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FAP Calling for Revoking of New Shityzenship of Critics. FTrashisation Motive Exposed


Alfrescian (Inf)

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Post date:
8 Oct 2014 - 6:03pm

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PAP Supporters are calling for Han Hui Hui's citizenship to be revoked.

The last we checked, the Constitution grants fundamental civil liberties to all citizens, whether new or old. This means Han Hui Hui is entitled to her right to protest within Hong Lim Park as the law prescribes.

And if we look back in history, we can also find a parallel for these PAP supporters' action in the Nazi Third Reich, specifically in 1935 when Hitler passed the Nuremberg Laws depriving Jews of their citizenship.

So who is spreading bigotry now?

The Alternative View
Source: https://www.facebook.com/358759327518739/photos/a.598097686918234.107374...


Re: FAP Calling for Revoking of New Shityzenship of Critics. FTrashisation Motive Exp

Hehehe... let the papzis revoked her citizenship and watch the show unfolds. HHH choose not to leave and continue to stay on.

Now what will happen? Arrest her? She again chose not to leave. Now what?

Hot political potato brewing. Let the show begin...


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: FAP Calling for Revoking of New Shityzenship of Critics. FTrashisation Motive Exp

... choose not to leave and continue to stay on.

Now what will happen? Arrest her? She again chose not to leave. Now what? ...
dey wil dump her on2 a boat n let it slip outta loong clothesline ... :o


Re: FAP Calling for Revoking of New Shityzenship of Critics. FTrashisation Motive Exp

dey wil dump her on2 a boat n let it slip outta loong clothesline ... :o

If the papzis were to do that, there will be much hue and cry raised... Ah Loong would begin to wish that he had not started it!

One hot potato in Roy is oredi too much for him to handle (and he is probably regretting it now), HHH is another hot one I predict he wont have the stomach to want to start.
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Re: FAP Calling for Revoking of New Shityzenship of Critics. FTrashisation Motive Exp

Hehehe... let the papzis revoked her citizenship and watch the show unfolds. HHH choose not to leave and continue to stay on.

Now what will happen? Arrest her? She again chose not to leave. Now what?

Hot political potato brewing. Let the show begin...

That the problem of unbirded uncontrolled entry of new citizens. You did not screen your candidates properly.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: FAP Calling for Revoking of New Shityzenship of Critics. FTrashisation Motive Exp

Good lesson to those migrants-no different from selling their souls and freedom for monies.


Re: FAP Calling for Revoking of New Shityzenship of Critics. FTrashisation Motive Exp

That the problem of unbirded uncontrolled entry of new citizens. You did not screen your candidates properly.

unbirded? :confused: unbridled u mean right?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: FAP Calling for Revoking of New Shityzenship of Critics. FTrashisation Motive Exp

If they revoke HHH's citizenship, then we can demand that Old Hen's citizenship be revoked as well.

The PAP won't dare to open this can of worms as it will come back to haunt them.


Re: FAP Calling for Revoking of New Shityzenship of Critics. FTrashisation Motive Exp

If they revoke HHH's citizenship, then we can demand that Old Hen's citizenship be revoked as well.

The PAP won't dare to open this can of worms as it will come back to haunt them.

Old hen? Who?


Re: FAP Calling for Revoking of New Shityzenship of Critics. FTrashisation Motive Exp

Knn, these days the Singapore passport and IC is not even worth the fucking $300 you pay to make a new one when you lose it. Already kena cheapened by the thousands of Neh and Tiongs who join us each year. In time to come, nobody will want a fake SG passport le, the immigration officer confirm scrutinise you, coz they think you might be a wanted Neh or Tiong.

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: FAP Calling for Revoking of New Shityzenship of Critics. FTrashisation Motive Exp

Can suka suka revoke citizenship?

Under the Constitution, the Government can revoke a person's Singapore citizenship if he or she is 18 or older and:

# has voluntarily claimed and exercised rights belonging to foreign nationals

# has applied for or used a foreign passport

# has not returned to Singapore over a continuous period of 10 years

# and in the case of Singapore citizenship by registration, was disloyal to Singapore or obtained such citizenship by fraud or mistake.


1 Those who hide past criminal records when applying for citizenship.

2 Someone who is considered to be a security threat.

3 Those whose birth or citizenship status was not registered by their parents or guardians.

4 A child born to a parent or parents who are foreigners and not legally married at the time.

5 A person born in Singapore who uses travel documents under a different nationality.

6 A person whose citizenship the government cannot establish from its database, and who has no documents to prove it.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: FAP Calling for Revoking of New Shityzenship of Critics. FTrashisation Motive Exp

omigawd, if revoking of New Shityzenship of critics against singaporean, half the ministers will be gone!!!!!!!!!!

but what a savings for singapore!!!!!!!!!!!


Re: FAP Calling for Revoking of New Shityzenship of Critics. FTrashisation Motive Exp

omigawd, if revoking of New Shityzenship of critics against singaporean, half the ministers will be gone!!!!!!!!!!

but what a savings for singapore!!!!!!!!!!!

Revoking sillyenships is for ppl who oppose the PAP. Not for those who speak for the gahmen!

One day, Sinkieland is only for stinkholes, doggies and whores!
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: FAP Calling for Revoking of New Shityzenship of Critics. FTrashisation Motive Exp

If they revoke HHH's citizenship, then we can demand that Old Hen's citizenship be revoked as well.

The PAP won't dare to open this can of worms as it will come back to haunt them.

Sinkies are such horrible people, copy from PAP.
Anyone who disagree with Old Fart Lee get chopped.
And Sinkies still think they are good respectable reasonable people.
Angmohs is still the greatest.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: FAP Calling for Revoking of New Shityzenship of Critics. FTrashisation Motive Exp

The PAP IBs should stop stirring up patriotic indignation against a dissident. As if the PAP and the PAP IBs themselves care about the value of SG citizenship. :rolleyes:

Many PAP IBs (some lurking here) like to use the phrase 'we are fellow Singaporeans' to appeal to the moderates and strike a conciliatory note with us who do not agree with the PAP. In fact, it is precisely those PAP-supporting 'fellow Singaporeans' that need to be purged lest they corrupt the rest of the population.



Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: FAP Calling for Revoking of New Shityzenship of Critics. FTrashisation Motive Exp

Sinkies are such horrible people, copy from PAP.
Anyone who disagree with Old Fart Lee get chopped.
And Sinkies still think they are good respectable reasonable people.
Angmohs is still the greatest.

Yeah, remember that PR SIA pilot Ryan Goh? LKY took his knuckle dusters to the SIA pilot union meeting... and the rest is history.

It tells you much about the folks who support this kind of gangsterism. :wink: