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For those who see the larger picture


"Shear" is an engineering term for the deformation of a material substance in which parallel internal surfaces slide past one another.

Don't confuse it with the word "sheer", which is what you meant to use here.

Sometimes, seeing the big picture may cause some pple to miss the small letters.

My point exactly. When the shear scale of the universe and it's mysteries is revealed, the insignificance of the lives of a bunch of inconsequential sinkies takes on a whole new perspective.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
"Shear" is an engineering term for the deformation of a material substance in which parallel internal surfaces slide past one another.

Don't confuse it with the word "sheer", which is what you meant to use here.

Sometimes, seeing the big picture may cause some pple to miss the small letters.

You're right. My apology. It's an honest mistake. :wink:


Old Fart
In truth, an average Sporean's universal is confined to his job, staying employed, paying the bills and to make ends meet. Where got time to ponder beyond that? The larger picture is whats going to happen to the children years down the road. As for me, I am satisfied that the only galaxy I know is my Samsung. And that the Rebel Alliance is now organised as the New Republic with its capital on Coruscant.

da dick

even astronomers and NASA need $ $$$ $$$ leh. leong sammy, you think we can just sit around all day, stone, and look at stars meh!??! even amurica states now don't want to fund nasa anymore. highly qualifyfy ang moh astronauts also no golden richbowl.




High Order Twit / Low SES subject
well well, im surprised that we shared a common interest here.

It's a fascinating subject. Once you get your teeth into it, everything else simply pales into significance.

What interests me most at the moment is the concept of the de Sitter universe which ignores ordinary matter


Alfrescian (Inf)
i'm fascinated to know, besides the creation, destruction and conversion of matter to energy and vice versa, whether sentient memories and experiences are stored, repackaged and repurposed for amusement and entertainment on an infinite basis. :eek:


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
i'm fascinated to know, besides the creation, destruction and conversion of matter to energy and vice versa, whether sentient memories and experiences are stored, repackaged and repurposed for amusement and entertainment on an infinite basis. :eek:

Before I was distracted by the baffling concepts of dark matter, anti matter and origin of "mass", that was one of the subjects I delved into frequently. It was during the period where a lot of rich pricks were cryogenically preserving their loved ones with the hope that when science progressed and their cause of death had become treatable, they could be thawed out and resume life from where they left off.

My question was always "would they be the same person after were brought out of deep freeze?". Tissue can be preserved by freezing and possibly brought back to life but memories are made up of electrical connections in the neurons. They could even nothing more than molecular states. Are memories hard wired or would everything be reset like a hard drive wiped clean once the body was rebooted?

More about this at http://www.livescience.com/32798-how-are-memories-stored-in-the-brain.html

However, this article confuses things even further. Why do we only remember time in one direction but not the other?



Alfrescian (Inf)
Before I was distracted by the baffling concepts of dark matter, anti matter and origin of "mass", that was one of the subjects I delved into frequently. It was during the period where a lot of rich pricks were cryogenically preserving their loved ones with the hope that when science progressed and their cause of death had become treatable, they could be thawed out and resume life from where they left off.

i guess our ultimate quests are common. i was reading about cell memories, mutation and how they influence biotech research, especially in vaccines, that i chance upon this pseudo-science link.


it's not fully scientific. however, in r&d on the outer edges of science, nothing is truly "science" as we know it. :eek:


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
This theory is gaining traction based on the fact that information cannot be destroyed.


A PAIR of world-renowned quantum scientists say they can prove the existence of the soul.

American Dr Stuart Hameroff and British physicist Sir Roger Penrose developed a quantum theory of consciousness asserting that our souls are contained inside structures called microtubules which live within our brain cells.

Their idea stems from the notion of the brain as a biological computer, "with 100 billion neurons and their axonal firings and synaptic connections acting as information networks".

Dr Hameroff, Professor Emeritus at the Departments of Anesthesiology and Psychology and Director of the Centre of Consciousness Studies at the University of Arizona, and Sir Roger have been working on the theory since 1996.

They argue that our experience of consciousness is the result of quantum gravity effects inside these microtubules - a process they call orchestrated objective reduction (Orch-OR).

In a near-death experience the microtubules lose their quantum state, but the information within them is not destroyed. Or in layman's terms, the soul does not die but returns to the universe.

Dr Hameroff explained the theory at length in the Morgan Freeman-narrated documentary Through the Wormhole, which was recently aired in the US by the Science Channel.

The quantum soul theory is now trending worldwide, thanks to stories published this week by The Huffington Post and the Daily Mail, which have generated thousands of readers comments and social media shares.

"Let's say the heart stops beating, the blood stops flowing, the microtubules lose their quantum state," Dr Hameroff said.

"The quantum information within the microtubules is not destroyed, it can't be destroyed, it just distributes and dissipates to the universe at large. 'If the patient is resuscitated, revived, this quantum information can go back into the microtubules and the patient says "I had a near death experience".' In the event of the patient's death, it was "possible that this quantum information can exist outside the body indefinitely - as a soul".

Dr Hameroff believes new findings about the role quantum physics plays in biological processes, such as the navigation of birds, adds weight to the theory.

Read more: http://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/qu...ts/story-fneszs56-1226507452687#ixzz2WFh1td5F


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
My biggest regret in life is that my Maths isn't good enough to understand the equations that accompany the prose.


There are two main principles in play:

  • Quantum determinism means that given a present wave function, its future changes are uniquely determined by the evolution operator.

  • Reversibility refers to the fact that the evolution operator has an inverse, meaning that the past wave functions are similarly unique.
The combination of the two means that information must always be preserved.
Starting in the mid-1970s, Stephen Hawking and Jacob Bekenstein put forward theoretical arguments based on general relativity and quantum field theory that appeared to be inconsistent with information conservation. Specifically, Hawking's calculations[SUP][2][/SUP] indicated that black hole evaporation via Hawking radiation does not preserve information. Today, many physicists believe that the holographic principle (specifically the AdS/CFT duality) demonstrates that Hawking's conclusion was incorrect, and that information is in fact preserved.[SUP][3][/SUP] In 2004 Hawking himself conceded a bet he had made, agreeing that black hole evaporation does in fact preserve information.


Alfrescian (Inf)
this company in san diego is amazing....


it's no longer a debate that dna contains massive amounts of information stored in this universe and powerful solutions and answers if we unlock the mysteries and secrets of how to unravel the codes.

i think it's a matter of time before we unlock the vault to the universal database and perhaps solve many big picture puzzles, barring any catastrophic or massive extinction events. if information in terms of memories and experiences is eternal, the notion that that giant "glob" of combined information coupled with intelligence and conscience acting as one can become a supersoul or god is not too far fetched. and that "god" is not a distant heavenly entity for worship but an everyday micro collector and dispenser of information critical to the evolution and mutation of life.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
this company in san diego is amazing....


it's no longer a debate that dna contains massive amounts of information stored in this universe and powerful solutions and answers if we unlock the mysteries and secrets of how to unravel the codes.

i think it's a matter of time before we unlock the vault to the universal database and perhaps solve many big picture puzzles, barring any catastrophic or massive extinction events. if information in terms of memories and experiences is eternal, the notion that that giant "glob" of combined information coupled with intelligence and conscience acting as one can become a supersoul or god is not too far fetched. and that "god" is not a distant heavenly entity for worship but an everyday micro collector and dispenser of information critical to the evolution and mutation of life.

Steve Jobs cancer was treated by sequencing the DNA from the cancer cells and tailoring a concoction using the this sort of technology to target the tumor. It didn't work.

da dick

i thought your biggest regret is that you're old uncle living in toa payoh flat, singing "PAP boleh!" ???

anyway still no practical experiments that prove that

the last experiment conducted was back in 1911 by a very religious person, and most of his test subjects(incl 15 murdered dogs) couldn't prove anything substantial. (snopes labelled it as "true" anyway)
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Steve Jobs cancer was treated by sequencing the DNA from the cancer cells and tailoring a concoction using the this sort of technology to target the tumor. It didn't work.

pancreatic cancer at late stage has near-zero chances of remission. there's hemme in my tummy due to previous presence of h.pylori bacteria. they caused mutation in the tummy tissue, and that could lead to cancer. fortunately, the h.pylori was exterminated by ingestion of a cocktail of anti-biotics, and now the mutative spots have been contained. a biopsy revealed no cancerous cells, but scars still remain. somewhere out there, the bodiless steve jobs is smiling at us. :smile:

da dick

pancreatic cancer at late stage has near-zero chances of remission. there's hemme in my tummy due to previous presence of h.pylori bacteria. they caused mutation in the tummy tissue, and that could lead to cancer. fortunately, the h.pylori was exterminated by ingestion of a cocktail of anti-biotics, and now the mutative spots have been contained. a biopsy revealed no cancerous cells, but scars still remain. somewhere out there, the bodiless steve jobs is smiling at us. :smile:

somewhere out there in your never never land, steve jobs can go get polio and die as a starving negro baby


Alfrescian (Inf)
particle physicists found neutrinos travelling faster than the speed of light, blowing away einstein's theory of special relativity...



what it also means is that information can also be carried on these neutrinos, and it can travel faster than the speed of light.... leading to many possibilities, one of them being almost-instant info dissemination and exchange anywhere in the universe. a phd in germany had successfully conducted an experiment where he was able to demonstrate transmitting music by mozart faster than speed of light, but he was refuted by professor chow of berkeley who claimed that such would break einstein's theory of special relativity. well, theories are meant to be broken, and it seems prof chow may be wrong.
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