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Kimi Tan
2024-01-29 , 10:49 am

Potholes. Small and shallow ones may not be much to car drivers, but they can be dangerous to those on motorcycles or e-bikes.

Kind of like how a small rock can make you trip and leave you with nasty abrasions.

A food delivery driver was flung 10m after his Power-Assisted Bicycle (PAB) hit a pothole in Bukit Batok, and was left with something worse than just an abrasion.

Rider Encountered a Pothole

Last Thursday (25 January), at about 7pm, a 30-year-old male was riding his PAB when he encountered a pothole on the road in front of Block 254, Bukit Batok East Avenue 4.

Due to prior rain, the pothole was filled with water.

Because of this, and dim lighting, spotting the pothole was challenging.

Image: Shin Min Daily News
The delivery rider, known as Mr Zhang (transliterated from Mandarin), was riding at a speed of 25 to 30 kilometres an hour.

He didn’t notice the pothole, and was flung off his e-bike when he entered it.

He slid for a few metres, hit his head, and almost lost consciousness.

The car behind him managed to brake in time, avoiding hitting Mr Zhang. The driver stepped out to help.

The Accident Left Him With a Fractured Wrist, Surgery Needed

After a moment’s rest, Mr Zhang contacted his friends and family, who brought him to Ng Feng Tong Hospital.

Mr Zhang was found to have a fractured and displaced left wrist, requiring him to spend the night in the hospital. He is scheduled to undergo surgery in two weeks.

He added that his insurance only covers hospitalisation and not medical consultation.

Doctors advised two months of rest, causing a loss of income for Mr Zhang, given his job as a food delivery rider.

This incident was not his first encounter with potholes.

Mr Zhang revealed that two years ago, he drove into a pothole while turning in Jurong. He instantly lost balance and sustained injuries to his left elbow.

Due to both incidents, the doctor said that he might need to install screws in his arm.

Scheduled to get married in May, with a pre-wedding photoshoot in April, Mr Zhang hopes to recover in time to avoid delays.

About The Pothole

When Shin Min visited the site on 26 January (Saturday), the pothole was about 30 centimetres wide and 5 centimetres deep.

Image: Shin Min Daily News
As it was located right in front of the bus stop of Block 254 HDB, some buses would swerve in order to avoid the pothole, causing vibrations or loud noises.

A 66-year-old resident mentioned to Shin Min that the pothole had been there for about a week, and that it had been getting bigger.

He mentioned that when it rains heavily, potholes would get covered by rainwater, making it challenging for motorists to spot them. He added that he has witnessed cars drive into it.


can sue pap lta?

Tiagong Mr Maung Maung tried and succeeded :(

Cyclist injured in drain grating accident settles suit against PUB after one day of trial​


Mr Maung Maung Aung Soe Thu was cycling along Changi Point Coastal Walk when the accident happened on Jan 16, 2021. PHOTOS: CHONG JUN LIANG, ROADS.SG

Selina Lum
Senior Law Correspondent


SEP 7, 2022, 6:13 PM SGT


SINGAPORE - After one day of trial, a negligence suit brought by a cyclist against PUB was resolved on Wednesday, after he accepted a settlement offer that had been made earlier by the national water agency.
The terms of the out-of-court settlement are confidential, with no admission of liability by PUB.
Myanmar national Maung Maung Aung Soe Thu, 42, had sued PUB, seeking damages of at least $578,000.

He suffered head and spine injuries, as well as facial fractures, on Jan 16 last year after the front wheel of his bicycle got caught in a 3cm gap of a drain grating along Changi Point Coastal Walk.

In a statement on Wednesday, PUB said through its lawyers: “Following the commencement of the trial, and before PUB’s witness could give evidence, the plaintiff decided to accept an earlier offer from the defendant, the terms of which are confidential.”

PUB said the offer had been made before the trial.

The agency, which was represented by Ms Grace Tan and Mr K. Anparasan of WhiteFern, added that it wished Mr Maung Maung well in his rehabilitation.

In a separate statement, Mr Maung Maung’s lawyers, Mr Richard Tan and Ms Cynthiya Charles, said they were pleased the matter was settled.

They added: “Mr Maung Maung can now concentrate on his rehabilitation in Myanmar. He has been unable to work since the accident due to his injuries.”

A trial scheduled for three days to determine the issue of liability began on Tuesday, with the plaintiff and the friend he was cycling with at the time taking the stand.

In his affidavit, Mr Maung Maung said dried leaves along the side of the road obscured his view of the gap. He also said he noticed that the gratings along the road were replaced after his accident.

He contended in his suit that PUB had breached the duty of care it owed him by failing to ensure that drain gratings along the road were safe for road users.

PUB denied it was negligent and argued that it did not owe him such a duty of care.

The agency’s sole witness, the chief engineer of drainage operations, was slated to take the stand on Wednesday to give evidence on the design and structural maintenance of drain gratings.

However, the trial was cut short after Mr Maung Maung accepted PUB's settlement offer.

In court on Wednesday morning, lawyers on both sides told Justice See Kee Oon that the parties have resolved the matter.

The judge granted permission for Mr Maung Maung to file a notice of discontinuance within eight weeks to formally end the proceedings.

True Believer

FOOD DELIVERY RIDER INJURED AFTER RIDING INTO A POTHOLE AT BUKIT BATOK. Small and shallow ones may not be much to car drivers, but they can be dangerous to those on motorcycles or e-bikes.
Cyclists must be protected. What if they scrape their elbows and knees?

Cycling Girls.jpg


Tiagong , Bukit Batok's Aung San Soon Chee also can try to approach ?

"Mr Zhang revealed that he was riding at a speed of 25 to 30 kilometres an hour (km/h) at the time and did not notice the pothole. After he hit the pothole with his PAB, the rider was thrown off, causing him to land on the ground. He also slid for a few metres, hit his head and almost fell unconscious, he added. "




https://mustsharenews.com/rider-pot...led that he,almost fell unconscious, he added.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Bukit Batok seems like a jinx place after Murali became their MPs. First, it started with rodent infestation, then cockroaches found in hawker foods, then fire broke killing residents while fire extinguishers were locked away by town council, then you have bus accidents everywhere in that vicinity, and what not.....and we thought Yishun was the worse town, Bukit Batok is eyeing for the trophy to be number one.