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Finally the shithole cuntry India got this right. It will be called Bharat aka Berak aka Shit in Malay.

syed putra

Barat is west.
But I dunno where they got that name from.
Ceca deal null and void s India cease to exist.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Some of that shit will enter our stomachs, since we are a major and beloved importer of Indian rice. :biggrin:

I bet all those cheapo chai png stalls use Indian rice, Thai rice is too expensive.


Alfrescian (Inf)
appropriately named as it’s the largest producer of dung.

syed putra

Some of that shit will enter our stomachs, since we are a major and beloved importer of Indian rice. :biggrin:

I bet all those cheapo chai png stalls use Indian rice, Thai rice is too expensive.
Most likely smuggled jiu hu subsidised rice.