two soldiers who died were aged 24 and 26 and the third, aged 28, is in hospital. French media reports quoting officials earlier said that the third soldier had died from his injuries, but the defence ministry and police later said he remained in a critical condition.

France's Defence Minister, Gerard Longuet, issued a statement expressing his "deepest sorrow at the assassination of the two soldiers, and the wounding of a third".

He said he had every confidence that the police would ensure justice was achieved in the case.

A large number of police officers are already involved in an extensive search for the gunman and prosecutors have said that they are considering a number of possibilities, including that the shooting was the result of a personal dispute.

The incident follows another shooting, on Sunday, when a 30-year-old soldier was shot dead by an assailant on a motorcycle in a residential area of Toulouse, 29 miles (46km) south of Montauban.

The south-west of the country is home to all of France's elite airborne units.


Alfrescian (Inf)
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The rabbi and his two sons gunned down outside Jewish school in France by moped-riding 'neo-Nazi'

French police stepped up the search for a killer moped-rider with a tattooed face and believed to be a neo-Nazi after four people were shot down and killed outside a Jewish school in Toulouse this morning.
A 30-year-old man and his two young sons, aged six and three, were among the dead along with the headteacher's eight-year old daughter.
The latest killings come a week after two shootings in Toulouse and 30 miles away in Montauban that left three paratroopers dead and a fourth person injured.

Police fear the latest shooting, which took place outside the Ozar Hatorah school, shows that a far right wing gunman is on the loose with a grudge against ethnic minorities. All the victims so far have been Jewish, black or of North African origin.
This afternoon they confirmed that the gun used in today's shooting was the same that had been used in the last two incidents.
The victims of today's attack were named as Rabbi Yonatan Sandler, his two sons Aryeh and Gavriel, and eight-year-old Miriam Monsonego - daughter of the school's headteacher, Yaacov Monsonego.
The victims of the previous attack on March 15 have been named as Corporal Abel Chennouf, 24, and Private Mohamed Legouad, 26. A third man, corporal Loic Liber, 28, was left in a coma.
They were members of the 17th Airborne Combat Engineering Regiment and were of north African origin.
Meanwhile staff sergeant Imad Ibn-Ziaten was killed on March 11 while off duty in Toulouse. He was shot as he waited to speak to someone about selling his motorbike.
Toulouse today went into lockdown as tactical armed police units searched for the murderer, who was believed to be driving a Yamaha T-Max.
In what had all the hallmarks of a well-planned attack, the motorcyclist rode up to the main door of the school shortly after 8am and opened fire.

Sheets shield the body of a victim of the shooting as an investigator photographs evidence at the scene

A distraught pupil is comforted as he is ushered away from the scene of this morning's shooting

Many of the children were visibly upset by the shootings as they left the scene

Among the dead were Rabbi Yonatan Sandler and his two young sons, Aryeh and Gavriel

Emergency services on the scene where four people were killed earlier today
After shooting people outside the school gates he then followed some inside leaving a trail of devastation and injuring several others.
Toulouse prosecutor Michel Valet said: ‘The man initially used a 9mm pistol after riding up to the school on his moped.
‘When this jammed he used a .45 calibre weapon, and chased pupils inside the school. Those who died included a religious studies teacher and his two sons.
‘The man was shooting at everything that appeared in his way. He then escaped on his moped.’

Speaking outside the school today, Nicolas Sarkozy said there were 'striking similarities' between today's killings and those that took place last week
Detectives immediately linked the killings to the murders of four soldiers from ethnic minorities in the area over the past week.
Gilles Bernheim, the Chief Rabbi of France, said: 'I am horrified by what happened outside a Jewish school in Toulouse today. It has bruised by body and my soul. I am deeply upset and am heading to Toulouse.'
Pierre-Henri Brandet, spokesman for the French Interior Ministry said: 'Prefectures throughout France, particularly in the Southwest, should strengthen surveillance and vigilance around places of Jewish education.'

Pupils are comforted as they leave the school where they were told to wait inside until parents came for them

More pupils are picked up by their parents. One of the victims was the headteacher's daughter
Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt, president of the conference of European Rabbis, said: 'As the details of these horrific terrorist attacks emerge, the thoughts of Jewish communities across Europe will be with the families of the victims.
'In recent months antisemitic attacks have been narrowly averted in Azerbaijan and Georgia and sadly, though deeply saddened and outraged, many will be unsurprised by this terrible news.'
Sources say the gunman was wearing a helmet and fled the scene on a black scooter, echoing scenes from last week when three people were killed and a fourth injured.

The shootings are being linked to killings 30 miles away in Montauban

Following one of the earlier attacks a woman said she saw the killer in a moment that his visor was up and noticed a tattoo on his face.

Today's shooting prompted fears that a serial killer is on the loose in south west France.
He was today described as a burly ‘lone wolf’ assassin with a tattoo on his face and a grudge against ethnic minorities.
Police profilers have been building up a picture of the suspect following the deaths of seven people in three shootings in less than a fortnight.
All of the victims have been Jewish, black or of North African origin. While there is no absolute proof that all are linked, detectives believe that it is ‘more than likely’ that the same gunman is behind all of them.
Following the murder of three soldiers in Mountauban last Thursday, a female witness named only as Martine said she looked into the eyes of the killer.
‘I was in a tobacconists when I heard the shooting,’ said Martine. ‘I started running and saw the gunman getting away.
‘His visor was lifted up, and I looked into his eyes. He had a tattoo on his face, of that I am sure.’
Police said that CCTV footage of the Mountauban attack also revealed the man to be ‘of medium build and rather stout’, said one detective.
The officer said that all of the officers killed in Mountaban were of North African origin, while the fourth soldier killed in Toulouse a week earlier was from Martinique.
Those killed outside the school today would have been identifiable as Jews because of their skull caps, the officer added.
The precision with which the man has carried out the assassinations also suggests that he may have military training.
Around 60 Toulouse officers are no working on the case round-the-clock, and they have been joined by an Anti-Terrorism unit from Paris.
President Nicolas Sarkozy visited the scene earlier today and announced that a minute's silence would be held in schools across the country tomorrow morning.
The incident comes a week after shootings in Toulouse and Montauban in which three people were killed and a fourth injured.
On every occasion - including this morning's attack - the gunman was wearing a crash helmet with the visor pulled down, and he was brandishing two guns.
He was also wearing black motorbike leathers, and using a black moped, and used the same ammunition.
The same type of 11.43mm calibre automatic firearm was used in all three attacks, officers revealed.
'This morning's attack saw the assassin opening fire outside the Ozar Hatorah college where pupils, teachers and parents were gathering,' said a police source. 'He opened fire with two weapons, firing with precision and determination.'
Judging from spent cartridges found at the scene, the weapons used were automatic weapon of 9mm and 11.43mm calibre - exactly the same as those used in the earlier attacks.
Last Thursday a man launched his attack on soldiers from an elite parachute regiment who had withdrawn cash from bank in the town of Montauban, about 30 miles from Toulouse.
Two paratrooers aged 24 and 26 died at the scene, while a third, aged 28, died in the intensive care unit of a nearby hospital after receiving a number of shots to the head.
As they lay on the ground with horrific wounds caused by more than a dozen rounds rounds, the killer shot each man in the head, before escaping on a moped.
Nothing was taken from any of the men, and the only evidence left by the killer appeared to be 15 spent cartridges.
Chillingly, the entire bloodbath was captured on CCTV, with police analysing the film for clues as to the murderer's identity.
Following the first two shootings, Michel Valet, the Toulouse prosecutor, said that it was possible that 'the bullet fired in Toulouse and the bullets fired in Montauban came from one and the same weapon'.
Claude Gueant, France's Interior Minister, was travelling to Toulouse this morning, and warned that Jewish schools and places of worship should 'strengthen surveillance and vigilance.'

Forensics teams work outside the school where they discovered bullet casings similar to those used in shootings last week

Jewish schools across France have been told to tighten security and remain vigilant
Anti-terrorist police are already working on all the killings, with one detective speculating that the assassin could be anything from a 'lone wolf' to a member of gang.
Following the Montauban attack, the local mayor Brigitte Bareges said: 'No one understands this. The regiment does not understand.
'There's never a valid explanation for murder but we're dealing with a true killer.'
Within an hour of this morning's attack, search helicopters could be seen flying overheard, with patrols searching for the man.
France, which has soldiers fighting in Afghanistan, has received a number of terrorist threats in recent years, but local police have also speculated that a far-right fanatic could be behind the attacks.


Alfrescian (Inf)
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Dramatic siege in Toulouse suburb as armed police surround flat of 'Islamic warrior' who broke out of Taliban jail in Afghanistan and now suspected of being serial killer

A self-confessed Al Qaeda terrorist thought to have murdered seven people across south west France over the past two weeks was going to post footage of his crimes online today, he claimed.
Mohammed Mera, 24, told news channel France 24's editor Ebba Kalondo at 1am this morning he had 'filmed everything' with a small video camera and 'intended to put the videos online'.
But just two hours later more than 300 armed police dramatically raided his Toulouse home - where three officers were injured - and he is now cornered and under siege.
He has been described as 'armed and dangerous' with a cache including an Uzi machine gun and Kalashnikov assault rifle, with police saying he is likely to kill again.
It has also emerged he was being tracked by French security services 'for years' and had broken out of a jail in Kandahar, Afghanistan, as part of a mass Taliban escape in 2008.
It had been claimed at 2.30pm local time that he had been arrested - but France's Interior Minister has now denied this.

Siege: Heavily-armed police are at the scene, many of whom are masked, as negotiations with Mohammed Mera continue
He said he is punishing France's army for its foreign interventions and the plight of Palestinian children - and has promised to give himself up later today.
Suspected serial killer Mohammed Mera, who broke out of an Afghanistan jail in 2008 as part of a mass Taliban escape, once kidnapped another man, it has been reported.
A close family friend of the 24-year-old suspect told Le Parisien she knew him well while in the city's Izards housing estate.
The woman, Laela, said: 'He was well known to the police. Around two years ago he kidnapped a young person on the estate.
'I remember that the mother of the boy in question was wandering around the estate trying to find him.
'Finally, her son was freed. And I’m convinced then a complaint was lodged, and Mohammed was heard by investigating officers.'
Following the kidnapping, for which he was never charged, he is said to have 'crossed the estate in combat gear, with a sword in his hand shouting 'Al Qaeda, Al Qaeda!'.
Describing his family as 'charming people', Laela said: 'His mother finally left after divorcing her husband.'
This family split, she said, may have contributed to his slip into anti-social behaviour. But the main reason was Islamic fundamentalism.
She said: 'He was a normal kid who was radicalised. He had exchanges with people on the internet, but also frequently meant other Islamists in the region.
'On the estate, he wanted to indoctrinated younger children. One day, for example, he grabbed my little nephew, and took him to a car where he showed him some horrible videos.
'There were scenes of decapitation, things going on in Afghanistan, or images showing the horror of the war.'
He earlier threw a pistol from a window, in exchange for a 'communication device' - and police are now blowing entry points into the building in preparation for a raid.
The gunman shouted 'I can see you!' at police as they started the raid this morning, before opening fire. One officer was shot in the knee, another on the shoulder, and another in the chest.
But he was protected from serious injury by his bullet-proof vest.
The suspected serial killer is thought to have killed a Rabbi and three pupils at a Jewish school in the city on Monday, and to have assassinated three soldiers last week.
French Interior Minister Claude Gueant said the man, a French-Algerian who had made several visits to Afghanistan, was acting out of revenge for France's military involvement in the country.
The man, who describes himself as an Islamic warrior, also wanted to take revenge for what he describes as the 'murder' of Palestinian children by Israeli forces.

'He claims to be a Mujahideen and to belong to Al Qaeda,' said Mr Gueant, who is at the scene of the tense stand-off.
'He wanted revenge for the Palestinian children and he also wanted to take revenge on the French army because of its foreign interventions.'
Nearby, heavily armed police in bullet-proof vests and helmets cordoned off the area.
One local said he had spoken by phone to a couple who lived in the flat directly opposite the suspect. He said: 'They are in their bedroom hiding under their bed, terrified.
'Just after 3am they heard a commotion, the man shouted down to the police 'I can see you!' and began firing a gun. They don't know the man well, but they said they just used to pass him on the stairwell.'
Near neighbour Julie Verdier, 24, said : 'It is astonishing to know that he was next door. Maybe I passed him, maybe I said hello, it's completely surreal.

The alleged killer was traced through his brother's computer's IP address after using it to set up a meeting with his first alleged victim, Imad Ibn Ziaten.
The 30-year-old parachutist was in plain clothes and standing by his motorbike when he was gunned down on Sunday, March 11.
'Killer and victim had exchanged emails, with the killer using a false account,' said an investigating source.
Police were also able to trace the gunman through his own bike - a Yamaha T-Max 530 scooter.
They found out where it had been sold, and learnt that the killer had asked how to underdo the tracking system of the vehicle - meaning it could not be traced.
There had also been attempts by the killer to disguise the bike by changing the colour and altering distinctive features.
The suspect was known to the DCRI intelligence unit (Central Directorate of Internal Intelligence).
'He's a maniac. I was thinking he was more likely to come from a rougher area than a bourgeois neighbourhood like this. I hope all this will end very quickly.'
Wafia Bendali, 26, who lives on the third floor of the building, said: ‘We heard gunfire three times, and turned on the television. Then the police phoned to say to stay in the house.’
The house, in north Toulouse, is just a few miles from the Ozar Hatorah School where Monday's shootings took place.
A second man - believed to be the man's younger brother - was arrested nearby. The gunman's mother was also at the scene of the siege, trying to persuade the alleged serial killer to give himself up.
She has already told police that she did not want to speak to him 'because I have no influence of him. Negotiations with the suspect are ongoing, gunfire has been exchanged,' said Mr Gueant.
Those shot on Monday were Rabbi Jonathan Sandler, 30, his two young sons, three-year-old Gavriel and six-year-old Aryeh, and headmaster's daughter Miriam Monsonego, eight.
All were shot in the head at such close range that the gunfire burned the surrounding skin. CCTV cameras at the school showed that the gunman recorded his shooting spree with a small video camera around his neck.

Last week the same attacker is believed to have shot three soldiers, all of North African or Caribbean origin, in the same area in two separate attacks. He carried the same weapons and rode a black scooter to and from the attack at 8am on Monday.
There had been a four-day gap between each of his three attacks - leading to suspicions there would be a fourth on Friday.
Hundreds of anti-terror police officers are currently flooding Toulouse, with south-west France in virtual lockdown.
President Nicolas Sarkozy said racism appeared to be the motivation for Monday's school attack, adding: 'When you grab a little girl to put a bullet in her head, without leaving her any chance, you are a monster. An anti-Semitic monster, but first of all a monster.'