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For UMNO, nothing to lose if Chinese offended...


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
RACIST CULTURE ENGRAINED: For Umno, nothing to lose if Chinese offended - Rafiizi

Since the 2008 general election, it is an open secret that Umno is particularly vexed by the Chinese community which has cast their ballots overwhelmingly for the opposition.
And the situation exacerbated after the last national polls where despite Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s repeated attempts to win over the Chinese minorities, the votes did not return.


From this vantage point, Rafizi Ramli is not surprised with Agriculture and Agro-based Industries Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob’s call for the Malays to boycott Chinese traders.
What left PKR vice-president slightly puzzled is that it took so long for an Umno leader to fire such a broadside.
With the Prime Minister’s Office having cleared the minister, Rafizi said this confirmed that Umno has removed all restraints when it comes to disparaging the Chinese community.

“So Ismail's outburst is just a continuation of Najib’s tirade (‘Chinese tsunami’ in the wake of 2013 elections). It was not the first and certainly won't be the last.

“Expect more to come because in Umno's view, not only is it politically advantageous to run down the Chinese community (hoping that it will attract more Malay support), the Chinese community has been reduced to be politically insignificant that Umno no longer cares of the political cost of offending them,” he told Malaysiakini.

Despite Ismail’s Facebook post urging the Malays to shun Chinese traders, the PMO claimed that the minister was reprimanding errant traders of all races who refuse to lower the prices of goods.

Rafizi claimed that there was already a pervasive silent campaign within the Umno grassroots to demonise Chinese traders.
“I had forewarned this almost a month ago - that Umno should stop the silent campaign against the Chinese. So it was a surprise that it took a month before a minister echoed what generally is the feeling among Umno members.

“And that's the crux of it - what Ismail said echoed a widespread feeling among the Umno grassroots because Umno has veered too much to the right.

“Since 2008, Umno has almost given up on a vision of multiracial Malaysia. It has been Umno's strategy to consolidate Malay votes hoping that Malay votes alone can retain them in power,” he added.
Rafizi pointed out that Ismail’s outburst was not only rude and dangerous, it will also not solve the problem.

“Ismail should have known better (being a former domestic trade and consumerism minister) that the real root cause of price hikes is not a simplistic ‘selfish Chinese traders’ as he claimed, but prices are entangled with a cost structure that have been subjected to cost increase across the value chain over the last one to two years.
Rafizi has previously cautioned against such a “trigger-happy attitude” in raising fuel prices as every time fuel prices go up, other costs will go up as well.

“Some of these costs - for example, manpower - cannot come down once it is increased. You can't tell staff that their salary is revised downwards each time crude oil comes down.

“But it is expected that Umno will resort to this (blaming Chinese traders) rather than explaining the real root causes because it fits into their political strategy.” - M'kini



Chinks in Malaysia is not welcome. They are either pimps or prostitute. They gain their wealth through unlawful means. They gain their wealth through escaping tax authority. Chinks in Malaysia are a self centred lot.

Why should they be a contribution to Malaysia ? They don't support community project as a whole.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Vast majority of Chinks across the Causeway have chosen change over fake utilitarian love. What will the Sinkie Chink choose? To be continually screwed by Lightning?



Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Malaysia is a very easy country to go to if sinkies wanna move out of sinkieland.. Look at the jb thread... Thailand too..


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Malaysia is a very easy country to go to if sinkies wanna move out of sinkieland.. Look at the jb thread... Thailand too..

Jiu hu kia, helping your UMNO masters to promote matland again?

Moved to matland? Like how your parents in matland just love to bend down and get screwed by UMNO on a daily basis??


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Recently a friend of mine, a hater of PAP, bought a unit at dangna Bay area.. He plans to stay there and settle down there.

A few of my other friends planning to do the same and some also plan to move to bangkok... Well done.. Just love it when you see sinkies moving out of sinkieland to unsinkified themselves..

More and more sinkies are doing that.. Haha.. The rest of the Fucktard sinkies can continue to be screwed by the PAP govt and their foreign Trash pets.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Any changes???

How to make lasting and sweeping changes when you are not in charge? 55% voted for opposition parties, but Barisan still controls Parliament. The opposition parties there are far from united though their situation is much better than in Sinkieland.

However, a better way to assess would be to look at the states that are controlled by the opposition parties and measure their performance taking into account fixing against them done at the Federal and other levels by Barisan and its cronies.

The lesson for Sinkies is not to be wishy-washy. In Mudland they have phantom voters, rural votes more valuable than urban ones, blah, blah, blah. Across the causeway, we have GRC, PA, et cetera. At least 70% must vote against Lightning if they want any chance of reforms.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Malaysia is on its way to becoming a failed nation. The country has to deal with several greedy sultans and their royal family, all of whom have been leeching Malaysia's wealth for generations. On top of that, there are also elected bumi leaders, especially from UMNO, who have enriched themselves through generations of croynism.

Many of the Malays in Malaysia today are still poor and lowly educated, and they are kept that way UMNO, who constantly plays the race and religion card to oppress non-Muslims, non-Malays and to ensure that only a small handful of Malay elites enjoy the 'affirmative action' benefits.

I am glad Singapore separated from Malaysia decades ago. The difference in the level of wealth, freedom and opportunities between Singapore and Malaysia is like night and day. Most people now see Singapore as the powerhouse of ASEAN, and Malaysia as our younger brother.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Recently a friend of mine, a hater of PAP, bought a unit at dangna Bay area.. He plans to stay there and settle down there.

A few of my other friends planning to do the same and some also plan to move to bangkok... Well done.. Just love it when you see sinkies moving out of sinkieland to unsinkified themselves..

More and more sinkies are doing that.. Haha.. The rest of the Fucktard sinkies can continue to be screwed by the PAP govt and their foreign Trash pets.

Tonychat fuck you. Quit trying to promote Malaysia especially JB properties.

Properties in JB properties are over priced. Danga Bay your arse. Country Manna in Danga Day is infested with PRCs. More than 50% are PRC owned..

Even KSL D' Esplanade (KSL Mall side), some units are on Mortgagee sale right now!!!

At Medini, it is not just overpriced. But is a 99 Year lease from Khazana (your UMNO masters Investment arm). One does not even have title deed, but lease agreement from your UMNO masters.

KNN UMNO dog. Fuck you.

Dun misled Singaporeans.

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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
why did ex Menteri Besar jB lost to Lim Kit siang in Gelang Patah?????????

Cos a lot of matland Chinese moved to (or bought properties in) Gelang Patah, especially those Malaysians Chinese in Singapore. So these Chinese are registered voters there and they voted for DAP.

Only Tonychat and his ball-less family still vote for UMNO, MIC and MCA. They bend down daily to let UMNO and the MIC Ah Nehs screw their arse.

syed putra

Nowadays, how many retail outlets are owned by locals? Supermarket chains in Malaysia are mostly foreign managed.

syed putra

Recently a friend of mine, a hater of PAP, bought a unit at dangna Bay area.. He plans to stay there and settle down there.

A few of my other friends planning to do the same and some also plan to move to bangkok... Well done.. Just love it when you see sinkies moving out of sinkieland to unsinkified themselves..

Don't forget to tell yr friend who bought the danga bay unit to apply for mm2h. If its approved, he gets to buy a fully imported car tax free.


Malaysia is on its way to becoming a failed nation. The country has to deal with several greedy sultans and their royal family, all of whom have been leeching Malaysia's wealth for generations. On top of that, there are also elected bumi leaders, especially from UMNO, who have enriched themselves through generations of croynism.

Many of the Malays in Malaysia today are still poor and lowly educated, and they are kept that way UMNO, who constantly plays the race and religion card to oppress non-Muslims, non-Malays and to ensure that only a small handful of Malay elites enjoy the 'affirmative action' benefits.

I am glad Singapore separated from Malaysia decades ago. The difference in the level of wealth, freedom and opportunities between Singapore and Malaysia is like night and day. Most people now see Singapore as the powerhouse of ASEAN, and Malaysia as our younger brother.

You are a twat. If Malaysia fails do you think Singapore will be unscathed ?
In any case Singapore always does things much faster than Msia. Our greedy elites can empty the larder in no time if they wanted.