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Ex-Malaysians as our Singapore member of parliament,


u are helplessly ignorant, didn't u know, Lee Kuan Yew was a lawyer without economy knowledge, he cried because he had no confident that Singapore can survive without a hinterland. he had lost his bet with the Malaysia government, he spend 6 weeks at changi holiday chalet while Toh Chin Chye, Goh Keng Swee and Lim Kim San reorganize Singapore.

Singapore can survive is because of Toh Chin Chye, Goh Keng Swee and Lim Kim San. Goh Keng Swee was running around begging businessmen to pump in money to redevelop Jurong to keep Singapore alive. Lim Kim San busy building public housing. And Toh Chin Chye busy holding the party together. All these while Lee Kuan Yew was in holiday chalet, after that he only listen and sign paper.

Who cares what the old man was. He cried because he was a crybaby who lost a big prize. And we are going out of point - which was what hardship did Singapore go through?

YOu give credit too easily to a bunch of lucky twits. The Brits left Singapore in very solid state. A working civil and legal admin, good quality infrastructure, education, water treatment, port and transport facilities. And the outsome of WW2 left Singapore in good standing with the winning powers - the West. So it wasn't hard for Peesai to pick up the pieces, and her citizens were an obedient bunch who tagged along without questions.

So what hardship did Sg go through?



Those born in Singapore went through hardship meh? What hardship you talking about? Famine? Civil war? Ethnic/religious clashes? Natural calamities? Looking back, the only hardship most Singaporeans went through was the chewing gum ban. Poor thing, cannot chew gum.Physical hardship only NS training sibeh siong liao!


From your reply it clearly shows your lack of understanding what went wrong in Singapore. You sure you aren't a Malaysian? Whatever....allow me to refresh your brainwashed syndrome. We went through a racial riot during the Maria Hethog incident heard about it? Than we also introduce use your hand campaign where All Naturalised born Singaporean took to the street and cleaned up Singapore. And mind you we also had Gotong Royong nay I doubt you heard about that? What about fire crackers banned in Singapore? The Palmer road fire that lead to the emergence of HDB and destructions of squatters in Singapore? The list goes on and on but do you care? All you PAP balls lickers can only talk cock sing song but WE SINGAPOREAN WORKED FUCKING HARD TO WHAT SINGAPORE IS TODAY....Good Morning Mr Wong, just a gentle reminder your cab is here. Thank You! John Andrew RIDDANCE IBs


Spore is NOT American Dream because of Elitism.

After A levels, competition stops. Even if you are Spore-born but win million-dollar career at 18, u will think no problem, meritocracy works!

If you are one of the non-Spore born Mins, MPs and top civil servants (e.g. current and prev MDs of EDB are both from Msia!) - naturally u will like the current system.

All said, we must not become xenophobic but we need a better balance. Sporeans know that. That is why its LLL and not KPK.


From your reply it clearly shows your lack of understanding what went wrong in Singapore. You sure you aren't a Malaysian? Whatever....allow me to refresh your brainwashed syndrome. We went through a racial riot during the Maria Hethog incident heard about it? Than we also introduce use your hand campaign where All Naturalised born Singaporean took to the street and cleaned up Singapore. And mind you we also had Gotong Royong nay I doubt you heard about that? What about fire crackers banned in Singapore? The Palmer road fire that lead to the emergence of HDB and destructions of squatters in Singapore? The list goes on and on but do you care? All you PAP balls lickers can only talk cock sing song but WE SINGAPOREAN WORKED FUCKING HARD TO WHAT SINGAPORE IS TODAY....Good Morning Mr Wong, just a gentle reminder your cab is here. Thank You! John Andrew RIDDANCE IBs

So - how many casualties in what your media described as racial riots? Fire cracker ban was/created a catastrophe? The squatter fires? Rumour had it that the gov't was behind it! Worked hard - so other countries didn't work hard lah! So what if I am a Malaysian? Singaporeans are better? Don't sing praises of your hard work like Singapore's success was through your efforts - if not for ASEAN cooperation, and Sg's strategic position, you buggers won't even have left your motherland to settle in the British catalysed city-state, a successful harbor city with modern amenities even before WW2!



Alfrescian (Inf)
If your criteria for suspecting someone is that he / she has family and relations in Malaysia, I will be suspect number 1 because even though I was born here, served NS and did my reservist here, I have many family members in Malaysia.

Also, would you suspect the ex-Malaysian who's uprooted his entire family to Singapore?

huh? how do you stop these ex-malaysians from compromising on Singapore interest to protect their own families back in malaysia should relationship between Singapore and malaysia turn sour?

syed putra

Malaysia and Singapore sama-sama Mah! Even the food, culture, roots, diversity. One can be the other.


Malaysia and Singapore sama-sama Mah! Even the food, culture, roots, diversity. One can be the other.

I am glad you see it that way, sama-sama. But there are Sinkies who see themselves above their brothers up north. Myself, I see myself as human first before being any other denomination eg. Chinese, etc.
