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Expired cunt Lao Zoe talks about how Ah Seng used to pick her up like a Hooker to Four Seasons and spread her hole

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
Gentleman behaviour ? Her husband got aie permission before firing ? Permission to fire Mdm ? Permission granted. Target CB own time own target fire.

Hungry for sex



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Merl Haggard

Alfrescian (Inf)
OBS responsible and filial meh? This lao cb is just money faced. Anyone who could give her a free boutique to choose her clothes from is worthy of fucking her

BS was keeping her in a 3 bedroom apartment at Nassim Mansion for about 2 years.

We used to tease Ah Seng's late father-in-law to negotiate with him to let us go and jump Zoe.